Mary's Corner

Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
426 N. West Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-2171
Parish Office: 630/279-5700
Fax: 630/279-4667

Dear Friends,

This is the last week of Lent before Holy Week begins! It is hard to believe that these days have passed so quickly. Sometimes it seems that the old adage, "the older you get, the faster time goes," is true. However, I think it is really that our lives can be filled with so much activity that unless we take the time to pay attention, time can easily slip away. Unless we intentionally reflect upon our experience, with the passage of time, we can miss appreciating a great deal - blessings we have received, lessons we have learned, challenges that have helped us to grow.

I remember something I once learned on a New Year's Eve retreat, when the director had us use our quiet time to go over our calendar for the previous year, to see and think about all that had taken place. This was a great exercise to prepare us for moving into a new year. However, it is a practice that does not need to be saved for Dec. 31. Taking the time to quietly consider our experience and reflect upon its meaning for us - especially when we do this in light of the scriptures, sacraments, and teachings of the church - can become a regular spiritual discipline that can help us to grow in our lives as Catholic Christians.

Lent is a time we have been given by the Church to reflect upon conversion in our lives. It is not easy to know how God is calling us or how we need to change our hearts or our ways unless we take the time to listen and reflect. During the remainder of this season of Lent, let us each be attentive in our lives as individuals. We can also benefit from reflection on our lives together, too, as a community of faith. Today, I would like to share with you a few of my own reflections on life within our community during these weeks of Lent, within the context of today's scripture readings.

When I think about John's Gospel account of Martha and Jesus at the death of Lazarus, immediately I see the tears of those who have lost family members in the last few weeks. Just last night, I was with a woman who is deeply grieving the loss of her brother. She is Martha for us, the one who has complete trust in God, the one who knows her brother will have eternal life, the one who still suffers grief so intense that Jesus weeps out of compassion for her. Then, I am reminded of the parish committee that this woman is a part of, people who love her and have been praying for her. This Gospel story of the grieving Martha and the loving Jesus has been a living word of God within our community during this season of Lent.

In the Gospel story, the miracle of Jesus raising Lazarus demonstrates both the power of God and the promise of life after death which is given to all of us. It is a powerful message for those who may fear death, or for those who do grieve the loss of family members or friends who have died. But the raising of Lazarus can also take on meaning for a community in transition, one which has had to let go of old, familiar ways, one which was called to trust that there could be new life to come in a future that could not be immediately seen or understood. Extensive reflection on our experience at Mary Queen of Heaven as a community in transition would take far more space than this article permits. It has not always been easy or comfortable. Major change is rarely easy, and it can be very messy. People may not be at their best selves, uncertainness can breed insecurity or defensiveness, and emotions can run very high. A few have already decided that they cannot accept or endure the changes that have come with time and this has brought sadness to us all. And yet, in the midst of what has been in some ways a kind of dying to what was, there have been so many signs of the life that is to be. Our parish is growing. Just last Sunday, two families approached me after the 10:15 Mass because they want to become a part of our parish family, one they experience as being a place of life, welcome, and hope. Not only are the numbers of families growing as new people continue to register as members of Mary Queen, but new life is growing within our community as ministry development takes place. This has been happening in all kinds of ways, from Parish Pastoral Council members learning more about the structure and functioning of the church, to the new development of several new ministries that have formed and become active in recent months. We now have a group of people to lead our Peace and Justice ministry, we have an active Health Committee, and we have five Bible Study groups that will begin after Easter. Also after Easter, our Welcoming Catholics Home program will begin, following months of preparation by the group that came together to lead this ministry. I believe that God has given us these signs just as Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead to show to the people then that there was new life to come.

At this time, I would also like to acknowledge those who are continuing to respond generously to our Stewardship Appeal, both those who have come forward to give of their time and talent in new ways, as well as those who have made a commitment to giving of treasure through our Sunday Offertory Renewal effort. I know that everyone is not able to increase their offering. However, those who are doing so will help us move into the future as a financially viable parish. The pledges you are making will help us to plan for our budget for next year. To all who have already responded generously, I thank you from my heart. I ask everyone in our parish to pray for the success of our work on stewardship, that we may call forth all of the gifts that God has so generously bestowed upon us for the good of the church. St. Paul tells us in today's second reading that it is not only at the end of our lives that we will experience the power of God and the new life God has to give us, when he says, "If the Spirit of the one who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, the One who raised Christ from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also, through his Spirit dwelling in you." During the time we have left in Lent, let us continue to reflect on the ways that this life can be made more manifest in ourselves and in our faith community. I would like to close this week's column with some words from theologian Monika Helwig, from her book (which, by the way, is available in our new parish library), Guests of God: Stewards of Divine Creation:

The promised reign of God is not some magical intervention by which God will change things without us or in spite of us. That is not the truth of human nature and human existence in the world. The power of God is the power of loving us into existence with our freedom and continuing to love us by respecting our freedom. And that means that the power of God is invitational, not compelling, endlessly patient but insistently calling, and in the end as self-giving as the death of Jesus. That power is known to most human beings through what they experience from other people, and we are called to be those other people, expressing the hospitality and the invitation of God through what we are and what we do and how we relate to other people and build communities of trust, sharing and cooperation.

- Mary Foley, Pastoral Life Coordinator

Good Friday Walk

	St. Alexander Parish in Villa Park (Cornell and Prairie 
Path) is again sponsoring the Good Friday Walk on March 25. 
Assemble in the Church by 10:00 a.m. for orientation, prayer, and 
song. Participants are provided a free brochure containing 
prayers, commentary, and songs.

	The walk will visit several churches and sites in the area.  
At about noon the walk will terminate at St. Alexander parish.  
Everyone will be invited to partake of a simple soup and bread 
lunch in the Church gym.

	This version of the Stations of the Cross"will help 
participants in the walk make a connection between Jesus' trial, 
suffering, and execution and the social issues that need to be 
addressed by Catholics today.

	If you have any questions, feel free to call Rosalie and 
Milt Honel at 279-7086.

Stations of the Cross

Friday, March 18, at 7:00 PM in Church

Parish News

Coming Soon:

"Women in the History of the Church"

Presentation by Mary Foley, sponsored by MQH CCW.  Tuesday 
evening, March 22, at 7 p.m. in Barrett Hall.

The MQH Adult Education and Spirituality Committee invites 
you to explore

40 Years of Catholic Tradition  

The Faithful Revolution: Vatican II
Final Session: The Dynamics of Hope 

	With the death of Pope Paul VI the legacy of Vatican II is 
placed in the hands of the newly elected Pope John Paul II, but 
not without controversy. Our present Holy Father was greatly 
influenced by the Council and, because of his own fight for 
religious freedom, helped bring down the Berlin wall. In this 
hour we will see Liberation Theology take hold in Latin America 
while Collegiality becomes the new watch word for many Catholic 
theologians. Many perspectives are shared, and the lasting 
impression is that Vatican II continues to nurture the dynamics 
of hope in the Catholic Church.

	Our final hour-long video presentation followed by 
discussion and fellowship will be hosted by the Mary Queen of 
Heaven Christian Service Commission on Tuesday, March 15, at 7:00 
P.M. in Barrett Hall.  For more information, call Dick Reed at 

Christian Worship Commission

The Holy Father's Mission Intentions
for March 2005

That each individual Church should be aware of the 
ever greater urgency of preparing holy Christians, capable of 
confronting challenges to the new evangelization..

St. Vincent dePaul Society

	The St. Vincent dePaul Society is looking for volunteers to 
help parishioners who have recently been released from the 
hospital, are elderly and no longer drive, have doctors' 
appointments, need medicine picked up, or other circumstances 
which require transportation.

	Do you have a few hours now and then to help out?  If so, 
we certainly welcome your assistance.  If you would like to 
volunteer, please call Sheila Reiter at 833-6657.  We will use 
the utmost discretion when you are called to help a fellow 
parishioners.  Thank you for considering volunteering.  We can 
assure you that the benefits you receive from helping will be 
most rewarding.

CCW "Woman of the Year"
Nominations are still being accepted

	Ladies of the parish are asked to nominate a woman they 
believe leads a life of faith and love, and has given generously 
of her time and talent to the parish ministries and 
organizations.  They are asked to give a reason why they feel she 
should be chosen.  The election for the "Woman of the Year" will 
be held on March 19-20.  

St. Patrick's Day Party

	The Men's Group is hosting a St. Patrick's Day Party in 
Barrett Hall from 7:00 p.m. until Midnight on Saturday, March 19.  
The admission price of $25 per adult (over 21) will include a 
catered buffet dinner, beverages, musical entertainment and a few 
surprises.  Admission will be on a first-come, first-serve basis 
(120 people maximum), so get your tickets now!  For admission 
ticket information, contact Ray Schneider at 834-5604 or Mark 
Connelly at 782-7626.

Lenten Food Collection 

	Our St. Vincent dePaul annual food collection will be held 
the weekend of March 12 and 13.  The food will be distributed to 
needy families in our community for Easter.  

	We are collecting non-perishable items of canned 
vegetables, fruit, soup, pastas, rice, spaghetti sauce, prepared 
foods, coffee, tea, juice, boxed cake mixes, peanut butter, 
jelly, paper products (Kleenex, toilet paper, paper towels), hand 
soap, and laundry detergent.  

	If you have an hour or two free on Sunday evening, March 13 
at 7:30 p.m., we could use your help sorting food for the Easter 
Baskets in Church. If you can help out, please call Sheila at 
833-6657 and let her know.

"Gather Books"

	You may have noticed that our "Gather" books are looking 
tattered and many of them have been lost.  A new edition is now 
available.  The cost for each hardcover book, engraved with our 
parish name, is $15.

	Replacing our books would be quite an expense to the 
parish, so we thought perhaps our parishioners would like to 
donate a book.  Every book donated will have a donor bookplate 
with the words, "Gift Of" and your family name, or inscribed with 
the words "In Memory Of."  These books are an important part of 
our liturgies.

	We hope to provide four "Gather" books at each end of our 
pews (8 per pew).  There are forms available in the church 
vestibule.  Please return the form with your check made out to 
Mary Queen of Heaven.  Thank you for your generous contributions 
to our thriving parish.

Christian Service Commission

Bible Study Sign-up is Here!

	 	Sign-up for Bible Study groups will be 
during and after every Mass this weekend. Study 
groups will meet at the parish at the following 

		?	9:30 to 11 a.m. Tuesday mornings.
		?	1:15 to 2:45 p.m. Tuesday afternoons.
		?	7:30 to 9 p.m. Tuesday evenings.
		?	7:30 to 9 p.m. Wednesday evenings.
		?	7:30 to 9 p.m. Friday evenings.

	The first group meetings will be during the week of April 
3, and the groups will continue to meet weekly until the week of 
June 10.

	There will be a $10 charge per participant for study 
materials; however, cost should not discourage anyone who wishes 
to participate from doing so. The study materials may be 
purchased after every Mass on April 2/3.
For info, contact Lynn Suwanski at 530-2523.

Religious Education News

You, a Catechist?  Why Not?

	This is the perfect time to start thinking if you are being 
called to be a catechist in our Religious Education Program next 
school year.  It's also a great time to come by on a Wednesday 
and see what goes on after the children arrive. The only 
qualification is that you love children and you want to share 
your faith with them.  Everything else is provided.  The cash pay 
is not terrific; in fact it's non-existent.  But the perks are 

Lenten Project

	We continue to collect items for Easter baskets, which will 
be donated to Marillac House on Chicago's West Side.  For the 
next two Wednesdays, there will be a "Basket" in the hall of 
school for donations of candy, small stuffed animals, grass, or 
other items appropriate for a child's Easter basket.  Sister 
Antoinette, who is on the staff at Marillac, is really looking 
forward to our collection.  Please be generous.  

Mark your Calendar:

Saturday, March 19, at 9:00 a.m.-Noon in the school building - 
Final Interviews for Confirmation Candidates.  

Good Friday, March 25, at 3:00 in Church - The Living Stations 
will be done by the 7th grade RE students.

Wednesday, March 30 - No RE  Class- Spring Break

	If you have questions or need more information, please call 
Mary Ann Woods at the REO, 832-8962.

Christian Education Commission

Wings to Heaven News

Friday, April 8, at 7 p.m. - 9 a.m.
Permission slips available from the RE office or from Kathleen 
Gusloff.  all signed permission slips must be in by MARCH 16.  
The cost is $15 to attend.

??? Please call Kathleen Gusloff at 832-4348
or e-mail at

Joliet Diocese Catholic
Charismatic Healing Mass

Friday, March 18, Mass at 7:30 p.m.
Sacrament of Reconciliation - 6:30 p.m.

St. Joseph Catholic Church, Downers Grove

For information, please call 630-964-0216

Do You Want a Better Relationship 
With Your Teen?

	Do you want to help your teen become more responsible?  Do 
you want to help your teen learn how to argue less and listen 
more?  If so, you are invited to participate in a four-part 
parenting workshop entitled Systematic Training for Effective 

	This class will teach techniques that can be applied to the 
many challenges faced by teenagers and their parents in today's 
society, such as how to help teens handle peer pressure, how to 
help them determine their educational and career goals, and how 
to discuss the sensitive issues of sexuality and drug use.  In 
addition, it will offer models of mutual respect and cooperation 
that will help them in their relationship with parents and with 

	The 4-week program will be held at Catholic Charities in 
Lombard on 4 Tuesday evenings, 7-9 p.m. beginning March 15.  The 
cost is $50 per person, or $70 per couple, and includes all 
materials.  For more information or to register, please call 630-
495-8008 or 630-710-8226.

Diocesan News

Community News

Welcoming Catholics Home
	Do you know someone who has left the Church?  Most of us 
don't have to think hard to find nonpracticing Catholics in our 
circle of family and friends.  Many of us are concerned about 
them, but we do not know how to help them find their way home to 
the Catholic Church.
	First we need to pray for them.  Next, we need to extend a 
personal invitation to come home to the Catholic Church.  Many 
nonpracticing Catholics are waiting for an invitation to return.  
Many mistakenly think they are excommunicated and are not welcome 
to return for a variety of reasons.
	You can make a tremendous difference in someone's life by 
reaching out to them and telling them we miss them and would like 
them to come back home to our Church family.
	We are excited to offer a six-week series entitled 
"Welcoming Catholics Home" to help nonpracticing Catholics 
return.  The series begins on Tuesday, April 5, at 7:30-9 p.m. at 
Mary Queen of Heaven Church.  
	Other information on this series will be available in the 
back of church and in the bulletin in the next few weeks.  Please 
pass this information on to anyone who might be interested.
	For more information or to register for the series call 
Donna Klopacz at 832-3618.  

St. Patrick's Day Ladies Luncheon

	Care Net Pregnancy Services of DuPage is sponsoring a 
special St. Patrick's Day Ladies Luncheon and Silent Auction on 
Thursday, March 17, at the Hyatt Lodge at McDonald's Campus.  The 
program will be a celebration of Irish dance, song and wit 
featuring the Trinity Irish Dancers.  The event begins with a 
silent auction at 10:45 a.m. and concludes by 1:30 p.m.  Tickets 
are $45 each.  For reservations, call CareNet at 630-455-0335.

Is your marriage tearing you apart?

	If your marriage has become troubled or stressed, unloving 
or uncaring, or if your relationship has grown cold or distant, 
if you are thinking of separation or divorce, or if you are 
already separated or divorced, but you want to try again - then 
Retrouvaille is the program that can help you.  For more 
information, call 1-800-470-2230.  You may call anonymously.  
There are No group discussions.  Hope is only a phone call away!

	The next Joliet Diocese Retrouvaille Program will be held 
April 1-3 at the St. Charles Pastoral Center in Romeoville.  Call 
for other dates.

Wilder Mansion Meetings

	The Elmhurst Park District and the city of Elmhurst invite 
you to a public meeting for community feedback about future use 
of the Wilder Mansion.  Williams Architects will facilitate the 
meetings, which include a short slide show tour of the facility.  
The two (2) remaining meetings are at 7 p.m. on Monday, March 21 
or Thursday, March 24.  If you can attend one of them, please 
RSVP to the Wilder Park Administrative Office at 630-993-8900.  
Reservations are not required but are appreciated.

MQH Help Opportunities
For Parishioners

	Parishioners may submit ads to appear in the bulletin  to for approval by the Pastoral Life Coordinator.  No 
ads will be accepted for real estate or by those offering child care 
services (although those looking for child care providers may place an 
ad and screen candidates themselves).  The parish accepts no 
responsibility for goods or services offered.  The ads are a free 
service to parishioners.  

*	Retired Man Needed. Part-time help for Lombard office 
maintenance, 2-3 mornings per week (no weekends). Person would 
work in conjunction with current maintenance man. Mechanical 
skills required. Call John at Catholic Charities 630-495-8008, 
ext 41.
*	Looking for Baby Sitter:  Looking for someone responsible, 
caring and kindhearted to take care of our 9 month old baby 
and pick up our 7 year old.  You have choices of full-time or 
part-time.  If full time, it will be 6:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; if 
part-time, it will be 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. (M-F).  Please 
call:  Night: 630-917-0808 or Daytime: 312-240-2790 (9:00 - 
*	Used Maytag Gas Dryer good working condition, almond color, 
Asking $15; Elmhurst location; Moving, call 630-279-8158

Market Day

Orders are due by Sept. 13. 
Pickup on Sept. 18, at 9:30-10:30 a.m. 
in the Social Hall.

Men's Group Meets

2nd Thursday of each month
At the Odeum in Villa Park

Please contact Tom Gusloff at 832-4248 
for further information

Prayer  Requests

	To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our 
parish family.  We hope that you will pray for these persons 
every day, alone or as a family.  Thank you.

	Pam Bondfide	Heather Marie Brennan
	Kathleen Bryers	Rose Caffarelli
	Kathy Calzante	Jim Clynch	
	Jenie Colletti	Trudi Dolato
	John Doyle	Dan Focht	
	Paul Francetic	Anna Heffel	
	Jen Huwalt	Tom Huwalt	
	Pat Holmes 	Maureen James
	Tom Janicke	Irene Kmieciak
	Baby Emma Ann Lynde	Nancy Maloney
	Robert Manion	Loretta Mazgaj	
	Bobbi Nannini	Stephanie Shostok
	Jeff Smith	Joe Tinnerello
	Tyler Vincer

	If you or a family member would like to be included in our 
prayers, please call the rectory at 279-5700.  Also, please let 
us know when a name should be removed.

Rest in Peace

	Marie Drajka	Elvira Heroux
	Marcia Lucero

Sisters Host Vocation Retreat

	The Sisters of the Living Word are hosting a weekend 
retreat for young adult women on April 8-10 at the Living Word 
Center in Arlington Heights.  The weekend is intended for any 
single woman, age 18-40, who wants to experience the spirituality 
and passion for mission that characterizes the Sisters of the 
Living Word.  The weekend will provide guidance in spiritual 
growth, prayer, and faith sharing, as well as an invitation to 
greater service of others in need.  There is no fee for this 
retreat, but registration is required by March 31.

	For more information about this retreat or to register 
contact Sister Sharon Glumb, SLW, Director of New Membership by 
phone (662-252-9801) or by email (

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