Mary's Corner

Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
426 N. West Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-2171
Parish Office: 630/279-5700
Fax: 630/279-4667

Today is Catechetical Sunday, a day when all of those involved in catechetical ministry are recognized. We now have 62 women and men serving as catechists in our Religious Education program for children. Others in the parish serve as catechists, too, including Deacon Tom, Mary Ann Woods, and Mimi Wolak and Tom Nanak from our RCIA program. Today, we celebrate with gratitude the gifts that these catechists share with our parish, helping both adults and children to grow in knowledge of the Catholic faith and tradition.

Our Religious Education program has grown tremendously over the last couple of years, from having 400 students to more than 500 today. This is a tribute to the work of our Director of Religious Education, Mary Ann Woods, who leads her staff and volunteers with wisdom and love. The dedication of our catechists and the quality of our program has attracted new families to Religious Ed and to our parish. I want to express my gratitude to them all. Moreover, our RCIA catechists faithfully serve our parish week-by-week, preparing catechumens (those never baptized) and candidates (those baptized in another tradition, or perhaps persons baptized as Catholics but who never received religious instruction) for full initiation into the Catholic Church. These new Catholics are well educated, thanks to the catechists and the entire RCIA team who devote themselves to sharing the Catholic faith. My thanks to all of them and to Deacon Tom, who helps both with the religious education of children and of adults.

While the ministry of catechists is known especially for instruction, there are other ways that we share our Catholic faith with others in every day life, not only in the things that we say to people but also by the ways that we live our lives. This is called Evangelization. All of us are called to be evangelizers. This word often conjures up visions of street corner preachers or knocking door-to- door carrying Bibles. Not everyone can do these things, nor are they the types of activities that engage everyone. But there are ways that each of us can reach out to others, using the gifts of the knowledge that we do have and the personalities God gave us, to make connections for people with our Catholic faith, or even help to bring some non- practicing folks back to church.

On a related note, our planned pre-school will be a great work of evangelization for our parish. Its opening depends, however, upon raising start-up costs, beginning with funds needed to furnish one classroom so that we can begin marketing efforts by December. By selling enough tickets to the John Michael Talbot concert, we can accomplish this important start. So, please help by buying concert tickets for your family and friends. We will begin publishing more regular updates on pre-school development and will share the total amount we hope to raise in start- up costs through fundraising and grant funding. We can give you this figure as soon as the bidding process has been completed. Thanks to all who were at last week's pre- school meeting for their good input and for offers of help as we continue working towards our goal.

Mary M. Foley, Pastoral Life Coordinator

	If you are going to participate in the LETTER WRITING 
PROJECT next Sunday after Mass, please be sure to bring 3 - 39c 
stamps; we will provide sample letters, paper, envelopes, pens.

	Here is additional information about the BREAD FOR THE 
WORLD (BFW) project. BFW is supported by more than 45 
denominations and church agencies... Roman Catholic, mainline 
Protestant, Evangelical, Pentecostal, and Orthodox. The Good News 
of Jesus Christ moves us to create new visions and possibilities 
for our global family. As a percentage of Gross National Product 
(GNP), the United States provides less development assistance 
than any of the other 21 richest countries. The USA allocates 
less than 1 percent. Most of our country's foreign assistance 
budget goes for military training and equipment, and economic 
support for political allies. The Bush administration has 
proposed the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA). But to make the 
MCA a reality, Congress must pass legislation which provides the 
funding and the details of how the MCA is to be implemented. 

	So BFW participants (you and I) need to urge members of 
Congress to make the USA a leader in this international campaign 
to cut hunger and poverty and meet the MCA Goal by the target 

	If you have any questions, please feel free to contact 
Jeannette Elderkin at 279-9116 or check out BREAD FOR THE WORLD 
at . 

Marianjoy Celebrates Grand 
Opening of Its New Hospital

	Marianjoy is proud to celebrate the Grand Opening of its 
new 120-private room hospital.  The community is invited to join 
in the celebration on Sunday, September 17, 2006 from 12-4:00 
p.m.  The event will include a free health fair for individuals 
of all ages, including a free helmet give-away to the first 500 
children (child must be present), blood pressure testing, fall 
risk assessment testing, developmental milestone assessments for 
children, tips on avoiding head injuries, stroke assessments, 
driver safety information, and seated exercise demonstrations, 
just to name a few.

	Enjoy a tour of our new facility showcasing our labyrinth, 
enabling garden, meditation room, and new chapel.  Games for the 
kids, over 200 raffle prizes to win, and free food!  For more 
information, call 630-588-7882.

Community News

Effective Choices,
Effective Parenting

	Offering a variety of workshops and seminars to assist you in becoming the parent you want to be.

	Building Effective Relationships with Our School Aged Children
September 19th, 7 - 9 P.M.,
for parents of children ages 5 - 12

	This two-hour workshop helps parents build on their existing strengths in order to win greater cooperation with their elementary aged children. In addition, it assists them 
in providing their children with the tools they need to survive 
and thrive in today's society.
Building Effective Relationships with
Our Difficult Children
September 26th, 7 - 9 P.M., 
for parents of children with ADD/ADHD

	This two-hour workshop strengthens parents' skills to interact effectively with children who are suspected to have symptoms of ADD or who have been diagnosed 
with ADD or ADHD.
	Both  workshops will be held at: Catholic Charities, 26 W. St. Charles Rd, Lombard, IL. The cost is $20 per person; or $25 per couple. Pre-registration is 
required. Please call the instructor,  James Gilligan, MSW, 
LSW, at 630.710.8226 for more information or to register.

"Evening Under the Stars"
Auction/Dinner Dance

	Plans are well underway for our 50th Anniversary "Evening 
Under the Stars" Auction/Dinner Dance, which will be held on 
Friday, November 3, 2006, at Alta Villa Banquets in Addison, 

	Letters have been sent to businesses and parishioners 
seeking donations for our Live and Silent Auctions.  We are in 
need of people to help follow up on these letters.  Many hands 
are needed to call and visit the businesses we have written to in 
an effort to obtain as many donations as possible.  Do you have 
some time to spare to help us with this task?  Without the help 
of willing parishioners, the task of obtaining items from 
businesses for the auction will make our efforts fruitless.  WE 
NEED YOU!  Please consider attending our next planning meeting on 
Thursday, September 21st at 7:30 p.m. in Mary's Gathering Space..

	There are also many other areas where volunteers are 
needed:  helping with decorations, parishioner donations, ticket 
sales, raffle tickets, etc.  If you would be willing to help, we 
invite you to attend the next meeting or give Sheila Reiter a 
call at 630-833-6657 and let her know you are willing to help in 
a certain area.

	This is the ninth year for our "Evening Under the Stars" 
Auction/Dinner Dance any many are looking forward to a wonderful 
evening socializing with parishioners and friends, and the 
opportunity to purchase auction items at great prices that can be 
given as gifts for the holidays or special occasions.

	The proceeds from this benefit will be used to help support 
our Church Mission of reaching out to those who are hungry, sick 
and otherwise in need; supporting our youth who are the future of 
the Church and our world; and supporting the various ministries 
in our parish which allow us to live our lives through faith, 
hope, and loving service to all.

Market Day

	Orders for September are due Monday, September 18, at noon.  
Turn in your order form in the box in the back of church or at 
the rectory.  Pickup on Saturday, September 23, from 9:30 - 10:30 
a.m. in the Social Hall.  

	If you have questions or would like to place an order, 
please call Maria at 279-2238 or Karen at 279-4108.

Prayer  Requests

	To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our 
parish family.  We hope that you will pray for these 
persons every day.

	Natalie Baker			Pam Bondfide
	Heather Brennan			Kathleen Bryers		
	Doresa Brugler			Pat Caffarelli		
	Rose Caffarelli			Kathy Calzante		
	Cosmore Ciancio			Dennis Ciancio		
	Paul Cirone			Margaret Conroy
	Cynthia Catalano Family 	Ida Corriedo		
	Trudi Dolato			Baby Dobrowolski	
	Virginia Feret			Modesta Goggins	
	Mary Hagerty			Anna Heffel		
	Jen Huwalt			Tom Huwalt		
	Pat Holmes			Michelle Humann	
	Maureen James			Kathy Johnston		
	Irene Kmieciak			Bernadette Kohn	
	Tim Kowalski			Baby Emma Lynde	
	Robert Manion			Dennis McCabe
	Raymond Mitchell		Fred Moss	
	Bobbi Nannini			Geri Pstrzoch	
	Baby Faith Reid			Robert Restivo	
	Joaquina Scroppo		Jess Smith	
	Mary Spierowski			Rachael Thompson	
	Cathy Ward

	If you or a family member would like to be included in our 
prayers, please call the rectory at 279-5700.  Also, please let 
us know when a name should be removed.

Rosary Walk for Life
Blessing of New Pregnancy Center

	Bishop Roger Kaffer will lead a Rosary Walk for Life at 
9:00 a.m., Saturday, September 23rd.  He will also give his 
blessing to the new Woman's Choice Services-South location on 75th 
Street in Downers Grove.

	Mass with Bishop Kaffer begins at 9:00 a.m. at Divine 
Savior Parish, 6700 Main Street, Downers Grove, followed by the 
Rosary Walk to the Access Abortion Center on 75th Street.  At 
11:30 a.m., Bishop Kaffer will bless the new Woman's Choice 
Services-South Pregnancy Resource Center.  The morning concludes 
at Divine Savior Parish with Benediction and a Reception.  

	For more information, please contact Sarah Halbur, 815-727-
3018, or the Life Office, 815-838-1002.

Have You Lost a Loved One 
to Suicide?

	Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Joliet offers a 
program called L.O.S.S. (Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide) 
in order to help those grieving a death by suicide of a family 
member or close friend. A group for the newly bereaved and/or new 
members will meet for 10 weeks, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., beginning 
September 28 and following every Thursday night through January 

	The group will meet at St. Francis of Assisi, 1501 W. 
Boughton Road in Bolingbrook. To register, or for more 
information, call 800-240-7011 before September 25. A minimum of 
10 people are needed to convene the group.

Thank You!  Thank You!  Thank You!

	Catholic Charities, coordinator of the DuPage County Back 
to School Fair, would like to thank everyone for helping make 
this year's Fair at the County Fairgrounds such a wonderful 
success.  Through the generosity of your parish collection and 
many individual donors, we were able to serve one thousand low-
income families living in our county.  We were also able to 
provide each of their two thousand children with a $10 voucher to 
purchase school supplies at local Jewel-Osco stores.  Your 
generosity of time and resources ensured a happy and healthy 
return to school this fall for many of our client families.  God 
bless you for your generosity!

Elmhurst Catholic M.O.M.S.
(Moms Offering Moms Support)

	Moms Offering Moms Support is a social and spiritual 
organization that provides an opportunity for mothers of young 
children from Elmhurst Catholic parishes to meet other mothers.  
Bi-monthly meetings include one morning mother/child activity and 
an evening activity just for moms.  There are no membership fees 
and everyone is welcome.  M.O.M.S. has its meetings in Msgr. 
Plunkett Hall, lower level of the Immaculate Conception chapel, 
from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. unless otherwise noted.  

	On Thursday, September 21, 2006, please join us for an 
evening of wine tasting and learn the difference between a 
Chardonnay and a Cabernet in a relaxed environment.  For those 
wine enthusiasts, come and share your knowledge and your favorite 
wines.  To RSVP and to receive time and location information, 
please contact Daisy at or at 630-

Diocesan News

Religious Education News
	Please consider joining our team of dedicated men and women 
just like yourself who weekly share their Faith with the young 
people of the parish. 

Reminder to all RE families and friends

	Classes for the 06/07 year begin this Wednesday, September 
20th at the regular time sessions.  Remember that we do not 
process registrations the week of September 20th. We will accept 
registrations for the coming year, but the children will not be 
put on a class list until next week. Pass the word to your 
friends and neighbors.  

	For more info on any of the above, please call Mary Ann 
Woods at the REO, 832-8962.

	Every year throughout the country the third weekend of 
September is set aside to recognize those who minister as 
catechists in our parishes. The theme of this year's Catechetical 
Recognition celebrations is "Who Do You Say That I Am"? 
Catechists are people who take Jesus' question seriously. As they 
work to live as disciples, they also teach others how to be his 
disciples. Catechists play an important role in sharing the gift 
of faith with the world. Catechetical Weekend celebrates all who 
teach us and draw us to a deeper understanding of Christ. This 
weekend we will recognize all of our RE catechists.

	Thank you to all who have answered the call to be a 
catechist here at Mary Queen. If you happen to run into one of 
our over 60 men and women who minister to your children as a 
catechist, you might want to tell them how much you appreciate 
what they do.

The following are grade levels where help is still needed: Note 
that there are some changes in our needs.

Session 2 - 5:15
Grade One - 	One person is needed
Grade Seven  - One person is needed. 

	With the start of RE, please be very cautious in the 
parking lot on Wednesday afternoons and evenings.  Our little 
ones and even our not so little ones are our precious gifts from 

Christian Education Commission

"Out of Poverty" Program

	Catholic Charities plans to hold an "Out of Poverty" 
program in September in an effort to prevent homelessness and 
improve people's lives.  There are no explicit criteria for 
attendance other than individuals who find themselves in need of 
assistance in moving out of poverty.  The program helps the 
participants to take control of their goals, time, and money for 
a prosperous and self-sufficient future. The program is for 10 
weeks, once a week, and is free. 	Classes will be held in our 
office at 26 W. St. Charles Road, Lombard, on Mondays from 9:30 
a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and will start on Monday, September 18.

	Please call Dennis Haffron at 630-495-8008, ext. 45 with 
any questions and to be included on a list for the next class. 

Marriage Ministry Presents:
10 great Dates!

	We are introducing the Great Dates Program this fall and we 
are inviting you to make 10 dates with your spouse this year.  
The cost will be $11.00 per couple which covers the cost of the 
companion text.  

	We meet for our first date on Saturday, October 14, in 
Barrett Hall at 6:30 p.m. and will meet every 2nd Saturday of the 
month for the next 9 months.  

	The date begins with a brief gathering at the parish for 
fellowship and to quickly review the material in the chapter for 
that date.  Then you simply go off to our favorite restaurant, 
coffee shop, park, hiking trail, etc., and enjoy each others 
company and conversations.  This is a time to renew and enrich 
your marriage.  It is designed for all couples in all stages of 
marriage.  Your marriage is one of the most important 
relationships that a couple shares and this program will enhance 
our commitment, intimacy and spirituality.  Come and join us.  

	More information and sign up sheets are available in the 
vestibule of the church, or call Don and Ellen Walker at 630-279-

Lands of the Bible

Week 7 Synopsis 

	The seventh week of our study looks at the rich history of 
Jerusalem, from its conquest by David and the age of the Temple 
to the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

A Vocation View

	We do not promote an easy life.  But then no life worth 
living is an easy life.  Jesus said, "If you wish to come after 
me, you must deny your very self, take up your cross and follow 
me."  Pray for the gift of being able to accept your vocation.

Academy of Our Lady 
Alumnae Reunion

Saturday, October 21 and
Sunday, October 22, 2006

	For more information, please call the AOL Alumnae Office, 

St. Vincent DePaul

	The St. Vincent DePaul Committee will hold its monthly 
meeting on :

Thursday, September 28th
				7:30-8:30 p.m.
Conference Room Off Mary's Gathering Space

	Anyone interested in working with this ministry is invited 
to come..  For more information, please call Sheila Reiter at 

        		As has been announced, our parish theme for this 
year is "Evangelization and Stewardship."  Don't let those 
two words scare you!  As good stewards become good 
evangelizers, our parish will embark on an exciting path 
that leads to attracting new parishioners, welcoming new 
Catholics, bringing back inactive Catholics, inviting 
existing Catholics to new levels of conversion, and sharing 
the good news of Jesus Christ with your whole community. 
Our opening event for the year's activities focused on this 
theme is going to be on Tuesday night, when our parish will 
host Lorene Duquin, who heads evangelization ministry for 
the Diocese of Buffalo, New York.  Lorene is a delightful, 
engaging speaker who will give us practical, step-by-step 
advice on how linking stewardship and evangelization can 
bring new life to parish life.  We are grateful for the 
grant that funded this event.

English as a Second Language

Literacy in Action DuPage 
offers English as a Second Language classes 
to adults who want to learn or improve 
their skills in the English language. 

If there is sufficient interest, 
classes will be offered at MQH starting in October. 

If you or someone you know 
would like to learn English 
or improve their English speaking skills, 
please contact the church office.

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