Mary's Corner

Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
426 N. West Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-2171
Parish Office: 630/279-5700
Fax: 630/279-4667

Dear Friends,

Last Sunday, an older gentleman walked over to talk with me outside of church. He had a wonderful smile on his face as he came from morning Mass. He said that he was a widower, that his wife had died a number of years ago. With a look of discovery on his face, he told me that he realized he was now ready to get married again.

What a blessing it was to see the Easter story lived out before my eyes in that moment! What a tribute to our community's celebration of the Eucharist, and what a testimony to the grace of God. It was as if through encountering the risen Jesus that morning, this man, once saddened by death, was now alive again. How much this reminded me of the stories of disciples who were depressed and shaken until the risen Jesus brought them back to life.

I believe that our entire Catholic Church is also experiencing an Easter event that reveals the real power of God present in the resurrection story. We have been in the midst of mourning the loss of our Holy Father, a man who had great impact on the world for the last 26 years. We lament the loss of a charismatic leader who was able to relate so well to all different sorts of people, one who dedicated himself to fostering unity and peace. Over and over again, we hear the words of church and world leaders who say that there could never be anyone exactly like John Paul II. There has been a palpable sense of sadness and loss all around.

And yet, there has been something new breaking through this veil of sorrow. Day by Day, the airwaves are full of stories of the goodness of the pope's life as leader of the Church. More people than ever before are learning about what it means to be Catholic. I heard on television a Cardinal and a news anchor promise prayers for each other. The renewed interest in the Church is incredible. People are fascinated by how this man engaged the world and b y how Catholics all over the world are bound together in the event of his death. Easter is being lived out in our midst. The Pope has died but through his death, new life has come. We are witnesses to the miracle of resurrection.

+ + + + + + +

Some people have asked me about who I think the next Pope should be. The truth is, I do not know. People have come to me with names of Cardinals about whom they have been reading and they have wanted to know what I think. Mostly what I think is how amazing it is that there is such renewed interest in the Church! It is also fas- cinating to me to realize how much things are different at this point in history. Members of the College of Cardinals now have at their disposal the internet and mass media to help them learn about each other. We too, have the same opportunity to learn more about the papabiles, or those most likely to be considered for the next papacy.

There is a book I could recommend if you are interested in learning more about some of the men who will be gathering in conclave soon. The book is called Conclave, and it was written a couple of years ago by John Allen, who is Rome correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter and also for CNN.

I can also share with you that I met one of the men that John Allen thought might be the next Pope. His name is Cardinal Walter Kasper. Cardinal Kasper (affectionately known as Kasper, the Friendly Cardinal), is the highest ranking ecumenical officer in the Church. He is President of Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and he also oversees the committee for relations between Catholics and Jews. Originally a bishop from Germany, Kasper has been serving in Rome since appointed to this office by Pope John Paul II.

When I started work on my doctoral thesis, I wrote to Cardinal Kasper at the Vatican and requested an interview with him. Much to my surprise, I was granted one. I will never forget meeting him at his office at the Vatican two years ago. He welcomed me and graciously invited me to sit next to him as we talked for an hour. He seemed as comfortable with me as if I had been his sister. It was a remarkable visit and he is a remarkable man.

The last thing I said to Cardinal Kasper before leaving his office was that there are some people who think he would be a good Pope. His response to me was to say that he is very happy with what he is doing now, something I thought was a very good sign! It is interesting to think that this man I sat next to and talked with for an hour might be our next Pope. However, I think there may be a number of good candidates and I do believe that the College of Cardinals will be seeking the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in their deliberations. Our parish church will be kept open longer while the Cardinals are in conclave. May John Paul join with us and the entire Church in prayer for them and for the man who will be our next Pope.

March Celebrations

We welcomed into the Mary Queen of Heaven Parish Family: 

Jennifer Therese Manion, 
who was baptized at the Easter Vigil.

Also welcomed into Full Communion with the Catholic Church at 
the Easter Vigil were: 

	Megan Holmes			Michael Holmes
	Molly Holmes			Robert Murphy
	Edgar Prado			Michelle Pringle
	Jackie Sinks			Michelle Sinks

Mary Foley, Pastoral Life Coordinator

"Gather Books"

	You may have noticed that our "Gather" books are looking 
tattered and many of them have been lost.  A new edition is now 
available.  The cost for each hardcover book, engraved with our 
parish name, is $15.

	Replacing our books would be quite an expense to the 
parish, so we thought perhaps our parishioners would like to 
donate a book.  Every book donated will have a donor bookplate 
with the words, "Gift Of" and your family name, or inscribed with 
the words "In Memory Of."  These books are an important part of 
our liturgies.

	We hope to provide four "Gather" books at each end of our 
pews (8 per pew).  There are forms available in the church 
vestibule.  Please return the form with your check made out to 
Mary Queen of Heaven.  Thank you for your generous contributions 
to our thriving parish.

St. Vincent dePaul Society

	The St. Vincent dePaul Society is looking for volunteers to 
help parishioners who have recently been released from the 
hospital, are elderly and no longer drive, have doctors' 
appointments, need medicine picked up, or other circumstances 
which require transportation.

	Do you have a few hours now and then to help out?  If so, 
we certainly welcome your assistance.  If you would like to 
volunteer, please call Sheila Reiter at 833-6657.  We will use 
the utmost discretion when you are called to help a fellow 
parishioners.  Thank you for considering volunteering.  We can 
assure you that the benefits you receive from helping will be 
most rewarding.

Market Day

	Orders for April are due Monday, April 18, at noon.  Turn 
in your order form in the box at the back of church or at the 
rectory.  Pickup on Saturday, April 23, from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. in 
the Social Hall.  

	If you have questions or would like to place an order, 
please call Mary at 832-8263 or Karen at 279-4108.

Religious Education News

RE Registrations

	Registrations for the 2005-2006 RE year have been mailed 
this week.  Please call the office if you are new to the Parish 
or are new to our program and would like to receive a 
registration form.  It is very important that you return your 
form ASAP to the RE Office in order to insure your first choice 
of time session for your child.

Catechists Needed

	As this RE year begins to wind down, we are thinking about 
our needs for next fall.  With the addition of a third class 
session for the coming year, our need for catechists has 
increased dramatically.  There will be openings at almost every 
grade level.  Please call the office if you would like to help.  
Although next September seems very far away, it will be here 
before you know it.  Now is the time to come by and see for 
yourself what wonderful things go on in our RE classes on 
Wednesdays.  Remember you don't have to be a theologian, you just 
have to be someone who loves your Faith and would enjoy sharing 
it with our children.  Call the REO for more info.

Attention Parents of Confirmation Candidates.
Mark your Calendars for the following:

Tuesday, April 19.  We will have Confirmation Practice for our 
Candidates (no sponsors) in Church from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m..  Since 
this is the only practice, it is mandatory that all be present.

Saturday, April 23.  Our celebration of Confirmation will take 
place at the regularly scheduled 5:00 p.m. Mass in Church with 
Bishop Stanley Schlarman presiding.

	If you have questions or need more information, please call 
Mary Ann Woods at the REO, 832-8962.

Prayer  Requests

    To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our 
parish family.  We hope that you will pray for these 
persons every day, alone or as a family.  Thank you.

	Pam Bondfide	Heather Marie Brennan
	Kathleen Bryers	Rose Caffarelli
	Kathy Calzante	Jim Clynch
	Paul Cirone	Jenie Colletti	
	Trudi Dolato	John Doyle	
	Dan Focht	Anna Heffel
	Jen Huwalt	Tom Huwalt
	Pat Holmes 	Maureen James
	Tom Janicke	Bud Jensen
	Irene Kmieciak	Baby Emma Ann Lynde
	Nancy Maloney	Robert Manion
	Loretta Mazgaj	Bobbi Nannini
	Jeff Smith	Joe Tinnerello
	Tyler Vincer

	If you or a family member would like to be included in our 
prayers, please call the rectory at 279-5700.  Also, please let 
us know when a name should be removed.

Men of the Parish:

Deacon Tom Goebel 
to Speak on Male Spirituality

	The Men's Group is proud to sponsor a talk by Deacon Tom 
Goebel from IC Parish on Male Spirituality on Tuesday, April 12, 
at 7:30 p.m. in Barrett Hall. 

	Deacon Tom will reflect on how we can be more Christ-like 
in our daily lives as husbands, fathers, sons, and brothers, and 
in our business dealings. All men of the parish are invited to 
share in this thought-provoking and inspirational evening.

	For more info., please call Dick Reed at 834-4840.

2005 Diocesan Annual Appeal
Diocese of Joliet
Pledge Weekend, April 9/10
Living our Faith

	This is Pledge Weekend for the 2005 Diocesan Annual Appeal.  
Your gift will make a difference in the lives of children in our 
schools and religious education programs, in our Catholic 
Charities Outreach, in he ministry and services offered each day 
through the diocese.  Please be generous and make your pledge 

	Please return pledge cards to the parish for forwarding to 
the diocese.  By doing this, all pledges will be recorded and 
everyone will receive proper acknowledgement.

Parish Library Selections

	The parish library has a wide selection of books and 
magazines available on topics involving religion and spiritual 
life.  The subjects covered range from Biblical affairs to 
relationships, and from biography to spirituality.

	Among the works in the library are John McGreevy's 
Catholicism and American freedom; Jaroslav Pelican (ed.)'s World 
Treasury of Modern Religious Thought; John Paul II's Crossing the 
Threshold of Hope; Peter Steinfels' A People Adrift; and Eugene 
Kennedy's Cardinal Bernardin..  The library also has George 
Weigel's widely acclaimed John Paul II; Witness to Hope; William 
O'Malley's Why Be A Catholic?; Romulo Guardini's The Art of 
Praying, and Joseph Girzone's Joshua and the Children.

	The library is open each weekend from 5:30 pm. to 6:30 p.m. 
on Saturdays, and from 9:00 a.m. to noon on Sundays.

Council of Catholic Women

	Who are we?  We are an organization within Mary Queen of 
Heaven Parish, affiliated with the Joliet Diocese and the 
National Council of Catholic Women.  Membership  is open to all 
women in our parish.  Our annual dues, beginning June 1st through 
the end of May, are $5.00; however, every woman in our parish is 
automatically considered a member of The Council whether dues are 
paid or not.  Board meetings are held monthly and programs or 
social events take place several times during the year.

	The CCW at Mary Queen of Heaven has sponsored many programs 
and activities, some of which are:  Candlelight Bowl (co-
sponsored by the Men's Group),  Mother's Day Right to Life Flower 
Sale , Annual Seniors' Christmas Party, Nostalgic Wedding Fashion 
Show, Days of Recollection. Flower Sale, Antique Shows, Special 
programs for the holidays, Women's Spirituality Series, May 
Crowning, Parish Woman of the Year, and "Ladies Night Out."
	Our purpose:
*	To provide service, help and assistance wherever and whenever 
needed in our parish.
*	To provide a medium for Catholic women to speak and act with 
one voice upon matters of common interest in Church and 
*	To support social justice issues and the protection of human 
life at all stages.
*	To promote Catholic spirituality and prayer.
*	To help Catholic women to become leaders in Church and 
	How do I benefit from being an active member?
*	You will have the opportunity to use your gifts and talents as 
you offer assistance to our parish and the organization which 
are all vital to our growing as a spiritual group of women 
dedicated to spreading the work of Christ in all our actions.
*	Your faith life and spiritual enrichment will be enhanced.
*	You will have opportunities to use your gifts and talents and 
to participate in various areas of interest.
*	You will enjoy the company of other women who are interested 
in helping our parish to be a vibrant, flourishing, faith-
filled community.

	Perhaps you would be interested in volunteering to work on 
the CCW Board.  We would welcome any parishioner who could give 
of her time and bring new ideas to our organization.  If you have 
any questions about CCW or would like to help out by being an 
active member of the board, please contact Mary White (833-9809) 
or Sheila Reiter (833-6657. 


	The Eastern DuPage Deanery of The Council of Catholic Women 
will hold their Spring Institute at Mary Queen of Heaven Parish 
on Tuesday, May 10, 2005.  Women from all the parishes in Eastern 
DuPage have been invited to attend, and at this time we are 
cordially inviting ALL THE LADIES OF MARY QUEEN to join us.  The 
theme for the Spring Institute is "Nourished By the Eucharist."  
Please mark this date on your calendar and invite your friends to 

The evening schedule will be as follow:

	5:30 P.M.	Registration
	6:00 P.M.	Dinner (Barrett Hall)
	7:15 P.M.	General Meeting followed by
				Commission Workshops
	8:30 P.M.	Mass (concludes the evening)

	The donation for the evening is $10 per person and 
reservation forms will be available in next week's bulletin.  The 
deadline for reservations is May 4th.  For further information, 
please call Sr. Marlene at the parish office (279-5700).

Fellowship Sunday
April 17th

	Please join us for fellowship after the 10:15 a.m. Mass on 
Sunday, April 17th in Barrett Hall.  Stop in after Mass for some 
pastries and a cup of coffee or juice and the opportunity to talk 
with friends and fellow parishioners and their families.

Peace and Justice Ministry News

	Last August many MQH parishioners came together for a 
series of discussions designed to help identify ways the MQH 
Peace and Justice Ministry could serve our parish.  The 
predominant message we heard during these discussions was "teach 
us about peace and social justice issues."
	This spring, the Peace and Justice ministry invites you and 
your family to join us as MQH begins on a journey to discover how 
peace and justice issues an the Seven Social Catholic Teachings 
play a role in our daily lives and in the lives of others 
throughout the world.

S. T. E. P.	- Steps Toward Eliminating Poverty

	An all-ages event/walk is scheduled for  Sunday, May 1st.  
It is designed to create greater awareness about local and global 
poverty issues and the various ways we (children to adults) can 
make a difference.  STEP participants will gather at Immaculate 
Conception Church.  This event is sponsored by the Peace and 
Justice ministries at MQH, IC and Visitation.  Details will 
appear in the near future.

	Catholic Social Teaching Lecture Series

	Is the Catholic Church Conservative or Liberal?  Overcoming 
the great Divide:  An Advanced Introduction to Catholic Social 
Teaching will be presented by Msgr. Stuart Swetland on Wednesday, 
May 18 at 7:00 p.m. in Barrett Hall.  More details will follow in 
upcoming bulletins.

Men's Group Meeting

Thursday, April 14th at the Odeum in Villa Park.

Christian Service Commission

Thank You!  Thank You!  Thank You!

	Our sincere "thanks to everyone who helped to make our 
Easter Liturgy Celebration at Mary Queen blessed and beautiful.  
A special "thank you" to all especially Mary Foley, our Parish 
Life Coordinator, Fr. Tom, Fr. Brad, Fr. Benet, Deacon Tom Nolan, 
our Worship Commission, the R.C.I.A. Team, proclaimers, ushers, 
Eucharistic Ministers, sacristans, choir director and choir 
members for their beautiful music, and all those wonderful people 
who helped to decorate with the Art and Environment Committee 
during Holy Week and for Easter Sunday.

	Once again, the St. Vincent DePaul Society with the help of 
our parish, provided Jewel Food Certificates, Easter Food 
Baskets, and Easter Baskets full of goodies for the children of 
twelve needy families in our area.  Thanks again for the 
continued generosity of our parishioners.  It's wonderful to be 
such a "Giving Parish."

A Vocation View

	We can feel the Lord's call at the strangest places and 
times.  The call can haunt us and pursue us until we say, "Lord, 
what will you have me do?"

St. Pius X Parish Mission/Retreat

	You are invited to join St. Pius X Parish for our 
Mission/Retreat.  The theme is "Do this in Memory of Me!"...The 
meaning of and purpose of the Eucharist in our daily lives, in 
the life of the parish and world.  Fr. Chuck Faso, O.F.M., will 
lead the Mission.  It starts on Monday, April 18th through 
Thursday, April 21st.  The services will begin each morning at 
9:15 (after the 8:30 Mass) with a duplication at 7 PM that night.

	Fr. Chuck Faso led a Mission at St. Pius two years ago and 
is an excellent speaker.  Fr. Chuck Faso will also preach the 
weekend of April 16/17.

Yoga Class in Barrett Hall

We will have class the following dates:

April 27, May 4, May 25, June 1 and June 8.
8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Please call Debbie Styka at 941-7224
if you are interested and have not attended before.

Class fee ranges from $16 to $30.

All monies will be donated to Mary Queen.

Diocesan News

MQH Help Opportunities
For Parishioners

	Parishioners may submit ads to appear in the bulletin to 
MQH for approval by the Pastoral Life 
Coordinator.  No ads will be accepted for real estate or by those 
offering child care services (although those looking for child 
care providers may place an ad and screen candidates themselves).  
The parish accepts no responsibility for goods or services 
offered.  The ads are a free service to parishioners.

*	Family in parish seeks part-time companion care for elderly 
person.  Medical background not necessary.  Please call 834-

Catholic Charities Positions:

*	Transitional Housing Resource Specialist needed to work to 
coordinate and secure apartments for lease/housing resources 
for North Area Transitional & Permanent Supportive Housing 
Program participants.  Requires High School Diploma.  Part 
time position for 19 hours per week.
*	Case Manager needed in our duPage County Transitional Housing 
and Permanent Supportive Housing Programs to provide 
screening, assessment, case planning and case management to 
homeless families in transition or crisis.  Requires a Masters 
degree in Social work or other social science field + 1 year 
related "field experience.  Must have auto.  Full time, 
normally Monday thru Friday.
	Mail/Fax/Email resume to Catholic Charities, Diocese of 
Joliet, ATTN:  CC-03-05,203 N. Ottawa Street, Joliet, IL 60432, 
Fax:  815-724-0367,,  EOE

Lost and Found

	Two rings were found in our parish parking lot.  If you 
think they may be yours, please call the parish office (279-5700) 
office to identify and claim them.

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