Mary's Corner

Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
426 N. West Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-2171
Parish Office: 630/279-5700
Fax: 630/279-4667

Dear Friends,

Happy Lent! Our Lenten theme developed by our Worship Commission for this year is: "Take A Risk, Reform Your Life, Live His Journey." May we all learn to take this to heart in the coming weeks.

Living out real Christian faith in the world has always involved Risk. We can think of the risk involved for both early and contemporary martyrs who literally risked their lives for the faith. Not many of us will be called to do that in our own lives. But each of us is called during the season of Lent to risk change and to risk conversion of heart. Change and conversion are risky because they involve the unknown and a process of becoming what-we-do-not-know- yet. At the same time, change and conversion can lead us into deeper relationship with God and one another.

3 We will hear much in the readings during this season of Lent that call us to Reform our lives. We may need to repent of sins or return to God with all our hearts after some period of distance or absence. Or, there may be ways we are called to re-form our lives, giving up old ways of thinking or behaving, developing new relationships or habits, or undergoing some kind of transformation that involves growth in understanding or maturation.

To Live the Journey of Jesus means that we die to ourselves in order to bring new life. The traditional spiritual disciplines of Lent - prayer, fasting, and almsgiving - can help us to do this. Deepening or making more regular our prayer lives, our communication with God, can lead us into more intimate relationship with the One who came that we might have life. Think of all the stories of Jesus withdrawing from the crowds to pray, of all the examples he gave us in his own life of taking time to be alone with God. Prayer is very powerful, not only for ourselves but as we intercede for others. Fasting, along with what is popularly thought of as "giving up something for Lent," are things that are really related to the evangelical counsel of poverty. When we limit our food intake or our attachment to material things, we are more open to discovering our deep hunger and need for God because there is less in the way of blocking that understanding. Almsgiving, or stewardship of time, talent, and treasure, is a way of giving generously out of a sense of gratitude to God for all the blessings we have been given.

Practice of these spiritual disciplines can be a help to us during our Lenten journey. There are other helps available to us, too. The Diocese of Joliet has recommended several sources available for the internet-savvy. One is "The Virtuous Journey: A Seven Week Retreat Through Lent," a program sponsored by the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops. This retreat, which can be done by families, groups, or individuals, focuses each week on one of the Cardinal Virtues (Prudence, Fortitude, Justice, Temperance, Faith, Hope, and Charity). The website for this program can be found at Another recommended program is, "Lent: A Call to Conversion," which can be found at And finally, readings of the lectionary's scripture passages for each day can be found at

In our own parish, we will also be offering some special aids to the spiritual life this season that can be taken advantage of with no technological knowledge at all! First of all, we will be having our Communal Lenten Reconciliation Service (with the opportunity for individual confession) on Wednesday, March 2 at 7:00 pm in the church. During the weekends of March 5-6 and 12-13, there will be opportunities for signing up for our new Bible Study groups which will start meeting in April. During Fridays during Lent there will be opportunities for participating in the Stations of the Cross. The celebration of Holy Week's Triduum (the liturgies of the Three Days of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday evening) are a tremendous way to enter deeply into the journey of Christ leading up to Easter and the Resurrection.

I would like you to know about one other wonderful opportunity for all teens and adults of our parish during this Lenten season. Our new Adult Education and Spirituality Committee has organized a Lenten Series for this year, which will take place each Tuesday evening of Lent, beginning with this week. Starting on Feb. 15, each Tuesday at 7 pm in Barrett Hall, a major organization of the parish will be sponsoring a film and discussion of Vatican II. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council and our Diocese has many events celebrating this anniversary. Within our parish this Lent, we will have the opportunity to learn more about this momentous event in the life of our church, the changes that have been taking place as a result of it, and the ways that lay people are called to live out the Gospel of Jesus in the world. This Lenten series is very much in line with our theme of "Take A Risk, Reform Your Life, Live His Journey." The implementation of the Second Vatican Council called upon the entire church to take a risk and re-form itself, as we learn to live out more closely the life of Christ together with one another. I strongly encourage everyone to take advantage of this five-week long opportunity to learn more about the history of our church and the ways that we are called by virtue of our baptism to preach the Gospel with our lives.

"Take A Risk, Reform Your Life, Live His Journey." May this theme become ingrained in us during this holy season and may our Lenten practices help to deepen our faith as individuals and as a parish family.

Mary Foley, Pastoral Life Coordinator

Benedictine University offers

Free Nutrition Counseling for Area Seniors

	Healthy Table, a service of the Nutrition Department at 
Benedictine University, provides free nutrition counseling and 
education to seniors age 60 and older, persons on Medicare or 
Medicaid and those participating in public food assistance 
programs.  Nutrition counseling is designed to meet individual 

	Healthy Table can help people learn why certain foods may 
help improve these conditions: diabetes, high blood pressure, 
weight management problems, high cholesterol, anemia, 
osteoporosis, and bowel trouble.

	Healthy Table hours are:
		Mondays from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
		Wednesdays from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
		Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
		Saturdays from 9:00 am. to 1:00 p.m.
	Appointments can be scheduled at other times.

	Interested individuals should call Julie Ann Behluli at 
630-829-6518, for information or an appointment.

St. Charles Borromeo 

	We are now accepting registrations for the 2005-2006 school 
year. Birth certificate, baptismal certificate, social security 
number and a $40 non-refundable fee are required to register. For 
information, call the school at 766-0116.

VITAS Hospice Care
Is offering Volunteer Training

To prepare caring individuals
to work with terminally ill patients and their families. 
Classroom sessions will be held:

Saturday, and Sunday, February 26 and 27
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 pm. (both days)

VITAS Innovative Health Care
580 Waters Edge, Suite 100, Lombard

	Course content includes Hospice Movement & the VITAS Story, 
VITAS Palliative Care, Spiritual Care, Communication Techniques, 
Psychosocial Needs & Family Dynamics, and a host of related 

	Volunteers provide service in homes, nursing homes, or our 
inpatient Hospice House.  We care for patients near your home or 
office!  For further information call Nancy Petersen, Volunteer 
Services Mgr, at 630-268-6237.

Fellowship Sunday

	On Sunday, February 20th, after the 10:15 a.m. Mass, we will 
have Fellowship in Barrett Hall.  Members of our Parish Council 
will be the hosts.  Bring your family and enjoy conversing with 
friends and fellow parishioners while having a cup of coffee or 
juice, donuts, coffee cakes and other goodies.

Candlelight Bowl

Friday, February 18th

	The Council of Catholic Women and the Men's Group are co-
hosting a Scotch Doubles Candlelight Bowl at Stardust Bowling 
Lanes, 27 E. Lorraine in Addison.  Dinner will be served at 8:30 
p.m. followed by three games of Scotch doubles (including one 
"crazy bowl" game).  There will be raffles, and prizes will be 
awarded.  The cost is $45.00/couple.  Cash bar.  Call your 
relatives, neighbors, and friends and invite them to join in the 

	For reservations, call Mary White (833-9809) or stop at the 
table in the church vestibule this weekend.  The deadline for 
selling tickets is this weekend, February , 12-13.  Make checks 
payable to the Council of Catholic Women.

Christian Service Commission

"Gather Books"

	You may have noticed that our "Gather" books are looking 
tattered and many of them have been lost.  A new edition is now 
available.  The cost for each hardcover book, engraved with our 
parish name, is $15.

	Replacing our books would be quite an expense to the 
parish, so we thought perhaps our parishioners would like to 
donate a book.  Every book donated will have a donor bookplate 
with the words, "Gift Of" and your family name, or inscribed with 
the words "In Memory Of."  These books are an important part of 
our liturgies.

	We hope to provide four "Gather" books at each end of our 
pews (8 per pew).  There are forms available in the church 
vestibule.  Please return the form with your check made out to 
Mary Queen of Heaven.  Thank you for your generous contributions 
to our thriving parish.

Parish News

Market Day

	Orders for MONTH are due Monday, February 14, at noon.  
Turn in your order form in the box at the back of church or at 
the rectory.  Pickup on Saturday, February 29, from 9:30 - 10:30 
a.m. in the Social Hall.  

	If you have questions or would like to place an order, 
please call Mary at 832-8263 or Karen at 279-4108.

Parish Library To Open February 20

	Mary Queen of Heaven's new parish library, located at the 
north end of Mary's Gathering Place, will open for the first time 
on Sunday, February 20 from 9:00 a.m. until Noon.  This will 
enable parishioners to have the books available for nearly all of 
Lent-not that we think reading is a form of Lenten penance, but 
rather a chance to deepen our spiritual knowledge.

	Members of the Library Committee have divided the books 
into various categories and color coded each category to help 
parishioners using the library.  Among the topics covered are 
Church History, The Church Today, Theology, Christian Reading, 
Spirituality, Devotional, Saints, Biography, Women, Fiction, 
Psychology, Children, and Young Adults.  In addition, a number of 
magazines will be available in the magazine rack for reading.

	Some additional books have been ordered to fill in the gaps 
in certain categories, which we hope will arrive before February 
20.  There is some overlap between a few of the categories, but 
since ours is a small library this should not present a serious 
problem.  For example, Spirituality focuses on the ideas involved 
in the spiritual life, while Devotional emphasizes the "how to" 
in developing one's spiritual life.  

	The library will be open from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on 
Saturdays and from 9:00 a.m. to noon on Sundays.  Books may be 
checked out for three weeks at a time by filling out the cards in 
the pockets in the back of each book, and leaving the cards in 
the library.  Members of the Library Committee will be present to 
answer questions during library hours.  

	Anyone wishing to volunteer to help with the work of the 
library should call William Barnds at 630-782-5966.

	William Barnds, a former U.S. government official and 
author, joined the parish last year.  He is also a member of the 
Finance Committee.

Religious Education News

Mark Your Calendars

	Bishop Schlarman will be here to talk to our 8th grade 
Confirmation candidates, their parents and sponsors on Wednesday, 
February 23rd at 7:00 PM in Barrett Hall.

	We are delighted that Bishop Schlarman will be here since 
he will be the presider at our Confirmation celebration on April 
23rd.  It is our hope that all of our parents and all of our local 
sponsors will be here with their candidates  Please let us know 
if for some reason you cannot attend.

Reminder to all Parents

	Please caution your children to be extra careful when 
crossing the parking lot, walking on the sidewalks, etc.  We ask 
that all our parents be extra careful as well when driving in and 
out of the parking lot.  Winter is still with us and that means 
the outside surfaces can be slippery.  Please help us keep our 
children safe.

It's Not Too Early To Start 
Thinking of Being a Catechist
	This is the perfect time to start thinking if you are being 
called to be a catechist in our Religious Education Program next 
fall.  It's also a great time to come by on a Wednesday and see 
what goes on after the children arrive.  The only qualification 
is that you love children and you want to share your faith with 
them.  Everything else is provided.  With our enrollment nearing 
the 500 mark, the need for catechists is even greater.  If you 
thought about it or know someone who is interested, call the 
office for details.

Lenten Project:

	For the past several years we have collected Easter basket 
"fixings" for the children of Marillac House.  This year on all 
the Wednesdays of Lent there will be a "Basket" in the hall of 
school.  The need is for Easter candy, small plush animals, toys, 
anything that one can put into a basket.  Your generosity will 
make the children who live on Chicago's West Side just a little 
happier on Easter morning.  Thank you in advance.

	For more information on any of the above, please call Mary 
Ann Woods at the REO, 832-8962

Christian Education Commission

Scripture Study Program Update

	Leadership training for more than 15 facilitators and co-
facilitators for our upcoming Scripture Study Program is already 
underway, and will continue for the next four weeks.

	Watch this space for more details about this program, 
including the Information Weekend to be held March 5/6, and Sign-
Up Weekend on March 12/13. Actual study groups will begin the 
week of April 3.

	Meanwhile, please pray for discernment about taking part in 
one of the study groups, and pray for our facilitators, co-
facilitators - and trainers - during this time of formation and 

	For information, call Lynn Suwanski at 530-2523.

Prayer  Requests
	To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our 
parish family.  We hope that you will pray for these persons 
every day, alone or as a family.  Thank you.

	Pam Bondfide	Heather Marie Brennan
	Kathleen Bryers	Rose Caffarelli
	Kathy Calzante	Jim Clynch	
	Jenie Colletti	Trudi Dolato
	John Doyle	Jeannette Elderkin
	Dan Focht	Paul Francetic
	Anna Heffel	Jen Huwalt
	Tom Huwalt	Pat Holmes 
	Maureen James	Tom Janicke
	Irene Kmieciak	Baby Emma Ann Lynde
	Nancy Maloney	Robert Manion
	Bobbi Nannini	Stephanie Shostok
	Jeff Smith	Joe Tinnerello
	Alex Villamil	Tyler Vincer

	If you or a family member would like to be included in our 
prayers, please call the rectory at 279-5700.  Also, please let 
us know when a name should be removed.

Christian Worship Commission

Lenten Vatican II Series

The MQH Adult Education and Spirituality Committee invites 
you to explore

40 Years of Catholic Tradition  

The Faithful Revolution: Vatican II

	It began in 1962 with one man's vision to bring about 
change and reform. Who was the man known as Pope John XXIII? What 
influenced his decision to call the Second Vatican Council? How 
would Vatican II affect the evolution of the Church? 

	The opening session of our Lenten series develops the 
history of the Council, the death of Pope John XXIII and the 
legacy of this "genius of the heart." It tells of the changing 
relationship with the mass media, the Church's struggles with a 
changing world, and the eventual changes in the liturgy. This 
hour-long video presentation will be followed by discussion and 

	The MQH Council of Catholic Women will host this opening 
session in Barrett Hall at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, February 15.  
For more information, contact Dick Reed at 834-4840.

Year 2005 Men's Group Events

Mark your calendars for the following:

	Saturday, March 19		St. Patrick's Day Party 

	Monday, April 4		NCAA Men's Basketball

Men's Group meets the 2nd Thursday of each month.

MQH Help Opportunities
For Parishioners

	Parishioners may submit ads to appear in the bulletin  to for approval by the Pastoral Life 
Coordinator.  No ads will be accepted for real estate or by those 
offering child care services (although those looking for child 
care providers may place an ad and screen candidates themselves).  
The parish accepts no responsibility for goods or services 
offered.  The ads are a free service to parishioners.  
*	Lynn Suwanski, who works for an Elmhurst Memorial Hospital 
physician hospital organization, occasionally hears of openings 
for positions in physician offices in the Elmhurst area.  If 
you would like to give her your name and phone number in case 
she finds out there is a need, she will contact you.  Please 
call her at work 630-833-8200 ext. 73714, or home 630-530-2523, 
and be able to provide a resume.

St. Alexander Parish Mission

	You are invited to join St. Alexander Parish in their 
annual Parish Mission on February 20, 21 and 22 in St. Alexander 
Church, 300 S. Cornell in Villa Park.  The services begin at 7:00 
p.m. on Sunday and at 7:30 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday.  John 
Donahue Grossman will speak on "Feeding the Hungers of Our 

	Mr. Grossman has been involved in parish ministry and 
Catholic education in the Chicago and Rockford areas for almost 
two decades and is known for speaking to people where they are in 
their life journey.  

	For more information call:  630-833-7730.

Volunteer Opportunity: P.A.D.S.
(Public Action to Deliver Shelter)

	Our parishioners help prepare and serve dinner and 
breakfast, and we man (or woman) the overnight shift (11 p.m. to 
5 a.m.). We work at St. Alexis Parish in Bensenville.  We serve 
only once per month, on the 4th weekend of the month, October 
through March, on the Saturday night to Sunday morning shift.  If 
you are interested, please call Steve Lindberg at 630-983-3392 
(work) or 630-941-1355 (home).

Diocesan News

L.O.S.S.  Support Group
(Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide)

	Through the collaboration of Catholic Charities (from the 
Archdiocese of Chicago and the Diocese of Joliet), support groups 
are in place for anyone who has lost a relative or friend to 
suicide.  A trained facilitator and a mental health professional 
assist these groups. The groups meet from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. on 
either the third Wednesday or the fourth Tuesday of the month. 

The next meeting dates are as follows:

Feb. 16 	St. Paul the Apostle Activity Center
		130 Woodlawn in Joliet
Feb. 22 	St. Daniel the Prophet Parish Center
	101 West Loop Drive in Wheaton

For further information, please call the L.O.S.S. Program Center 
at 312-655-7283.

High School Honor Roll

	We have been notified by Fenwick High School in Oak Park 
that Steven Lindberg recently made the honor roll for the first 
semester of the 2004/2005 academic school year.  Congratulations 

Community Conversations
Let Your Voice Be Heard

	The Elmhurst Senior Citizens Commission introduces 
Community Conversations.  This informal setting will provide a 
forum for seniors residing in Elmhurst to celebrate systems 
already in place as well as provide a voice for concerns and 
opinions that directly effect aging well in the Elmhurst 
community.  Topics will focus on diverse subjects such as housing 
options, senior services and healthcare.

	Please join us for the first of a series of three Community 
Conversations on Monday, February 21st at Immaculate Conception 
Church, at 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.  The topic will be "Aging in 
Place."  Refreshments will be served.  Seating is limited.  
Please RSVP to Carol Yesko at 630-530-3497.

	The 2nd Community Conversations will be held at First 
Congregational United Church of Christ, March 15 from 9:30 to 
11:30 a.m., entitled "Choices."  The 3rd Community Conversation 
will be held at First United Methodist Church of Elmhurst, April 
12, 2005 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., entitled "A Look at Elmhurst."

	Questions concerning the Community Conversations may be 
directed to Commissioners Cathy Raymond at 630-306-9745 or 
Melissa Cheek at 630-336-0774.

A Vocation View
	Lent is a season of renewal, of spiritual growth.  These 
forty penitential days invite us
to strive for our true calling

Stations of the Cross

	Stations of the Cross are being held in Church at 7:00 p.m. 
during the Friday's of Lent.  Perhaps you and your family could 
make a special effort to attend this devotion.

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