Mary's Corner

Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
426 N. West Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-2171
Parish Office: 630/279-5700
Fax: 630/279-4667

Market Day

Orders for January are due Monday, January 16, at noon.  Turn in 
your order form in the box at the back of church or at the 
rectory.  Pickup on Saturday, January 21, from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. 
in the Social Hall.  

If you have questions or would like to place an order, 
please call Maria at 279-2238 or Karen at 279-4108.

Mayslake Ministries

"A Circle of Stones:  Women at Prayer," is being presented 
at Mayslake Ministries in Westmont on Jan. 12, and on the 2nd 
Thursday of each month, from 7:30 - 9 p.m.  Facilitated by Mary 
Jo Valenziano at a cost of $15, all Christian women are welcome.  
Call for info & to register at 630-323-1620.

Religious Education News

Mark your calendars:

No RE classes on Wednesday, January 4th.

Classes resume at the regular times on
Wednesday, January 11.

On behalf of all of our Religious Education staff, please 
accept our wishes for a happy and peace-filled 2006.

If you have any questions or need more information, please 
call Mary Ann Woods at the REO, 832-8962.

New Year's Parish Office

The parish office will be closed on Monday, January 2.

Starting Tuesday, January 3, the parish office will be open on 
weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

As always, in case of emergency, the pastoral life 
coordinator can be reached at (630)379-8355.

50th Anniversary Celebration

	Our next planning meeting will be held on Thursday, January 
12th, 7:30 p.m. in Barrett Hall.

	Plans for the MQH 50th Anniversary year-long celebration 
are well underway but much help is needed to work on various 
events.  The following are some of the areas where we need 
information and help.

1.	Memorabilia from the past (pictures, booklets, newspaper 
articles, etc).  

2.	Names and addresses of previous parishioners or alumni of our 
school so we can invite them to our celebration.  For more 
information or questions: contact Sheila Reiter 833-6657 or 
Ellen Walker 279-4021.

3.	A 50th Anniversary Cookbook with best recipes from 	MQH 
parishioners is planned.  Recipes should be 	carefully 
printed or typed and checked for accuracy.  	Recipe forms are 
available in the vestibule of church 	and can be sent to the 
rectory to the attention of Mary 	Nanak or Ellen Walker.  We 
thank you for your part		icipation in this project and if 
you have any questions 	please call Mary Nanak (530-4502) or 
Ellen Walker 	(279-4021).

Help Someone Come Home!!

	Welcoming Catholics Home Ministry is looking for interested 
and compassionate parishioners to join our team.  This is an 
outreach ministry for Catholics who are interested in coming back 
home to the church.  
	Our first six-week series was last April and May, and we 
are planning our next series which begins on Tuesday, January 24, 
at 7:30 p.m. and will run for six consecutive weeks.
	Are you a compassionate, non-judgmental individual, who is 
willing to join the team and walk with those seeking to return to 
their Catholic faith?  Are you seeking to strengthen your own 
faith?  Do you acknowledge that struggles in your faith journey 
help you grow closer to God?  Are you a Catholic that 'came 
	If you would like to be part of this exciting ministry, or 
if you know of someone who is seeking to return to the Catholic 
faith,  call Donna Klopacz at 630-832-3618.

L.O.S.S. Support Group

(Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide)

	Joliet Diocese Catholic Charities sponsors support groups 
for anyone who has lost a relative or friend to suicide.  A 
trained facilitator and a mental health professional assist these 
groups.  The groups meet from 7 to 9 p. m.  

Jan.  3 - Catholic Charities Office
		270 N. Schuyler Ave., Kankakee

Jan. 18 - St. Paul the Apostle Activity Center 
		130 Woodlawn in Joliet 

Jan. 26 - St. Daniel the Prophet Parish Center
		101 West Loop Drive in Wheaton 

Prayer  Requests		
    To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our 
parish family.  We hope that you will pray for these 
persons every day, alone or as a family.  Thank you.
	Joe Abruzzo	Pam Bondfide
	Heather Brennan	Katherine Brennan
	Kathleen Bryers	Pat Caffarelli	
	Rose Caffarelli	Kathy Calzante
	Family of Cynthia Catalano	Cosmore Ciancio
	Paul Cirone	Rhonda Colletti
	Margaret Conroy	Trudi Dolato
	Dino Fuggitti	Anna Heffel
	Jen Huwalt	Tom Huwalt
	Pat Holmes	Michelle Humann
	Maureen James	Tom Janicke 
	Irene Kmieciak	Bernadette Kohn
	Tim Kowalski	John Lane	
	Baby Emma Lynde	Robert Manion
	Bobbi Nannini	Geri Pstrzoch
	Vincent Scilluffo	Eleanor Sikorski
	Jeff Smith		Karen Sutkus
	Cathy Ward

Rest in Peace

Theresa Adorno,  Marilyn Barloga,  Rosa Soldano

If you or a family member would like to be included in our 
prayers, please call the rectory at 279-5700.  Also, please let 
us know when a name should be removed.

Wheaton Franciscans
Men's Group

	You are invited to participate in a safe, non-therapeutic, 
confidential place to nurture your spirit and your soul.  

	Join us every other Tuesday, January 10, 24, February 7, 
21, March 14, 28, April 11, 25, May 9, 23, June 6, 20, 2006 from 
7:30 -9:00 p.m.  Meetings will be held at Maura Hall, Wheaton 
Franciscan Campus, 26W171 Roosevelt Road, Wheaton, IL 60187.

	Facilitator:  Fr. Tom Borkowski, Director of Faith 
Development and Chaplain of the Wheaton Franciscan Sisters, is a 
pastoral counselor, trained spiritual director and international 
retreat leader.  To register or to request more information, 
please call Fr. Tom  at 630/784-2685 or e-mail him at  

	I traveled with 24 missionaries representing 3 states 
(Arkansas, Illinois and New York), 10 parishes, and 6 dioceses to 
the city of Sucre, Bolivia, for a joint education, construction 
and medical mission sponsored by the Archdioceses of Sucre and 
the Diocese of Joliet.  Members of the construction team worked 
in one of the poorest barrios (neighborhoods) and built a one-
room house from the ground up for a family in need of shelter.  
Thirty-pound adobe blocks were fashioned on site and carried with 
other supplies a quarter of a mile up a steep hill where the 
house was to be built.  Members of the family, including the 
grandmother and 3-year-old daughter, helped carry sand and 
materials up the hill with the others.  Tears streamed down the 
mother's fade as we dedicated and blessed the house at the end of 
our stay.

	In the schools and daycare facilities, members of the 
education team brought supplies and toys to needy children whose 
eyes beamed with love that someone cared enough to come and see 
them.  Team members and the children danced and sang together, 
sharing cultures and languages at the same time.  The wonderful 
dedicated teachers (who have not been paid in months) continue to 
work because of their love for the children.

	the medical team included a general surgeon, an 
orthopedist, a nurse anesthetist, surgical techs, and RNs.  They 
worked each day in the newly constructed hospital Cristas de Los 
Americas, which was built by the diocese of Joliet just 5 years 
ago.  Although equipment was minimal, some for the donations 
brought from the states, they performed over 60 operations of an 
orthopedic and general surgical nature.  Many people had 
conditions similar to those we have in the U.S., but local 
problems related to the Chagas beetle were certainly uncommon to 
the doctors.  The genital deformities wee also not seen in the 
States very often.

	The city of Sucre is at an altitude of 9000 Feed and has 
approximately 250,000 people.  The Spanish architecture is well 
preserved and beautiful.  We traveled to the Quecha Indian town 
of Terrabucho on the weekend and visited and shopped at a large 
market in the square.

	There was a banquet at the end of the visit that many of 
the local Bolivian people attended.  The gratitude expressed to 
all of us for coming, caring and sharing was a wonderful 
experience.  Some members of our team had been there before; this 
is my 7th trip.  I know why we return.  It was a tremendous 
mission.  If you find it in your heart to consider a mission trip 
like his one, let God guide you in your decision and the Holy 
spirit will tell you when the time is right.

Thank you for all your prayers.		Judy Fuschen

Christian Service Commission

Mission to Sucre, Bolivia
October 1-15, 2005			Judy Fuschen

MQH Recycling Program

Become environmentally aware and productive.  Recycled 
paper can help he world's efforts to reduce the destruction of 
trees which has a long-lasting effect for our earth.  Here area 
couple of facts that you might find interesting.  One ton of 
recycled paper used to make newsprint saves: 17 trees, 390 
gallons of oil, 4100 kw hours of electricity, 7000 gallons of 
water and 3.3 cubic yards of landfill space.  We can do it!!!  
Just bring your paper to the yellow and green container by the 
parish garage and help our earth and environment.  More 
information can be found the bulletin flier.			

Sister Marlene

Immaculate Conception High School
Placement Test
Class of 2010

Entrance exam-Sat., January 14th, 8 a.m.-12 p.m.

Pre-Test and Entrance exam Workshop
Thursday, January 12th, 7-8PM

	The workshop will offer test taking techniques and 
strategies.  A sample of the entrance test will be administered.  
The fee is $25.  The fee will cover the workshop and entrance 
exam on Saturday, January 14th.  Registration on the day of the 
exam will be $30.  No calculators or dictionaries are allowed.  
Please bring two #2 pencils.  For more information, please cal 
Mary Madsen in the Main Office at 63-530-3460.

"Out of Poverty" Program

	Catholic Charities in Lombard will hold an "Out of Poverty" 
program for the poor and needy of our community in an effort to 
prevent homelessness and improve people's lives.  There are no 
explicit criteria for attendance other than individuals who find 
themselves out of poverty.  "Out of Poverty" helps the 
participants to take control of their goals, time, and money for 
a prosperous and self-sufficient future and allows them to work 
against hunger, homelessness, unemployment, and low self-esteem.  
The free program runs for 10 weeks, twice a week, Mondays and 
Wednesdays, 10-11:30 a.m., and will start Wed., Jan., 25 and last 
until Mon., April 3.

	Please call Sandra Feely at 630-495-8008, ext 64 with  
questions and to be included on a list for the next class.

MQH Parish Pastoral Council

Meeting Summary -- November 28, 2005

	All meetings of the Mary Queen of Heaven Parish 
Pastoral Council are begun with prayer and faith sharing, 
and conclude with prayers of petition and thanksgiving.

	Commission Reports: All commissions continue their 
work on the Parish Plan that is to be presented to the PPC 
early in the New Year. In addition,

	Worship Commission: In preparation for the 50th 
Anniversary Mass on April 2, each of the four commissions 
is being asked to design and produce a suitable banner to 
be used in the procession. Training booklets for altar 
servers are now in place.

	Service Commission: The Welcoming Catholics Home 
program will resume at the end of January and continue for 
six weeks. The MQH Men's Group will be assisting with Art & 
Environment during Advent and Christmas, and plans to hold 
a Super Bowl Party. Marriage Ministry is planning a special 
blessing of married couples for all Masses on the weekend 
of February 11 and 12, in anticipation of Valentine's Day. 
St. Vincent DePaul Society will sponsor a giving tree again 
this year, as well as a Christmas food collection. CCW is 
again sponsoring a dinner for seniors of the parish. Peace 
and Justice Committee is recruiting volunteers for the 
Catholic Construction Corps to help with rebuilding in 
hurricane ravaged areas.

	Administration Commission: A Commission Expense 
Tracking Form has been produced to aid in budget planning 
and monitoring.

	Education Commission: Did not meet in November. 

Old Business:

	Pre-School Feasibility Study: This committee continues 
to meet, and will have a final report and recommendations 
for the PPC in January.

	Pastoral Life Coordinator Comments: The Safe Touch 
Program for all students in our Religious Education Classes 
has been completed. All Parish Pastoral Council members 
were asked to complete the Protecting God's Children 
program if they have not yet done so. 

New Business: 

	"The Chairman expressed his desire to have the PPC 
structure become the principal forum for dealing with 
questions or concerns from parishioners.  Some things can 
be handled or discussed at commission meetings.  It is also 
hoped that parishioners will take advantage of the open 
session at PPC meetings."  Additionally,  the PPC members 
will commit themselves to providing a witness of 
cooperation and mutual respect to the parish as a whole.

	Next Meeting: Monday, January 23, 7:00 P.M., MQH 

	(A copy of the complete minutes of the November 28 
meeting is on display in the foyer of the church.  Anyone 
wishing to obtain a personal copy may do so by calling the 
parish office, 279-5700.)

Welcoming Catholics Home

	Do you know someone who has left the church?  Most of us 
don't have to think hard to find nonpracticing Catholics in our 
circle of family and friends.  Many of us are concerned about 
them, but we do not know how to help them find their way home to 
the Catholic Church.
	First we need to pray for them.  Next, we need to extend a 
personal invitation to come home to the Catholic Church.  Many 
nonpracticing Catholics are waiting for an invitation to return.  
Many mistakenly think they are excommunicated and are not welcome 
to return for a variety of reasons.  You can make a tremendous 
difference in someone's life by reaching out to them and telling 
them we miss them and would like them to come back home to our 
Church family.
	We are excited to offer a series entitled "Welcoming 
Catholics Home" to help non-practicing Catholics return.  It will 
meet for six consecutive weeks beginning on Tuesday, January 24, 
at 7:30-9 p.m. at Mary Queen of Heaven Church.
	Other information on this series ill be available in the 
back of church and in the bulletin in the next few weeks. Please 
pass this information on to anyone who might be interested.  For 
more information or to register for the series call Donna Klopacz 
at 832-3618.

New Ministry of Commentator

	Beginning in January, our Liturgy Committee will be 
instituting a three-month trial with the ministry of Commentator.  
This is a traditional ministry of the Church, still allowed, 
which provides for the introduction/explanation of certain parts 
of the Mass.  Here at Mary Queen, we will be trying out the role 
of Commentator to introduce the Sunday readings.  Many people 
always liked the way that Father John introduced the readings, 
saying that the introduction helped them to more fully enter into 
Word of God.  On the Sundays that Father John is still here, he 
will continue to do this.  Now, with the role of Commentator, we 
will be able to have an introduction to the readings at all of 
the other weekend Masses, too.

	The role of Commentator will be filled by our Lectors.  
Usually, the role of Commentator is a separate ministry, with the 
Commentator speaking from a different microphone.  Given our 
sanctuary space limitations, this will be a combined ministry for 
our Lectors, who will read the introduction before beginning the 
readings.  The introduction will be prepared in advance by the 
Pastoral Life Coordinator.

	The first three months of the year will be a trial period 
for this new ministry of Commentator.  After that time, there 
will be an evaluation to see if this will remain a regular part 
of our liturgical practice.

December Celebrations

	We welcome into the Mary Queen of Heaven Parish Family the 
following who were baptized in December, 2005:

Alessandra Reed Formento
Jake Charles Melion
Tyler Christian Origatano
Kyle Patrick Tarpey

Sean Budgin 
Eleanor Lanier Horne

Volunteer Work 

To Fit Your Schedule

	Debbie and Randy Styka need a few helpers every month or 
two, on a Sunday morning, early, probably 5:30 to 7:30 a.m.

	Bethel Church and Mary Queen will be taking care of the 2nd 
Sat/Sun or each month to serve the homeless at a PADS site at 
Elmhurst Presbyterian Church on Spring & St. Charles in Elmhurst.  
Duties may include serving breakfast, cleaning up after 
breakfast, putting away bedding.  

	Call Debbie at 941-7224 if you can help one time or more.  
She will add you to her monthly e-mail reminder list.  Thank you 
for considering this work.

Christian Service Commission

"Following Mary's Pathway
in the New Year"

A Day of Spiritual Renewal for all Women
Saturday, January 7, 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
At St. Mary Immaculate Church, Plainfield
8:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m. Continental breakfast.
9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Retreat, with lunch break.
5;00 p.m. - Mass and reconciliation
Registration is $30.  Deadline Dec. 30th
Contact Nancy Bruckner, 815-254-2886.

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