Mary's Corner

Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
426 N. West Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-2171
Parish Office: 630/279-5700
Fax: 630/279-4667

Dear Friends,

Our Lenten theme of taking a risk, reforming our lives, and following the journey of Jesus continues. It is hard to believe but Holy Week will begin in only two weeks. We are moving closer to the end of Lent, when we will follow Jesus to Jerusalem and the end of his earthly life.

Lent is a penitential season that holds reminders for us of death and dying. If we spend this season taking the risk of reforming our lives and following Jesus, that means that we will have to learn to die to parts of ourselves that are sinful. In order to share with others the gifts we have received from God, we need to sacrifice and perhaps die to some of the material attachments we have in our lives. As we move closer to Holy Week, we know that we will soon be living through the stories of the final days of Jesus, from the Last Supper with his disciples, to the Garden of Gethsemane, to his death on the cross. Our liturgical environment during this entire season has been sparse and bare. When we come to Holy Week, the holy water will be removed from our fonts as a further sign of the end of life as we have known it.

All of this will change when we celebrate with joy at the Easter Vigil, with new life coming into church first with fire, and then with water that is once again blessed and made holy. The Easter celebration of the resurrection of Jesus will be accompanied by the singing of the Gloria, that wonderful hymn of praise that, along with the Alleluia, has been absent throughout the weeks of Lent. At Easter, we celebrate our Christian belief that death is not the end of life but that we have been granted a share in the eternal life that the resurrected Jesus has promised us.

As Catholics, we live out this paschal mystery every time we celebrate the Holy Eucharist, recalling Christ's passion, death and resurrection. Holy Week provides us with the opportunity to stretch out the experience of sharing in this part of Jesus' journey. As baptized Christians, we believe that we have been baptized into Christ's death as well as his life. I hope that all will share in the liturgical celebrations of the Triduum (the three holy days of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday with the celebration of the Easter Vigil) as a way of letting this truth take deeper root in our lives.

In these last weeks of Lent, approaching the death of Jesus helps us to focus on the brevity of our own lives. Our Lenten observances can help us to prepare spiritually for entering into eternal life when our days here have ended. We prepare ourselves through acts of penitence and repentance, and through disciplines of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. We walk with Jesus during these weeks, listening to his stories, letting the Word of God change us. Along with the sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation that we celebrate during this season, all of these things help us to grow in holiness as individuals and as a community of faith. We are preparing now for the life we will share with Jesus when our own lives on earth come to an end.

Our Health Committee has chosen this season of Lent as a time to help us look at the end of our lives in other ways. Next Saturday, on March 12, the Health Committee is hosting a special Forum on End- of-Life Issues. A panel of presenters will be giving talks on Catholic teaching about end-of-life issues, as well as: advanced directives about living wills or durable power of attorney for health care, will and estate planning, organ donation, hospice and respite care, and rites of the church at times of sickness and death. This forum is open to anyone! It may be of special interest to those facing illness or advanced age, but it can be very helpful to caretakers of others or children of aging parents.

For years I have served as a part-time hospital chaplain and I would recommend this program for anyone. None of us knows the number of years we will have or how our health or that of those we love may change over time. Death may come as a welcome friend at the end of a long life or surprise us as a stranger by coming when we do not expect it. It is one of the greatest privileges in ministry to be with someone at the very end of their life when they have prepared well for meeting God. I have had this privilege a number of times and do not forget the faith or faces of those who have made a peaceful transition from this place to the next. But people are not always so prepared, and death is not always so peaceful. There is little that we can control about the time or way our lives will end. However, just as there is much we can do to prepare spiritually, there are also things we can do to help make things the best they can be for ourselves or our loved ones when death does come.

Often, people are taken by surprise in the hospital when they are faced with decisions that would have been better made before there was any emergency. Often, too, I encounter Catholics who do not know about church teaching around issues like artificial life support or organ donation. When it comes time for celebrating the rites of the church for those who are sick or for those who have died, it is helpful to know what the church teaches and what options there are.

In our society, there can be a tendency to shy away from talk of death. This kind of secrecy can make things fearful that do not need to be so. A healthy Catholic attitude towards death sees it as part of our life's journey. A holy Catholic attitude towards death sees human dignity even when life brings vulnerability, suffering, and helplessness. All of these are things that Jesus experienced at the end of his life; we will face this squarely when we celebrate Holy Week.

I hope that you will consider coming to the Health Committee's Forum on End-of-Life Issues next Saturday morning. Let us look at this event as another help during this season of Lent to put our lives in right order, inside and out, so to speak! May God continue to bless you and our parish family during this holy season of Lent.

- Mary Foley, Pastoral Life Coordinator

M.O.M.S.  Group
I. C. Parish, Elmhurst

	M.O.M.S. (Moms Offering Moms Support) is a social 
organization that provides an opportunity for mothers of young 
children to meet other mothers.  It is a time to relax over 
coffee and snacks while learning and discussing issues of 
interest.  There are no membership fees, nor are there any 
requirements to join the group.  

	On Thursday, March 10, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m., join us for 
an opportunity to further your child's interest in reading and 
language through a fun-filled morning of rhymes, story time, and 
finger plays - courtesy of the Elmhurst Public Library Children's 

	For more information call Jean Lawrence at 630-832-0575 or 
Melanie Schneider at 630-782-0868.  

Wings to Heaven News

Friday, April 8, at 7 p.m. - 9 a.m.

Permission slips are available in the RE office or see Kathleen 
The cost is $15 to attend.
We must have all signed permission slips in by 
March 16.

??? Please call Kathleen Gusloff at 832-4348
or e-mail at

Parent Dinner

	Thanks to all the families that attended our parent dinner.  
What a fun opportunity for parents to get a glimpse of some of 
the things their children are dong in youth group.  A great time 
was had by all.  Special thanks to our high school students that 
helped out:  Colleen McGing, David Gusloff, and Rebecca McGovern.

Host Families Sought for
Children of Northern Ireland

	The Irish Children's Fund is seeking host families to 
welcome children from the troubled areas of Northern Ireland into 
their homes during the summer of 2005.  This will be the 24th 
summer that the ICF has brought an equal number of Catholic and 
Protestant children to the Chicago area.  During their visit, the 
children will participate in activities designed to foster the 
spirit of cooperation and friendship. 

	Upon returning to Northern Ireland, the children have a 
follow-up program available to them through which they can 
continue to come together in ICF-sponsored activities and 
maintain the friendships formed in the United States.  For 
additional information, call 630-833-1910.

"Gather Books"

	You may have noticed that our "Gather" books are looking 
tattered and many of them have been lost.  A new edition is now 
available.  The cost for each hardcover book, engraved with our 
parish name, is $15.

	Replacing our books would be quite an expense to the 
parish, so we thought perhaps our parishioners would like to 
donate a book.  Every book donated will have a donor bookplate 
with the words, "Gift Of" and your family name, or inscribed with 
the words "In Memory Of."  These books are an important part of 
our liturgies.

	We hope to provide four "Gather" books at each end of our 
pews (8 per pew).  There are forms available in the church 
vestibule.  Please return the form with your check made out to 
Mary Queen of Heaven.  Thank you for your generous contributions 
to our thriving parish.

Stations of the Cross

Friday, March 11, at 7:00 PM in Church

Christian Service Commission

Lenten Food Collection 

	Our St. Vincent dePaul annual food collection will be held 
the weekend of March 12 and 13.  The food will be distributed to 
needy families in our community for Easter.  

	We are collecting non-perishable items of canned 
vegetables, fruit, soup, pastas, rice, spaghetti sauce, prepared 
foods, coffee, tea, juice, boxed cake mixes, peanut butter, 
jelly, paper products (Kleenex, toilet paper, paper towels), hand 
soap, and laundry detergent.  

St. Patrick's Day Party

	The Men's Group is hosting a St. Patrick's Day Party in 
Barrett Hall from 7:00 p.m. until Midnight on Saturday, March 19.  
The admission price of $25 per adult (over 21) will include a 
catered buffet dinner, beverages, musical entertainment and a few 
surprises.  Admission will be on a first-come, first-serve basis 
(120 people maximum), so get your tickets now!  For admission 
ticket information, contact Ray Schneider at 834-5604 or Mark 
Connelly at 782-7626.

Christian Education Commission

The MQH Adult Education and Spirituality Committee 
invites you to explore

40 Years of Catholic Tradition  

The Faithful Revolution: Vatican II
Session Four:  A World Transformed

	As a result of the Second Vatican Council the Church was 
described in new terms, and the role of the laity changed 
drastically. Lay people became full and active participants in 
almost every aspect of the Church. Work for peace and justice was 
recognized as an essential aspect of Christian life. People now 
viewed acts of civil disobedience as obedience to God in the 
defense of human rights. The world had been transformed. In this 
session we see the Council's impact on peace and justice 
activism, sexual ethics, and the redefined nature of marriage.

	This hour-long video presentation followed by discussion 
and fellowship will be hosted by the Mary Queen of Heaven Music 
Ministry on Tuesday, March 8, at 7:00 p.m. in Barrett Hall.

	For more information, call Dick Reed at 834-4840.

Community News

Religious Education News

You, a Catechist?  Why Not?

	This is the perfect time to start thinking if you are being 
called to be a catechist in our Religious Education Program next 
school year.  It's also a great time to come by on a Wednesday 
and see what goes on after the children arrive. The only 
qualification is that you love children and you want to share 
your faith with them.  Everything else is provided.  The cash pay 
is not terrific; in fact it's non-existent.  But the perks are 

	Each year we lose a few catechists due to moves, jobs, or 
maybe moving on to another ministry in the parish.  I'm sure this 
year will be no exception.  So if you like the little ones, or 
maybe the junior high is where your interests lie, don't hesitate 
to call for more info.  Your children deserve the very best ... 

Lenten Project

	We continue to collect items for Easter baskets, which will 
be donated to Marillac House on Chicago's West Side.  Each 
Wednesday during Lent, there will be a "Basket" in the hall of 
school for donations of candy, small stuffed animals, grass, or 
other items appropriate for a child's Easter basket.  Please be 

Mark your Calendar:

Sunday, March 13, at 8:30 a.m. - Next Family Mass
Saturday, March 19 - Final Interviews for Confirmation 
Candidates.  Letters will be mailed home letting parents know 
what time their child is scheduled for an interview.
Good Friday, March 25, at 3:00 in Church - The Living Stations 
will be done by the 7th grade students.

	If you have questions or need more information, please call 
Mary Ann Woods at the REO, 832-8962.

Do You Want a Better Relationship 
With Your Teen?

	Do you want to help your teen become more responsible?  Do 
you want to help your teen learn how to argue less and listen 
more?  If so, you are invited to participate in a four-part 
parenting workshop entitled Systematic Training for Effective 

	This class will teach techniques that can be applied to the 
many challenges faced by teenagers and their parents in today's 
society, such as how to help teens handle peer pressure, how to 
help them determine their educational and career goals, and how 
to discuss the sensitive issues of sexuality and drug use.  In 
addition, it will offer models of mutual respect and cooperation 
that will help them in their relationship with parents and with 

	The 4-week program will be held at Catholic Charities in 
Lombard on 4 Tuesday evenings, 7-9 p.m. beginning March 15.  The 
cost is $50 per person, or $70 per couple, and includes all 
materials.  For more information or to register, please call 630-
495-8008 or 630-710-8226.

Diocesan News

Marriage Encounter

	Lent is a time for personal reflection, so what better time 
to reflect on the rewarding relationship your marriage could be? 
The Marriage Encounter weekend gives you tools to turn good 
marriages into great marriages.

	There are Marriage Encounter weekends scheduled April 8-10, 
June 24-26, and Sept. 9-11.  Register early to avoid the waiting 
list!  For more information or to register, call Tom and Mary 
Leonard at 630-577-0778.

Parish Bulletin Deadline

Due to the Holiday Schedule, the publisher has given us an early 
date for our Easter bulletin.

Items for the March 27 bulletin must be 
in the parish office by Thursday, March 17.

We appreciate your effort and cooperation.

CCW "Woman of the Year"
Nominations this Weekend

	Nomination slips are in the pews this weekend.  Ladies of 
the parish are asked to nominate a woman they feel leads a life 
of faith and love and has given generously of her time and talent 
to the ministries and organizations in our parish.  They will be 
asked to give a reason why they feel she should be chosen.  The 
election for the "Woman of the Year" will be held on March 19-20.  

St. Vincent dePaul Society

	The St. Vincent dePaul Society is looking for volunteers to 
help parishioners who have recently been released from the 
hospital, are elderly and no longer drive, have doctors' 
appointments, need medicine picked up, or other circumstances 
which require transportation.

	Do you have a few hours now and then to help out?  If so, 
we certainly welcome your assistance.  If you would like to 
volunteer, please call Sheila Reiter at 833-6657.  We will use 
the utmost discretion when you are called to help a fellow 
parishioners.  Thank you for considering volunteering.  We can 
assure you that the benefits you receive from helping will be 
most rewarding.

The Holy Father's General 
Mission Intentions for March 2005

That governments of every nation, 
in their policies and development plans, 
should always take account 
of the poor, emarginated and oppressed.

Parish News

MQH  Help Opportunities
For Parishioners

	Parishioners may submit ads to appear in the bulletin  to for approval by the Pastoral Life 
Coordinator.  No ads will be accepted for real estate or by those 
offering child care services (although those looking for child 
care providers may place an ad and screen candidates themselves).  
The parish accepts no responsibility for goods or services 
offered.  The ads are a free service to parishioners.  

Retired Man Needed.  Part-time help needed for Lombard office 
maintenance, 2-3 mornings per week (no weekends).  Person would 
work in conjunction with current maintenance man.  Mechanical 
skills required.  Call John at Catholic Charities for more 
information 630-495-8008, ext 41.

A Vocation View:  

	If we can't see where we're going, we'll never get there. 
The Good shepherd leads us to green pastures, refreshes our souls 
and brings light to a darkened world.

Worship Commission Meeting Notes
February 21, 2005

	Final plans are underway for Holy Week liturgies.  Our 
worship aids for Holy Week will include the complete readings and 
all hymns.  There will be no need for Gather books, missalettes 
or other aids.

	The lectors have lost a dedicated minister in the death of 
Alex Villamil.  The Worship Commission extends deepest sympathy 
to his family and friends.

	All are invited to attend our meetings, which are held at 7 
p.m. on the third Monday of the month.

Prayer  Requests
	To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our 
parish family.  We hope that you will pray for these persons 
every day, alone or as a family.  Thank you.

	Pam Bondfide	Heather Marie Brennan
	Kathleen Bryers	Rose Caffarelli
	Kathy Calzante	Jim Clynch	
	Jenie Colletti	Trudi Dolato
	John Doyle	Dan Focht	
	Paul Francetic	Anna Heffel	
	Jen Huwalt	Tom Huwalt	
	Pat Holmes 	Maureen James
	Tom Janicke	Irene Kmieciak
	Baby Emma Ann Lynde	Nancy Maloney
	Robert Manion	Bobbi Nannini	
	Stephanie Shostok	Jeff Smith
	Joe Tinnerello	Tyler Vincer

	If you or a family member would like to be included in our 
prayers, please call the rectory at 279-5700.  Also, please let 
us know when a name should be removed.

Bible Study Sign-up Next Week

Informational Sessions 
in Barrett Hall after Masses

	Informational sessions on the Bible Study program 
will be held in Barrett Hall after all of the Masses 
this weekend. An 8-minute video will be shown, 
pamphlets will be available, questions will be 
answered, and there will be an opportunity for 
advance sign-up.

	Official sign-up for the Bible study groups will be next 
weekend, March 12/13 at every Mass. The group meeting days and 
times will be available, and each participant will select a group 
that meets at a time on a day of the week that is convenient. 
There will be a $10 charge per participant for study materials; 
however, cost should not discourage anyone who wishes to 
participate from doing so. The study materials may be purchased 
after every Mass on April 2/3.

	The first group meetings will be during the week of April 
3, and the groups will continue until the first week in June.  
For information, please contact Lynn Suwanski at 530-2523.

Vocation Retreat for Women

	Do you think you might have a vocation to be a Sister?  You 
are invited to a weekend retreat for single women to discern if 
God is calling you to Religious Life.  Learn about Religious Life 
with time to reflect and share with others who are searching.  

	The retreat, given by the Sisters of the Holy Cross, is 
from Friday night to Sunday noon, March 11-13, at Angela House, 
412 West 10th St., Michigan City, Indiana.  
Call 574-284-5998 or email at for information 
and reservations.

Joliet Diocese Catholic
Charismatic Healing Mass

Friday, March 18, Mass at 7:30 p.m.

Sacrament of Reconciliation - 6:30 p.m.
Doors open at 6:00 p.m.

St. Joseph Catholic Church
4801 Main Street, Downers Grove
Rev. Joel Lopez, Presiding
Deacon Marty Hetzel, Assisting

For information, please call 630-964-0216

Please join us in welcoming...

Joan Wester Anderson
Author of... New York Times best seller
Where Angels Walk

Mary Queen of Heaven Church
This Sunday, March 6, at 2:00 p.m.

$5 per person;  $15 per family

All proceeds benefit JoAnn Cavce Charities.
Tax-Deductible and registered in Thornton, Arkansas

Sponsored by:  The Religious Education Office &
The 8th grade Make a Difference Project

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