Mary's Corner

Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
426 N. West Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-2171
Parish Office: 630/279-5700
Fax: 630/279-4667

Dear Friends,

Happy fourth week of Advent! Christmas approaches with days filled with last-minute shopping, parties, and getting ready for family gatherings. Here at Mary Queen, our calendar is filled with music rehearsals and practices for the Children's Liturgy. In our homes and workplaces, we are already having some celebrations while getting ready for others. Still, we are in Advent, a time of preparation. Still, we have our Advent theme, "Let us build the City of God." In the midst of the busyness we are called to pay attention to what is the reason for this season. We are preparing to receive Jesus, the love of God made flesh. Is there room in our hearts to receive him? Or are we too full of activity, ego, and our own interests? In this last week, let us think beyond ourselves to the hope that the Christ brings of new life and joy.

We prepare our hearts and our parish for the future that Christ offers us. Our lives are connected to those of the whole Church, which serves as a sacrament of God's love for others. The entire Church is called to build the City of God! At their Fall Conference this year, U.S. Bishops talked about the seven major pastoral challenges facing the Church as we move into the future. Last week, we considered the one they identified as first and most important - providing for weekly celebration of the Eucharist in our parishes. This week, we will look at the remaining six challenges they identified and the ways that Mary Queen of Heaven is already involved in responding to them.

Evangelization and catechetical concerns, adult education, parental involvement: In recent months, an Adult Education and Spirituality Committee has formed at Mary Queen, helping with the planning of some new activities, including: the Little Rock Scripture Study program which will have Bible Study groups beginning in the spring; a new Women's Spirituality Group that will meet on selected days and evenings in the coming months; talks on Women and the History of the Church and a Mother's Day event on Mothers Who Handed Down the Faith; a presentation on Men's Spirituality. We also have another recently formed new ministry which will reach out to inactive and alienated Catholics. Their six-week Welcoming Catholics Home program will begin the week after Easter. We are beginning to provide more ongoing formation to those involved in different ministries of our parish. A talk will be given by one of our bishops in February for eighth graders and their parents on what it means to be a Catholic Christian.

Increasing the number of candidates for the priesthood and religious life: As Pastoral Life Coordinator, I am working to partner with Catholic Theological Union's new Peacebuilders Initiative, a program that helps to identify high school age students who have an interest in some form of ministry, including ordained, religious, and lay ecclesial ministry. Those accepted into this program spend a week over the summer at CTU, learning from theology professors, and then having a year long mentoring program sponsored by CTU and the parish. We also have an opportunity at the parish level to have someone serve as our representative on a diocesan vocations committee. Presently, we have no one filling this slot. If you would be interested in being our vocations contact for the parish, please let me know.

Equipping families to be the primary transmitters of faith; marriage and family concerns: Much of this is tied in with adult education, already mentioned above. We could use more ideas and help getting adult education going in our parish. If you would like to join the Adult Education Committee, please contact the parish office. Also, we have an interest in supporting all types of families and developing more intergenerational programs. We will be strengthening our marriage preparation programs and the ways we assist those who have experienced divorce or are seeking annulments. We also plan to have a family psychologist give two presentations this coming year on matters concerning parenting.

Teaching of Catholic social doctrine: Our Peace and Justice ministry is expanding, slowly but surely. Beginning work is underway for a speaker series on the themes of Catholic Social Teaching, and to get more into the bulletin about the peace and justice work of the Church.

Developing the church as "communion": This means not only communion with each other as members of a parish family, but as members of a Church which is itself a worldwide communion. In recent months, we have made greater connections with the Church of Joliet (what our local diocese is called) through our participation in the Diocesan Ministry Convocation, and our successful participation in the Diocesan Appeal, being one of only a few parishes in the diocese to exceed the requested contribution to diocesan ministries. This coming spring, we will have a Parish Lenten Series focused on Vatican II, as we, along with the rest of the Church celebrates the 40th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council. This five-week program, which will begin on Tuesday, February 15, will involve the showing of a film and group discussion on Vatican II during each week of Lent.

Preferential option for the poor in establishing the priorities of the local church: It should make everyone in this parish proud that we are the only parish in Elmhurst that sponsors a chapter of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. This charitable institution of the Church, funded by the parish, takes care of needy families in our community, including those who may be ineligible for assistance through other programs. Greater awareness of the ways we can consider a "preferential option for the poor" will come as we engage more in learning about the social teaching of the Church.

We are, indeed, helping to build the City of God through our lives together at Mary Queen of Heaven. Rejoice and be glad, for the Lord is truly in our midst. In this last week of Advent, let us seek Him with an open heart, as people of love and forgiveness and peace. May God continue to bless you.

Mary Foley, Pastoral Life Coordinator

Marriage Encounter

		"And the greatest gift is love."  Husbands and wives, 
the most precious gift that you give to each other is your love.  
Why not renew your love with the experience of a Worldwide 
Marriage Encounter Weekend.   It's a perfect Christmas gift!  It 
provides the opportunity to look at your relationship in an 
atmosphere of privacy an give you a chance to give thanks for the 
gift of your lover, something that most of us don't take the time 
to do often enough.  The next weekends are Feb. 11-13 an April 8-

	For information or reservations, call Tom & Mary Leonard at 

"Gather Books"

	You have no doubt noticed that our "Gather Books" are 
becoming tattered looking and many of them have been lost over 
the years.  A new edition became available in 2004.  The cost for 
each hardcover book, engraved with our parish name, is $15.

	Replacing our books would be quite an expense to the 
parish, so we thought perhaps our parishioners would be 
interested in donating a book.  Every book donated by a family 
would have a donor bookplate bearing the words, "Gift of" and 
your family name. The "Gather Books" are a very important part of 
our liturgies.  

	We hope to provide four "Gather Books" for each pew. This 
weekend, our bulletin will contain a form for donating a book.  
Please fill in the form and send it along with your check made 
out to Mary Queen of Heaven to the parish rectory or drop it in 
the collection basket.

	Once again, we wish to thank you for your generous 
contributions to our thriving parish.

Liturgy article by Mary Foley

	On January 1, the Church recognizes the World Day of Prayer 
for Peace.  Our Liturgy Committee has selected this day to 
establish our new Peace Shrine, which will be installed in the 
back of church next to the Risen Christ, who died so that we all 
might be saved and have everlasting peace.
	Our Peace Shrine will be dedicated at the end of 5 pm Mass 
that day.  The shrine will be flanked by the flag of our country 
and a world peace flag.  There will be room for placement of 
pictures of peacemakers or those who have served to establish 
peace on earth.
	Our American flag now in the sanctuary space will be moved 
to this shrine, also fulfilling the recommendations of U.S. 
Bishops that flags not be placed in the sanctuary space which is 
reserved for the altar, the ambo, the presidential chair, and the 
tabernacle.  The bishops recommend that the flag "be placed 
outside the sanctuary, or in the vestibule of the Church together 
with a book of prayer requests."  Our flag will be moved to our 
new Peace Shrine, at which we will also provide a book of 
remembrance, requesting prayers for peace and for loved ones - 
especially those who work for peace and those serving their 
country in the armed forces - as a way of keeping before the 
attention of the faithful the needs of military families at the 
same time that we pray for peace in our community, our nation, 
and our world.
	We would like to extend a special invitation to all 
veterans of the parish to participate in a special procession of 
honor at the 5 pm Mass on January 1.  At the end of Mass, all 
veterans will be called forward to participate in this 
procession, when the American flag will be carried to flank our 
new Peace Shrine in a special ceremony of dedication.

Religious Education News

	There will be no RE Classes on Wednesday, December 22 and 
29. Classes will resume at the regular times on Wednesday, 
January 5.

	On behalf of the entire RE staff, we extend wishes for a 
2005 filled with peace and joy.

	For more information on any of the above, please call Mary 
Ann Woods at the REO, 832-8962.

Christian Service Commission

Christian Education Commission

Prayer  Requests
	To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our 
parish family.  We hope that you will pray for these persons 
every day, alone or as a family.  Thank you.

	Pam Bondfide				Kathleen Bryers	
	Rose Caffarelli				Kathy Calzante		
	Jenie Colletti				Jeannette Elderkin	
	Dan Focht				Paul Francetic		
	Anna Heffel				Jen Huwalt 			
	Tom Huwalt				Pat Holmes 			
	Maureen James				Tom Janicke		
	Irene Kmieciak				Baby Emma Ann Lynde
	Nancy Maloney				Robert Manion		
	Bobbi Nannini				Michaelene Parrilli	
	Carol Yesko

	If you or a family member would like to be included in our 
prayers, please call the rectory at 279-5700.  Also, please let 
us know when a name should be removed.

Advent, Christmas and
New Year Schedules

Christmas Masses

Friday, December 24
Christmas Eve - 5:00 p.m. Children's Liturgy
9:30 p.m. Choir Prelude
10:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass

Saturday , December 25
Christmas Day - 8:30 a.m. and 10:15 a.m.

New Year's Masses

Friday, December 31
New Year's Eve - 5:00 p.m.

Saturday, January 1, 2005
9:00 a.m. - Mary, Mother of God/World Day of Prayer for Peace
5:00 p.m. Mass-Vigil for Epiphany of Our Lord

Christian Worship Commission

Community News

Join us at the 
1st Annual Holiday Craft Show,
Arts, Cooks and Culinary

To benefit the 
Our Lady of Lebanon Building Drive

Sunday, December 19, from 1-3 p.m.

At Mary Queen of Heaven Church
426 N. West Ave, in Elmhurst


	"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come 
upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea 
and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8

	Yes, it's true! Bible study groups will be studying the 
descent of the Holy Spirit and the early history of the Church 
starting the week of April 3, 2005, after Easter. The Acts of the 
Apostles has been selected for the first ten-week session. The 
Adult Education and Spirituality Committee is coordinating the 
program and has selected the Little Rock Scripture Study program, 
the most widely used Catholic Bible study in the United States. 
Every participant will have a Bible commentary booklet and 
reflection guide for each session and small groups will meet 
weekly for prayer, discussion and a video component.  Morning, 
afternoon, and evening Bible study groups will be formed at the 
parish.  Our Bible study groups will be open to friends and 
neighbors.  Sign-up will be in March 2005.

	In the meantime, facilitators and co-facilitators are 
needed. Facilitator training consists of four 2-hour sessions in 
February 2005. We are beginning to look for facilitators now.  No 
special background is necessary.  Facilitators are provided with 
training and leadership materials.  If you are interested in 
becoming a facilitator, please contact Lynn Suwanski at 630-530-
2523 or the Parish office at 630-279-5700.

Helpful Ideas to Be Healthful During the 

Prepared by Corinna Wojcik, M.D., on behalf of the Mary Queen of 
Heaven Health Committee

		The holidays are a time of great parties, special foods, 
and wine and spirits.  But how can we stay healthy and not 
gain those extra pounds that may get added on just in time for 
New Year resolutions?  Here are a few ideas from the Health 
Committee to enjoy the holidays and avoid the January regrets. 

v	Save your "calories" for the things that are truly special 
during the holidays- avoid the nachos and have a little 
fudge or eggnog.  Although, be warned, the eggnog is so 
high in calories- up to 350 or more per cup- it may be 
equivalent to a piece of apple pie.
v	Try to avoid a lot of alcohol during the holiday get-
togethers.  Not only does it add on calories, but it also 
wears down our willpower to say no to those extra sweets.  
v	Drink plenty of water.  Try alternating any drinks 
containing alcohol with water.
v	Make time for your typical exercise routine or go for a 
walk.  Try to find time amidst the Christmas shopping and 
preparations to keep your metabolism going.  Park a little 
farther away from the stores or walk the mall a little 
v	Give the gift of fitness!  Consider health club 
memberships, weights, or exercise videos as gifts to loved 
v	Have a snack before going to parties so that you aren't 
famished when you get there!  It is easy to overindulge in 
v	Stay clear of the food tables.  Proximity makes it much 
easier to snack on high calorie foods.  Check out all the 
choices on the buffet first, and then fill your plate.  
Bring a healthy dish to the party!
v	Watch portion sizes- especially of your favorite holiday 
foods.  Try not to go back for seconds.  Remember to limit 
something like rolls to save room for dessert.
v	Bake with Splenda which is a great sugar substitute.  
v	Use a gravy separator or forego the gravy.  
v	Cooking stuffing outside of the turkey significantly 
decreases calories and fat, and decreases the risk of 
bacterial contamination.  Choose white turkey meat versus 
v	This may not be the time to start a new diet or try to lose 
weight, but rather to maintain your weight and enjoy the 
holidays!  Remember to enjoy family and friends, first, 
and food, second.
v	Don't feel bad if you overindulge.  Go for a walk and try 
the next day to remember to make healthy choices again!

MQH Help Opportunities
For Parishioners

	Parishioners may submit ads to appear in the bulletin to for approval by the Pastoral Life 
Coordinator.  No ads will be accepted for real estate or by those 
offering child care services (although those looking for child 
care providers may place an ad and screen candidates themselves).  
The parish accepts no responsibility for goods or services 
offered.  The ads are a free service to parishioners.  
*	MQH family seeking part-time child care in our home, 2-3 day 
per week, mostly school hours, January to June (or beyond).  
Must drive, be legal to work in U.S. and love children!  Call 
Elizabeth at 630/993-1931.
*	Wanted:  Used lateral files for MQH parish office.  Please call 
279-5700 and speak to Sr. Marlene.
*	Physician looking for an Office Manager for 2-physician 
practice, 2 office sites in Elmhurst Hospital area.  Call Lynn 
Suwanski for more information.  Call at work 630-833-8200 
X73714, or home 630-530-2523, and be able to provide a resume
*	Elmhurst dental office seeking reliable dental assistant part 
time.  Willing to train the right person.  Every other Tuesday, 
Wednesdays and Fridays.  If you are interested call Kathleen 
Gusloff at 941-8398.

Yoga Class at Mary Queen

Yoga starts in January on

Wednesdays from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m.

$4/Class for each person;  

$6/Class for a family

Call Debbie Styka at 941-7224 if interested.

All monies will be donated to the parish.

L.O.S.S.  Support Group
(Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide)

	Through the collaboration of Catholic Charities (the 
Archdiocese of Chicago and the Diocese of Joliet), support groups 
are in place for anyone who has lost a relative or friend to 
suicide.  A trained facilitator and a mental health professional 
assist these groups.

	The groups meet from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.  The next meeting 
date is:
Dec. 21 	St. Daniel the Prophet Parish Center 
		101 West Loop Drive in Wheaton

	For further information, please call the L.O.S.S. Program 
Center at 312-655-7283.

Diocesan News

A Vocation View
	Vocations from God are not always clear.  Not all of us are 
like Joseph who had an angel appear to him saying:  "Take Mary as 
your wife, and fear not."

RE Sponsors Blood Drive

	On Sunday, January 23, the 8th graders in Mary Queen's 
Religious Education program will host a blood drive for the 
American Red Cross.  Donations are sought from healthy 
individuals ages 17 and older (16 with parental consent) with all 
blood types and who have not donated blood for the previous 56 
days.  If you are a regular donor, please note that November 27 
is the last day you can donate blood and still be eligible to 
donate at MQH's drive on January 23.  If you have a choice as to 
when to donate, we'd appreciate your support.

	A table to take appointments will be set up after Masses 
the weekends of January 8/9 and January 15/16.  You can also 
schedule an appointment by calling Julie McGovern at 834-1237 or 
email jmcgoYear 2005 Men's Group Events

Health Article

Exercise For All Ages!

	Just in time for those New Year resolutions!  The Health 
Committee is sponsoring an evening on "Exercise For All Ages," 
on Tuesday, Jan. 11 at 7:30 pm in Barrett Hall.  We will have 
a professional trainer as our guest speaker, along with 
representatives of our Health Committee.

	Get a program of exercise going for next year!  Reserve 
the date and come one, come all!

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