Mary's Corner

Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
426 N. West Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-2171
Parish Office: 630/279-5700
Fax: 630/279-4667

Dear Friends,

Happy Second Week of Advent! Happy are we to have life together here at Mary Queen of Heaven. Happy are we to have the opportunity to prepare ourselves for the coming of Jesus more deeply into our hearts. "Prepare the way of the Lord," John the Baptist tells us. "The kingdom of God is at hand." Happy are we to build this city of God.

I write to you on December 1, which is World AIDS Day. This day serves as a reminder that the kingdom, or city of God, is not only here at Mary Queen or in Elmhurst, but it is one that encompasses all of the children of God around the globe. As we prepare the way of the Lord this Advent, let us be attentive to the needs of others in our own midst and around the world and reach out to them with our resources and with our prayers. During this month of December when we seek the Christ child who came to show us God's love, let us especially remember those who live with HIV or AIDS. Our Catholic Bishops remind us that: "Our response to persons with AIDS must be such that we discover Christ in them and they in turn are able to encounter Christ in us."

There are likely individuals and families within our own parish whose lives are touched by HIV. There are many others, too, within our Catholic family. The Catholic Church in Africa, the continent in which HIV/AIDS has reached pandemic proportions, is the fastest growing Catholic population in the world. In Africa, there are 130 million Catholics, 600 Black Bishops, 7,000 Black priests, and 20,000 Black seminarians. Pray for the Catholic Church in Africa and for all those around the world who have HIV/AIDS.

Statistics from the U.N. and the World Health organization tell us that there are presently 38.4 million people around the world who are living with HIV. 17.6 million of these are women and 2.2 million are children under the age of 15. In 2004, there have been 4.9 million people newly affected with HIV. This year alone, there have been 3.1 million deaths from AIDS.

The number of women and girls affected by the AIDS epidemic is increasing. In certain parts of Africa, young women ages 15-24 are up to six times more likely to be infected than young men. This year's theme for World AIDS Day is Women, Girls, and HIV/AIDS. According to Catholic Relief Services, women are biologically, economically, and socially more vulnerable to HIV infection than men. Ken Hackett, President of CRS, draws our attention to this phenomenon:

Lack of economic power and limited access to education can make women almost totally dependent on men and compromise their ability to control their lives and their bodies. And yet despite these disadvantages, women have a unique and valuable role to play in fighting HIV/AIDS. Women are the social capital within families and communities: They shoulder the responsibility of caring for the sick and raising children; they hold families and communities together; and they are a source of leadership and strength in the areas of prevention, care and support.

The United Nations estimates that up to 90 percent of basic care in the developing world is provided in the home by women and girls. They take on this role with no training, without pay and in addition to the work they already perform maintaining the household-cooking, fetching water, working in the field and caring for children and the elderly. Caring for a person with HIV/AIDS can add hours of work to a day that is already full. And of course, when women are the ones infected, the support system runs the risk of completely breaking down.

Women throughout the developing world already work continuously to care for their families. As a result, the sacrifices they make to do so can have far reaching consequences. Caring for the sick can prevent them from earning a living outside the home or tending to their crops, further increasing the family's vulnerability to poverty. Additionally, girls are more likely than boys to drop out of school to help care for sick family members, find intermittent work or look after younger siblings. This threatens the basic education of girls and women, again making them more vulnerable to poverty and putting them at a higher risk of HIV infection.

But around the world, women are taking leadership roles in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Many are coming forward to tell their personal stories about the disease, despite the threat of social stigma and discrimination. They are learning more about their rights, advocating for equal access to care and treatment and fighting to keep their daughters in school. In Uganda-the only country in the world to dramatically reduce the rate of infections in a generalized HIV/AIDS epidemic-women and young girls are credited with having contributed to the national behavior changes that turned around the epidemiological rising rates of HIV infection.

Women and girls have shown great resilience in the battle against HIV/AIDS, but they cannot continue to bear this responsibility alone. On December 1, the world has the opportunity to learn more about the vulnerability of women and girls to HIV/AIDS and their role in the fight against it. It is a day when all of humanity is challenged to reflect on the way that HIV/AIDS affects us and how we can respond to the pandemic.

A Catholic perspective considers the inherent dignity of every human person, including all of those who suffer from HIV/AIDS, no matter what the way in which they were infected. In this December month of Advent, may we prepare the way of the Lord by seeking justice for all and building a city of God in which every human life is held sacred. Happy are we here at Mary Queen. Let us pray for the happiness and health of all of our brothers and sisters around the globe. May God continue to bless you.

Diocesan News

Volunteer Opportunity: P.A.D.S.
(Public Action to Deliver Shelter)

	Our parishioners help prepare and serve dinner and 
breakfast, and we man (or woman) the overnight shift (11 p.m. to 
5 a.m.). We work at St. Alexis Parish in Bensenville.  We serve 
only once per month, on the 4th weekend of the month, October 
through March, on the Saturday night to Sunday morning shift.  If 
you are interested, please call Steve Lindberg at 630-983-3392 
(work) or 630-941-1355 (home).

Religious Education News

Last Day for Advent Toy Collection

	Wednesday, December 8, is the last day to bring in new 
unwrapped toys for our annual toy collection.  They will be 
distributed to the children of Marillac House at Christmas.  Toys 
may be left in the box in the school.

Mark Your Calendars

	On Tuesday, December 14, the parish Advent Reconciliation 
Celebration will take place at 7:00 p.m. in church.  This year we 
extend a special invitation to all our RE families, in 
particular, those with children above the 4th grade level.  We 
will be spending time reviewing the sacrament with our evening 
session students.  We ask that parents spend some time as well 
talking about the importance of celebrating the sacrament.

Market Day

	Market Day is Saturday, December 11.  We would like to 
thank all who support Market Day.  This year it is our hope to 
purchase much needed new tables and chairs for the RE program.  
This has become a great need, due to our ever increasing 
enrollment and the advanced age of the tables and chairs in the 
school building.  

	There will be NO RE Classes on Wednesdays, December 15, 22, 
and 29.  Classes will resume at the regular time on Wednesday, 
January 5.

Confirmation Prayer Partners

	Please consider giving the gift of prayer to one of our 
Confirmation candidates.  There are still some names in the 
basket in the rear of church.  This truly is the gift that keeps 
on giving.

	For more information on any of the above, please call Mary 
Ann Woods at the REO, 832-8962.

Christian Education Commission

Market Day

	Orders for December are due Monday, December 6, at noon.  
Turn in your order form in the box at the back of church or at 
the rectory.  Pickup on Saturday, December 11, from 9:30 - 10:30 
a.m. in the Social Hall.  

	If you have questions or would like to place an order, 
please call Mary at 832-8263 or Karen at 279-4108.

Prayer  Requests
	To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our 
parish family.  We hope that you will pray for these persons 
every day, alone or as a family.  Thank you.

	Pam Bondfide				Kathleen Bryers	
	Rose Caffarelli				Kathy Calzante		
	Jenie Colletti				Jeannette Elderkin	
	Dan Focht				Paul Francetic		
	Anna Heffel				Jen Huwalt 			
	Tom Huwalt				Pat Holmes 			
	Maureen James				Tom Janicke		
	Irene Kmieciak				Baby Emma Ann Lynde
	Nancy Maloney				Robert Manion		
	Bobbi Nannini				Michaelene Parrilli	

	If you or a family member would like to be included in our 
prayers, please call the rectory at 279-5700.  Also, please let 
us know when a name should be removed.

Rest in Peace
Evelyn Tokarski

Christian Worship Commission

Christmas Eve Children's Liturgy

	As we prepare to celebrate the wonderful gift that God, our 
Father, shared with us by sending us the gift of Jesus on 
Christmas Day, we are reminded of just a few ways that Jesus 
touches our lives.  We will celebrate with a special Children's 
Liturgy at 5:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve. 
	A general "getting to know you" and information gathering 
session will be held Sunday, Dec. 5, at 2-3 p.m. in Barrett Hall.  
Everyone who plans to participate, children with a parent, 
adults, and families, need to attend.

	For more information please call: Ruth Maple  at 279-4844 
or Kathy Rhea at 833-2592. 

Christian Service Commission

Community News

Volunteer Food Sorters 
Needed for Holiday Outreach

	Needy families in Elmhurst are referred to United Community 
Concerns through School District 205 and the Elmhurst churches.  
These families receive gifts for the holidays, and food and 
grocery certificates throughout the year.  Please join us in 
donating, sorting and/or packaging food any day from 9 a.m. to 2 
p.m., every day through Friday, December 10.  

	Drivers (with muscle power) are needed to deliver baskets 
on Saturday, December 11, from 8 to 9 a.m..

	Location:  City of Elmhurst Public Works facility, 985 
Riverside Drive, Elmhurst (immediately south of the Holiday Inn 
Express off Route 83).  

	Please call if you have any questions or to volunteer:  
Sharon Klein 833-4886 or Susie Sands 941-8116

Benedictine University offers
Free Nutrition Counseling for Area Seniors

	Healthy Table, a service of the Nutrition Department at 
Benedictine University, provides free nutrition counseling and 
education to seniors age 60 and older, persons on Medicare or 
Medicaid and those participating in public food assistance 
programs.  Nutrition counseling is designed to meet individual 

	Healthy Table can help people learn why certain foods may 
help improve these conditions: diabetes, high blood pressure, 
weight management problems, high cholesterol, anemia, 
osteoporosis, and bowel trouble.

	Healthy Table hours are:
		Mondays from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
		Wednesdays from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
		Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
		Saturdays from 9:00 am. To 2a;00 p.m.
Appointments can be scheduled at other times.

	Interested individuals should call Julie Ann Behluli at 
630-829-6518, for information or an appointment.

Come ....		and SEE ....

Are you wondering about life as a Cenacle Sister?
Would you like to spend a day, or several, with us?

	The Cenacle Sisters, with the ministry of retreats and 
spiritual direction, invite women to spend time with the sisters 
of the formation Community at the Cenacle Retreat House in 
Warrenville, IL.

	Come when it is convenient for you!  Live with the sisters 
in a casual atmosphere of prayer, ministry and play.  Have time 
for reflection and sharing, a place for questions and gathering 
tools and ongoing discernment.  For more information, please call 
Sr. Janice at 630-393-1085.

Catholic Charities 
Serves Needy Families

	Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet, hopes to make 
Christmas a little brighter for low income families in DuPage 
County.  This year, through the agency's Holiday Outreach 
Program, over 3000 individuals have already been "adopted" by 
donor families and local area businesses and schools.

	During the fall, client families completed a "wish list" at 
the Lombard office.  Catholic Charities staff then coordinated 
with area churches, business and individuals to provide toys and 
needed clothing for the children.  Donors also provided food 
certificates for each needy family, so that they might enjoy a 
traditional Christmas dinner.

	Although most families were assigned to donors during 
October and November, Catholic Charities is still in great need 
of donations to purchase food and gift certificates for families 
who will ask for our help in December.  

	Your donation to purchase food and gift certificates for 
those families and their children may be mailed to Catholic 
Charities, 26 W. St. Charles Road, Lombard IL 60148.  The agency 
relies on the continued generosity of the community.

Festival Chorus of Concordia University

Sunday, December 12, at 7:00 p.m.

	The choral concert will take place in the Chapel of Our 
Lord, 7400 Augusta Street in River Forest.  The concert will 
feature the Christmas section of "Messiah," "A Christmas Fantasy" 
and the U.S. Premier of "Venite Omnes."  The program will include 
a variety of music in many forms and styles, programmed for wide 
audience appeal.

	General admission will be $10; seniors and students $8.  
For more information call 708-209-3060.

Christmas Giving Tree

	The Christmas Giving Tree in Church is decorated with 
ornaments for needy families in our area and for the elderly and 
sick in the Elmhurst Extended Care Nursing Home.  	Please 
take an ornament off the tree and purchase the item written on 
the back.  Wrap the item in Christmas wrapping paper, tape the 
ornament securely on the top of the package (with the writing 
facing up), and place the gift under the Giving Tree.

	The deadline for returning your gifts is next Sunday, 
December 12.  If you have any questions, please contact Sheila 
Reiter at 833-6657 or Karen Vicary at 279-4108.

Christmas Food Collection

Weekend of December 11/12

	This weekend, we are collecting non-perishable items to make up 
Christmas food baskets for needy families.  We expect to have 29 
families to take care of this Christmas.  	Some of the items 
needed are:  canned vegetables, cranberries, dressing mix, potatoes, 
cereals, fruit, soup, canned meats and fish, peanut butter, jelly, 
Jell-O, boxed cake mixes, dish soap, soap bars, deodorant, hair 
shampoo, and paper products such as Kleenex, toilet paper, paper 

	If you wish to donate a turkey, we ask that you please purchase 
Jewel or Dominick certificates and put them in an envelope 
indicating that they are for the purchase of a turkey.  These 
certificates, along with the food baskets, will be given to the 
families we are taking care of this year.  Items can be brought to 
church until Dec. 12.  Baskets are provided in church for your 

	We will be preparing the baskets for distribution on Monday, 
December 13, at 10:00 a.m.  The more people we have to help, the 
faster and easier the task.  If you have an hour or so free and 
would like to help out, please call Sheila Reiter at 822-6657.

Parish Advent Reconciliation Service
Tuesday, December 14, at 7:00 p.m.

	On Tuesday, December 14 at 7 p.m., we will have our Parish 
Reconciliation Service.  All families of the parish, adults and 
children, are invited to this celebration.  For our Religious 
Education program, this will be the seasonal celebration of 
Reconciliation for all of our young people in grades 3-8.  We 
will have a communal prayer service and there will be multiple 
priests here from different parishes to hear individual 
confessions.  Please join with your parish family to prepare well 
for the coming of Christ more fully into our hearts this Advent 

MQH Help Opportunities
For Parishioners

	Parishioners may submit ads to appear in the bulletin to for approval by the Pastoral Life Coordinator.  No 
ads will be accepted for real estate or by those offering child care 
services (although those looking for child care providers may place an 
ad and screen candidates themselves).  The parish accepts no 
responsibility for goods or services offered.  The ads are a free 
service to parishioners.  

*	Christian Elmhurst family seeking childcare for baby, 4 months 
old.  Approx. 1-3 days per week, 8:30-2:30.  Please contact 
Carol at 630-279-1147.
*	Senior in need or ride to local hospital or doctor office.  
Senior couple in need of any type of furniture, particularly 
sofa or love seat.  Lamps and end tables are also needed.  
Please call 279-3854.
*	MQH family seeking part-time child care in our home, 2-3 day 
per week, mostly school hours, January to June (or beyond).  
Must drive, be legal to work in U.S. and love children!  Call 
Elizabeth at 630/993-1931.

Waiting for the Arrival of Jesus

	For many, the focus on the Advent season is the secular 
preparation for the holidays.  But true Christmas joy comes from 
focusing on the longing of the Jewish people for the coming of 
the Messiah.  Join Fr. Kevin Shanley, O. Carm. at the Carmelite 
Spiritual Center in Darien, on Saturday, December 11 from 9:30 
a.m. to 1:30 p.m. for this Advent day of reflection and 
Eucharist.  Cost:  $40/person includes lunch.  Pre-registration 
is requested.  Call the Spiritual Center at 630-969-4141 to 

Advent, Christmas and
New Year Schedules


Tuesday, December 14
Families - 7:00 p.m.

Christmas Masses

Friday, December 24
Christmas Eve - 5:00 p.m. Children's Liturgy
9:30 p.m. Choir Prelude
10:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass

Saturday , December 25
Christmas Day - 8:30 a.m. and 10:15 a.m.

New Year's Masses

Friday, December 31
New Year's Eve - 5:00 p.m.

Saturday, January 1, 2005
9:00 a.m. - Mary, Mother of God/World Day of Prayer for Peace
5:00 p.m. Mass-Vigil for Epiphany of Our Lord

MQH Parish & Family Skate at YMCA

Saturday, December 18, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. 

	The Men's Group has rented the ice rink and is sponsoring 
this FREE event for all members and families of the Parish. 
Skates are available and free, from the YMCA, and hot chocolate 
and goodies will be served. 

	This is a great way to start your Christmas Holiday 
vacation with your family. There is no need for reservations, 
just come, skate and enjoy! If you have any questions, please 
call Steve Lindberg at 941-1355.

Driscoll Catholic High School, Addison

Open House: Tuesday, Dec. 7 at 7-9 p.m.

Pre-Test Workshop & Entrance Exam in January

	All 6th, 7th and 8th grade students and their families are 
invited to an Open House, which will provide an opportunity to 
meet with faculty and coaches, and to learn about the many 
activities Driscoll Catholic offers.  Also, Driscoll Catholic 
staff members will be available to address questions about 
financial aid and transportation.

	If families cannot attend the Open House, they are 
encouraged to call and request a "Recruitment Brochure," which 
contains pertinent information and dates for the workshop and 
exam.  Contact Director of Recruitment Kim Hannigan at 630-543-
6311, ext. 25.

"Gather Books"

	You have no doubt noticed that our "Gather Books" are 
becoming very tattered looking and many of them have been lost 
over the years.  The cost for each hardcover book, engraved with 
Mary Queen of Heaven's name, is $15.

	Every book donated by a family would have a donor bookplate 
bearing the words, "Gift of" and your family name. The "Gather 
Books" are a very important part of our liturgies. They enable 
parishioners to follow the Mass and participate in the songs 
along with our choir.

	We hope to provide four "Gather Books" for each pew. Next 
weekend, our bulletin will contain a form for donating a book.  
Please fill in the form and send it along with your check made 
out to Mary Queen of Heaven to the parish rectory or drop it in 
the collection basket.

	Once again, we wish to thank you for your generous 
contributions to our thriving parish.

Policy on Mass Intentions

	Beginning this month, there will be a new policy on Mass 
intentions to bring our parish practice in line with canon law 
and diocesan recommendations, and also to make it possible for 
more people to have the opportunity to have a Mass offered for 
their intention, especially when someone has died.  While we will 
keep the Mass intentions already listed in our book, it is 
necessary for us to have this new policy.  At present, our Sunday 
Mass calendar for 2005 is already almost filled!

	There must be at least one Mass per week offered for all 
the people of our parish.  Ordinarily, there should not be 
multiple specific intentions within one Mass.  (Canon law does 
allow for there to be more than one Mass intention on occasion 
but the law is very specific about how often this may be done and 
under what circumstances.)  Mass stipends are never to be split; 
there should be a stipend for each Mass intention.  The diocese 
also recommends that parishes set a limit on how many Masses 
someone may have offered during the year so that all who wish to 
do so may.  As we try to improve our practices here at Mary 
Queen, we would like to ask that there be a limit of six Sunday 
Masses per year for the intentions of your family.  

	Please be assured that we pray for those who have died at 
every Mass.  Our new policy with regard to specific Mass 
intentions will help to serve all the people of the parish well.  

A Vocation View

	Isaiah says:  "The earth shall be filled with knowledge of 
the Lord."  Who taught you knowledge of the Lord, and who are you 
teaching today?

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