Mary's Corner

Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
426 N. West Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-2171
Parish Office: 630/279-5700
Fax: 630/279-4667

We are coming to the end of our liturgical year. Next Sunday, we will celebrate the Feast of Christ the King, and the following weekend it will be Advent! How fast time seems to go.

The changing liturgical season is a reminder to us that life is always changing. The Book of Ecclesiastes reminds us of all the different times in life:

There is an appointed time for everything,
and a time for every affair under the heavens.
A time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to uproot the plant.
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to tear down, and a time to build.
A time to weep, and a tie to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones,
and a time to gather them;
a time to embrace,
and a time to be far from embraces.
A time to seek, and a time to lose;
a time to keep, and a time to cast away.
A time to rend, and a time to sew;
a time to be silent, and a time to speak.
A time to love, and a time to hate;
a time of war, and a time of peace.

We are now in a time when some things are coming to an end and we will be getting ready for the new life that is to come. The fallen leaves and colder air remind us that death, a part of all life, is settling in for the winter. But the dead of winter is not really the end. Within the depth of the ground lay dormant the seeds that will come to life in the spring. We wait through shorter days and longer nights for what we know is to come. Things seem to be getting darker but we know the darkness will not last. We begin to count the days until the sun and light and newness of life return.

Our Advent is a time of waiting. For us as Catholics, this season is a time of waiting and of hope; it is a time of expecting new life as we celebrate Jesus being born. We celebrate his birth into the world 2000 years ago; we prepare our hearts to receive him more fully into our lives. This year, our Liturgy Committee's theme for Advent will be: "Advent is Here: Show the Face of Christ." During Advent, we are not only preparing for Christmas Day. We will be preparing for the people we are called to be because Jesus came into the world. We prepare to be the people we are called to be because he loves us and he chooses to enter into our lives. Responding fully to that love means that we must let die those things that keep us from him. Now is the time. Now is the time to let all of those things that have clung to our hearts and kept us from the fullness of life and joy. Now is the time to let anger, resentment, jealousy, desire for power and control, selfishness, and every petty and mean-spirited thing to fall away and die like last year's leaves fall from the trees.

As the seasons change, both in the world around us and in the life of the church, we are reminded that we, too, should change with time, overcoming what has separated us from one another and from God. We should take time to prepare for life to come anew, fresh with surprises beyond our expectations.

Please take note of our upcoming Advent and Christmas schedule:

Advent Reconciliation Service:
Wednesday, Dec. 5 at 7:00 p.m. in Church
This is on a Religious Education night and third-session parents
are invited to join with their children and fellow parishioners
for this sacramental celebration. Parents and children are
invited to report to their children's classrooms and then
everyone will process together to church.

Christmas Mass Schedule:

Children's Mass with Nativity Pageant

Monday, December 24 at 4:00 p.m.
(Please note the NEW TIME this year)

Christmas Eve, Monday December 24
Prelude Concert at 10:00 p.m.
"Midnight Mass" at 11:00 p.m.

Christmas Day, Tuesday December 25
8:30 a.m. Mass
10:30 a.m. Mass

On another note: we have just learned that our Confirmation Mass (when our 8th graders will be Confirmed) will be celebrated on Saturday, April 26 at 5:00 p.m. Please mark this date on your calendars.

One other note about time: Enclosed in this bulletin, you will find a document from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on what is their position on the war in Iraq today. Please take time to give this document thoughtful reflection. Please also take time to pray for all of those affected by war, especially the family of 22 year-old Army Sgt. Joe Vanek of Elmhurst, who died as a soldier in Iraq this past week.

Dr. Mary
Dr. Mary Foley, Pastoral Life Coordinator

Market Day

	Orders for December are due Monday, December 10, at 
noon.  Turn in your order form in the box in the back of 
church or at the rectory.  Pickup on Saturday, December 15, 
from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. in the Social Hall.  

	If you have questions or would like to place an order, 
please call Karen at 279-4108 or Beth at 833-5469 or email 
her at  .

A Vocation View

You know that at the end of earth-time, everything will be 
stubble.  Be sure there is a monument to your earth-love in 
heaven.  Listen to Jesus.

Yoga Class Schedule 
	Come for one or more classes recommended for ages 15 to 75 
(however, everyone is welcome)
	Increase your flexibility, strength, and decrease your 
stress.  It is about balance, strength, and mobility.
Tuesdays 9 am to 10 am
Nov 20 and 27
$4 per class ($6 for families)
	Call Debbie Styka at 941-7224/ 
	Please bring a non-slip yoga mat if you have one.
Required:  comfortable clothing, socks that can come off.

	Looking for money to pay off those "Christmas Gift" Bills.  
Why not take a chance on our "Christmas Holiday" Raffle.  YOU 
COULD BE A LUCKY WINNER!  All Raffle proceeds will benefit our 
	Only 250 tickets will be sold and the winners need not be 
present.  The odds of winning a Raffle Prize are great!  The 
Ticket Donation is $100.  Each ticket contains 10 slots so that 
the cost of the ticket can be divided with as many as 10 people 
if you choose.
1st   Prize             $10,000
2nd Prize                $2,000
3rd Prize                 $1,000
	The Drawing will take place on December 16th in Barrett Hall 
immediately following the 10:30 a.m. Mass.  Refreshments will be 
served.  Please consider helping us make this event a success so 
that we can continue to grow as a welcoming parish that provides 
ministries involving all walks of life and continued spiritual 
growth to our families and their children.  Invite your family, 
friends and co-workers to participate in the Raffle.
	Tickets will be available beginning next weekend in the 
vestibule of church or can be obtained by contacting the Parish 
Office or one of the following committee members:  Sheila Reiter 
(833-6657), Derrick StaRosa (291-9115) Phyllis Twardowski (279-
6239) or Mary White (833-9809) 

                     FELLOWSHIP SUNDAY
	Today, Sunday, November 18th all are invited to attend 
Fellowship, hosted by our Lectors.  Fellowship will be held in 
Barrett Hall immediately following the 10:30 a.m. Mass.  Bring 
your family and join your friends in conversation while enjoying 
some sweets and a cup of coffee, tea or juice.

	This past week our Preschoolers brought in canned and dry 
goods to help make Thanksgiving Baskets for those in need.  They 
contributed over 140 items to our Parish collection.  Part of our 
program encompasses caring for God's world.  This is one way that 
we are able to make a contribution to others in need and give 
thanks to God for the gifts we have been given.
	There is no school for the Preschool on Wednesday, 
Thursday, or Friday of this week.  Enjoy this wonderful family 
time together.  Remember to give thanks to God for all of your 
blessings.  We wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving!  

Please see our website at and contact 
the school office for more information and registration.              
(630) 833-9500
Preschool classes have begun.  We still have some openings in our 
Tuesday/Thursday class.  
Come join us!
	         Preschool tours scheduled upon request.

Teacher Aide Position Available
	Do you enjoy working with children, fostering their growth 
spiritually, academically, physically, and emotionally?  We are 
currently accepting resumes for the teacher aide position for our 
Preschool here at MQH.  Please direct resumes to Mrs. Liz Lowrey 
at MQH Preschool 426 N. West Ave. Elmhurst, IL 60126. 

9:00 am
	This Thursday is Thanksgiving.  Please join us at 9:00a.m. 
Mass to thank God for the abundant blessings we have received.

	Thank you to all who helped to make our Mass of Remembrance 
on All Souls Day a meaningful event for all those who gathered in 
prayer. Father Tapper, Deacon Tom Nolan, and our lector, Tim 
Kowalski lead us through a beautiful service filled with hope. A 
special thanks to the faithful bereavement ministers: Mary White, 
Rosemarie and Jose Pizarro, Cathy Paulus and Kay Passarelli who 
were there to set up, clean up and many tasks in between! We are 
grateful for the ushers, Tom Nanak and Joel Bernstein who helped 
out with the larger than usual crowd.  
 	If anyone is interested to learn how you might be of 
service in this ministry, please call Mimi @630- 941-3851. Please 
continue to pray for the improved health of Lou Ciancio!  

Reminder to all RE families:
There will be no class on Wednesday, November 21st due to the 
Thanksgiving holiday.
There will be no class on Wednesday, November 28th due to a 
catechist Evening of Reflection. 
Please mark your calendars.

Advent Service Projects: 
	This year we will again be collecting new unwrapped toys 
for Marillac House on Chicago's West Side...not so very far from 
Elmhurst.  We have heard from Sister Antoinette telling us that 
they are in great need this year. There will be a "toy box" in 
the hall of school for donations on Wednesday, December 5th and 
12th during class times. Toys for all ages are violent 
toys please. Please be generous.
	Our children will also have the opportunity to add a global 
dimension to their acts of service. They will go to the "polls" 
to vote for the animal of their choice to be sent to a 3rd world 
country. The RE children are asked to come to class with a 
donation of 50 cents which will be donated to Heifer 
International.  They can then  "vote" for a pig, a sheep, or a 
goat to be sent to a small village, which will drastically 
improve the quality of life of it's residents. Our "polls" will 
be open on the first two Wednesdays of December. Over the years, 
our children have really enjoyed this project.
Confirmation Candidates need your prayers. 
	There is a basket in the vestibule of Church with names of 
Confirmation candidates written on index cards. Please take a 
card out of the basket and pray for that candidate for the next 5 
months. It is our hope that each and every one of our 73 
Confirmation candidates will have a "Prayer Partner" as they 
journey toward Confirmation. Then at Confirmation time, if you 
wish, you are invited to write your candidate a note expressing 
how you have been praying for them. These notes will be collected 
and presented to the candidates on Confirmation day. 

On behalf of the entire Religious Education staff, we wish you 
all a Blessed Thanksgiving.

For more info on any of the above, please call Mary Ann Woods at 
the REO, 832-8962.

Religious Education News

	There has been a great deal of interest in the weekends for 
Christ Renews His Parish (CHRP), however, the two particular 
weekends in November and December were not good for many 
parishioners since they were so close to the holidays.
	Therefore, we have postponed the weekends and will hold 
them in the Spring (February or March) when it's more conducive 
to scheduling.  Please watch the Bulletin for details.  We will 
be announcing the new weekends shortly.
	If you have any questions please contact Karen Sutkus at or (630) 279-3240 or Alex Grozik at (630) 530-


December 1, 2007 (Saturday)
December 1 (Saturday) with Fr. Gilberto Cavazos-Gonzalez, OFM at 
Mayslake location from 9:30a..m.-4:30p.m., $75.  This Spanish 
School of Spirituality session will fill quickly.  Call 630-323-
1620 for reservations by 11/21/07

December 5th, 12th, and 19th, 2007 (Wednesdays)
	 This Wednesday night Advent series "THREE HOLY WOMEN" will 
reflect God's grace as we prepare for Christmas and meet Margaret 
of Cortona, Therese of Lisieux and Cornelia Connelly.  Fr. Albert 
Haase, OFM will present from 7-9p.m. at the Mayslake location 
with reservations due by 12/3/07 to 630-323-1620.  $75 covers all 
three sessions.

December 15, 2007 (Saturday)
	"IN THE MIDST OF WINTER..." with Sr. Marianne Saieg, OSF 
will be presented at the Mayslake location in Westmont.  
9:30a.m.-2:30p.m. Cost is $50. Call 630-323-1620 with 
reservations by 11/30/07.

Tuesday, November 27th, 2007
7:00pm-8:00pm Good Samaritan Hospital-
Red & Black Rooms
The blood thinner Coumidin is a powerful medication that has 
assisted many patients through medical ailments and medical 
procedures such as heart valve repair or replacement.  Coumidin 
has also helped those patients who have had heart attacks or 
experience irregular heart rhythms.  Patients taking Coumidin 
must be aware of the special concerns of taking this drug 
properly.  If you or a loved one is on Coumidin, join Dr. 
Weinstein as he reviews what every patient should know about this 
blood thinner.

	Following the life and spirituality of Carmelite mystics 
St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross, Fr. Bob Colaresi, 
O. Carm. Is leading a pilgrimage to Spain, April 13-26, 2008.  
Places include Madrid, Toledo, Segovia, Salamanca, Fontiveros, 
Alba de Tormes, Seville, Cordoba and Granada.  Cost:  $3,700, 
double occupancy.  For further information and flyer, please 
contact Darlene at the Carmelite Center:  630-969-4141.

	Life at the poverty line leaves nearly 40 million 
Americans hanging on for dear life-hanging on to feed their 
families and to keep a roof over their heads. The Catholic 
Campaign for Human Development supports self-help projects 
of people working together to break the cycle of poverty. 
You can make a difference. Be part of the numbers that 
care-give generously to CCHD in today's Collection.

Community News

	"The Reed of God:  An Advent Overnight Retreat" will 
be presented by Sr. Joyce Kemp, rc, PhD, on Dec. 7-8.  In 
this retreat, which is based on Caryll Houselander's "The 
Reed of God", participants will reflect upon the role of 
Mary as bearer if Christ into the world and our own calling 
to allow the life of Christ to grow in us.  Topics will 
include emptiness, Mary's "yes" and Advent as the season of 
the seed.  The cost is $110 for a single room/$95 for a 
double room.  The cost includes a copy of "The Reed of 
God".  Registration after Nov. 26, please add $20.  For 
further information or to register for this retreat, please 
call 630-393-1231 or email


Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet, hopes to make Christmas 
a little brighter for low income families in DuPage County.  
This year, through the agency's Holiday Outreach Program, 
hundreds of individuals have already been "adopted" by donors 
and parishes.

Although most families were "adopted" during the early fall 
months, Catholic Charities is still in great need of monetary 
donations to purchase gift cards for food and clothing for 
families who will ask for our help before and after the 
Christmas holidays.  

Your donation to purchase food and gift cards for these 
families and their children may be mailed to Catholic 
Charities' Holiday Outreach Program, 
26 W. St. Charles Road,  Lombard, IL 60148.  If you prefer, you 
may donate small denomination ($50.00 or less) gift cards for 
area grocery stores and department stores (Target, Wal-Mart, 
Kmart, and Kohl's) 

Catholic Charities relies on the continued generosity of the 
community to help them serve every needy family.  Thank you for 
all that you do!

THE BUSY PERSON'S RETREAT a retreat that works itself into your busy daily 
schedule, giving you an opportunity to deepen your relationship 
with God during the Advent Season.
	Participants will meet individually on a weekly basis 
during the weeks of November 26th, December 3rd, 10th, and 17th 
with Spiritual Director, Sister Myra Lambert, SSCM, Servants of 
the Holy Heart of Mary, 717 N. Batavia Ave., Batavia, IL. 
Registration is limited. Cost is $40.
	For more information or to register, call Linda Isleib at 
630-879-1296, Monday through Friday.

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