Mary's Corner

Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
426 N. West Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-2171
Parish Office: 630/279-5700
Fax: 630/279-4667

Feast of the Body and Blood Of Christ

Do this in remembrance of me.  Feed the hungry; 
proclaim the good news of everlasting life. 

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Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Diocese of Joliet

Honey-Do List

	The car needs a tune-up, the house needs a fresh coat of 
paint, the grass needs cutting and the garage desperately needs 
to be cleaned out.  The list of things to do seems to never end.  
What about your marriage?  

	Isn't it time to place your relationship at the top of the 
list of things that need tending to?  Make a Marriage Encounter 
Weekend and give your marriage a tune-up.  This short weekend 
together can reap benefits for you and your spouse for years to 

Contact Tom & Mary Leonard at:  

Upcoming weekend dates: 
June 22-24, Sept. 21-23 and Oct. 26-28.  

Visit us on the web at

Volunteer Tutors Needed

	The Congregation of St. Joseph (formerly the Sisters of 
Joseph of La Grange Park) is in need of volunteers for its adult 
literacy program, School on Wheels. 

	Tutors are needed to teach one hour per week from    9 a.m. 
to 2 p.m. or 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. in Hodgkins, Summit, Westmont, and 

	A Two-day training will be provided from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 
p.m. on two consecutive Saturdays: June 23 and June 30. 
Volunteers must attend both training sessions. No prior second 
language skills are needed. 

For more information, 
call 708-354-9200 Ext. 5060, 5085, or 5037.

	Mary Queen of Heaven Preschool registration continues!  
Please see our website at and contact 
the parish office for more information and registration.  

	Preschool tours scheduled on request.

"Ladies Night Out" Dinner

	The Council of Catholic Women is sponsoring "Ladies Night 
Out" on Tuesday, June 19, at 7:00 p.m.    This is a great 
opportunity to relax and enjoy fellowship with your friends from 
MQH.  We will be honoring Teri Kevil, our Woman of the Year, for 
her dedication and work in our parish over the years.

	The celebration will be held at Anyways Restaurant & Pub, 5 
E. Roosevelt Road, Oakbrook Terrace.  Dinner includes your choice 
of one of the following entrees:  1) Anyway's Pasta  2) Penne 
Mozzarella Pasta 3) Junior Sirloin Steak 4) Grilled Chicken Pasta 
5) Mediterranean Chicken   6) Blackened Catfish or 7) Pasta 
Milano as well as coffee, soft drinks or tea and an ice cream 
dessert.  A cash bar will also be available.  The cost for the 
evening will be $25 per person and checks should be made payable 
to Mary Queen of Heaven CCW.

	The deadline for reservations is Sunday, June 10, as we 
have to give the restaurant a one-week's advance notice.  Please 
return your reservation as soon as possible to a CCW 
representative, the church office, or drop it in the collection 

	CCW representatives will be in the church vestibule this 
weekend to take reservations.  For further information call Mary 
Connelly (782-7626) or Diane Bernstein (279-7252).

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
From the Peace and Justice Ministry

	The United States is the world's single largest contributor 
to global warming, with average annual emissions of 19.6 tons per 
person, nearly five times the world average of 3.9 tons per 
person.  We can all take actions to reduce the amount of carbon 
pollution or heat-trapping gasses that we generate.

Reduce Energy Use

	"People know that cars contribute to global warming, but 
they don't realize that every time they turn on a light bulb a 
power plant is discharging heat-trapping gasses into the 
atmosphere" says WWF scientist Dr. Lara Hansen.  "Everyone needs 
to recognize the implications of energy use - it's a privilege, 
not a right."  Make a commitment to reduce the amount of energy 
you use.  Simple actions like using compact fluorescent light 
bulbs, driving less, adjusting thermostats, and recycling can 
reduce your emissions.

People's Resource Center
    MQH Peace and Justice Committee is offering YOU a great 
opportunity to be part of the group from Mary Queen who are going 
to stock shelves at the People's Resource Center in Wheaton on 
Saturday, June 23 from 8:30 until noon.  Mark your calendar. We 
have five members of the Peace and Justice committee signed up. 
We have room for about 8 parishioners to participate in this 
    Don't wait! Call Milt Honel (279-7086) to confirm that we 
still have room in one of the vehicles driving to Wheaton. 
    You will have an opportunity to help the clients served by the 
PRC...we might even stop off for lunch on the way home. So call 
Milt. We are going to have fun and we will be doing our Good Deed 
for that day. 

Market Day

	Orders for June are due by Monday, June 18, at noon.  Turn 
in your order form in the box in the back of church or at the 
rectory.  Pickup on Saturday, June 23, from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. in 
the Social Hall.  

	If you have questions or would like to place an order, 
please call Maria at 279-2238 or Karen at 279-4108.

Prayer  Requests
To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our parish 
family.  We hope that you will pray for these persons every day.

	Natalie Baker			Pam Bondfide
	Pat Caffarelli			Rose Caffarelli
	Kathy Calzante			Cosmore Ciancio
	Dennis Ciancio			Lou Ciancio
	George Cibula			Paul Cirone	
	Ida Corriedo			Cynthia Catalano Family
	Deacon Bob Delbeke		Trudi Dolato
	Baby Dobrowolski		Virginia Feret
	Kathy Filipiak			Cecilia Garstki
	Mary Goggins			Mary Hagerty
	Anna Heffel			Jen Huwalt
	Tom Huwalt			Michelle Humann
	Maureen James			Richard Jones
	Kathy Johnston			Irene Kmieciak
	Bernadette Kohn			Anne Kostas
	John Larkin			Baby Emma Lynde
	Marie Mangano			Robert Manion
	Dennis McCabe			Kathryn Passarelli
	Mary Piszczor			Raymond Mitchell
	Fred Moss			Mary Sabel Oye
	Geri Pstrzoch			Baby Faith Reid
	Robert Restivo			Vera Rossiano
	Agnes Sabel			Patricia Sabel
	Joaquina Scroppo		Jess Smith
	Mary Spierowski			Rachael Thompson
	John Unger				Richard Vanni

	If you or a family member would like to be included in our 
prayers, please call the rectory at 279-5700.  Also, please let 
us know when a name should be removed.

Catholic Charities 
is in need of 
new born/infant clothing, diapers,
and newborn "care packages"

	Last year, Children's Services of Catholic Charities, 
provided loving care for 398 children in foster care, many of 
whom needed long-term, specialized therapy to heal from the abuse 
and neglect they have suffered.  Our maternity services helped 
mothers with keeping and raising or finding an adoptive home for 
15 of their infants.
	In order to continue providing these services Catholic 
Charities needs your help.  One way you can help is by conducting 
clothing drives or "baby Showers" for new clothes and 
newborn/infant "care packages" (wipes, lotion, powder, shampoo, 
bibs, pacifiers, grooming sets, medical kits, newborn 
developmental toys, diapers, etc.) for these babies.
	You are in a unique position to dramatically impact the 
first days of a baby's life or a child's first stay in their new 
foster home by helping us replenish our supply of newborn, infant 
and children's clothing for boys and girls sizes 0 to 3T.  
	Please do not donate used clothing, as we cannot use those.  
We will accept any size clothing and diapers.  
	For more information, please contact Rose Bayr Maritato at 
630-495-8008 x 33.

L.O.S.S. Support Group

(Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide)

	Through the collaboration of Catholic Charities (the 
Archdiocese of Chicago and the Diocese of Joliet), support groups 
are in place for anyone who has lost a relative or friend to 
suicide.  A trained facilitator and a mental health professional 
assist these groups.  The groups meet from 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. 
monthly. For more information, call toll free at 1-800-240-7011. 
The next meeting dates are as follows:

June 20 - St. Paul the Apostle Activity Center
                 130 Woodlawn in Joliet

June 26 - St. Daniel the Prophet Parish Center
               101 West Loop Drive in Wheaton 

Worldwide Marriage Encounter

Diocese of Joliet

	Make a Marriage Encounter weekend and watch your love for 
each other grow.

Contact Tom & Mary Leonard at:  630-577-0778.  

Upcoming weekend dates: 
June 22-24, Sept. 21-23 and Oct. 26-28.  

Visit us on the web at

	There is good news to share with you about the 2007 
Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal.
	Many thanks to those who have already pledged to the 
Appeal.  We are half-way to our Diocesan goal, with 
$3,766,00 pledged.  This year we have 16% more donors and 
24% more revenue compared to this time last year.
	Still, half-way to goal is half-way.  If you have not 
had the opportunity to make a pledge pledged, now is the 
time to  so, before busy summer schedules take over.  You 
can either send your pledge on the forms in the back of 
church or give directly through the Diocese of Joliet 
website Click on Donate Now Click 
and Pledge.
	At Mary Queen of Heaven parish, we have reached 42% of 
our goal, with $11,527.00 pledged.  Let's make sure that we 
reach 100%.
	The ministries of the Diocese touch so many of our 
families and our neighbors that it is our responsibility to 
our neighbors and friends.  Please be generous.  Thank you!

Holy Hour of Adoration,
Reparation and Consecration to the
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Praise, Prayer and Benediction

Friday, June 15, 2007
Notre Dame Parish
64 Norfolk
Clarendon Hills, IL

RE  Registrations

	Registration is taking place for our Religious Education 
program.  FYI - if you have a preschool or kindergarten child you 
would like to see in the program next fall, get your registration 
in today.  The 3:15 Kindergarten session is already at capacity.  
However, there is space at the 5:15 Kindergarten session.  These 
classes always fill up quickly and enrollment is limited at those 
grade levels. 

Like many other parishes in our diocese, we hold an annual 
discernment process rather than elections for new PPC members.  
This prayerful process can help people to know more about what is 
involved in serving on the PPC and it helps to discern those 
persons with the gifts most needed at a particular time in the 
life of our parish.

The discernment process will begin when nominations are taken 
after weekend Masses on June 23-24 and June 30-July 1.  If you 
are interested in being nominated (or nominating yourself) for 
the PPC, you may want to consider attending the next PPC meeting, 
which will be held on June 25 at 6 p.m.  

Those who are nominated must attend an orientation session and 
Discernment Day to continue in the process.  These are the steps 
involved in selecting our new PPC members for next year:
1.	All nominations will come from the parish at-large.  All 
registered parishioners, adults and teens, are invited to 
nominate a candidate.  A nomination must include the name of 
the person being nominated and the reason why he or she is 
being recommended for the PPC.
2.	Those eligible for the PPC must be Roman Catholics in good 
standing with the Church, who have already received the 
Sacrament of Confirmation and who support the parish.  There 
will be two positions open for adults and two for youth 
3.	All nominees will be contacted by telephone on July 1.  
4.	Those accepting the nomination will be required to attend both 
an orientation session and Discernment Day.
5.	The orientation session is scheduled for July 5 at 7 p.m., 
with an alternate date available for anyone on vacation that 
week.  The orientation session will be held at the Parish 
House, where PPC meetings usually take place.
6.	The Discernment Day will be held on Sat. Aug. 4 from 9 a.m. to 
noon in Barrett Hall.  Attendance is required and there is 
only one date available because we use an independent 
facilitator to help us.
7.	Attendance at one of the orientation sessions and at 
Discernment Day is mandatory for nominees.  These dates are 
being published in advance so that anyone who is interested in 
serving on the PPC can hold these dates on their calendar.  
Those who cannot make the sessions may consider entering the 
process the following year.

Our parish will once again use as our Independent Facilitator, 
Ms. Rita Kattner, Director of the Office for Consultative Bodies 
for the Archdiocese of Chicago.  She has served as a consultant 
for many years for parishes in Chicago and also in the Diocese of 
Joliet.  Rita is a specialist in Parish Pastoral Councils who 
earned her doctoral degree on this subject from the University of 
St. Mary of the Lake.  She also works at the national level to 
develop tools and processes for parishes.

The Orientation Session is designed to help nominees know if this 
is a ministry to which they are truly called.  During the 
Discernment Day, those present will prayerfully discern our new 
PPC members.  Some of the nominees may discover that they are 
well suited to service on the PPC.  Others may find themselves 
interested in another ministry or to service on one of the PPC 

The PPC is a visioning and planning body.  PPC members should not 
be the "do-ers" in the parish.  This should be their primary 
ministry and they should be able to devote the time their service 
requires.  Qualities that are desirable in candidates include the 
*	Persons who possess good "people-skills"
*	Persons who are able to see the parish in its "big picture" 
- beyond special interests
*	Persons of compassion, care, and integrity
*	Persons open to the Holy Spirit
*	Persons that model tolerance, as Jesus did
*	Persons who are bridge-builders
*	Prior experience serving on a Commission would be helpful 
but this is not a requirement.
*	Persons who have a sense of humor

Please prayerfully consider nominations and submit yours after 
one of the Masses during the weekends of June 23-24 or June 30-
July 1.  Thank you for your consideration!


In two weeks, parishioners of Mary Queen of Heaven will be 
invited to nominate candidates for our Parish Pastoral Council.  
For the coming year, we are in need of adding two adults and two 
teenagers.  Please read the important information that follows 
about our PPC Discernment Process.

MQH Garden Club News

If you've seen more color around church, school, the parish 
house, and the patio off Barrett Hall, it is because of several 
people who came out on Thursday, May 24th and Saturday, May 26th 
to prepare the soil by weeding, tilling, and raking, then 
planting all our beautiful geraniums, snapdragons, and impatiens.  
Those who were able to help were Ron Cirone, Katie Converse, 
Jerry Cote, our youngest gardeners, CJ and Patrick Cote, Kelly 
Guerra, Ed Hayes, Don Jacobsen, Rose and Jose Pizarro, Derrick 
StaRosa, and Debbie Styka.  Special thanks to Jerry Cote, who 
roto-tilled the gardens to soften the soil for planting.  Others 
who weren't able to join us these days will be scheduled for 
watering along with these gardeners during the summer months.   
Thanks to everyone!  Rose Wilkes and Sheila Reiter

Attention Spring 2007 First Communion Parents: This past week we 
collected the remaining First Communion banners from the wall of 
Church. We will keep them in the RE office for the next couple of 
weeks before we dispose of them. If you want your child's banner, 
please call the REO at 832-8962 to make arrangements to claim it. 

Religious Education 

Catechists Needed

Catechists are still needed for next fall. At this time we have 
several openings at various grade levels at all 3 sessions. If 
you love children and you love your faith, we invite you to join 
our staff. We will help you with the rest. Our Religious Ed 
Program is one of the best in the area, which is reflected in our 
continually growing enrollment. But we cannot do it without you. 
Please call for more information to see how you can help.

FYI: Just so you are aware, we are in the RE office during the 
summer. If you need to contact us for any reason, please feel 
free to call and leave a message - 832-8962. 

If you have any questions or need more information, please call 
Mary Ann Woods at the REO, 832-8962.

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