Mary's Corner

Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
426 N. West Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-2171
Parish Office: 630/279-5700
Fax: 630/279-4667

Dear Friends,

Well, it certainly felt like summer began this week! It was ninety degrees outside, and sometimes inside, too, in cars or buildings without air conditioning! This change in season brings a change of activities. For students and teachers, work ends for a while. Those who are still working find new ways to spend their hours off, with summer sports, recreation, and get-aways. The change of season brings other change to our lives. Some of us have to think more carefully about how much we can do or carry or walk in the summer heat. Our wardrobe changes in order to stay cool. Our diet even becomes different. We eat more fruit and salads to keep things light. Our grills have been pulled out for more cooking outdoors.

This change of season can be good for our bodies: eating healthier, getting more exercise, and getting more sunshine. It can be good for our souls, too. Who couldn't use time to let go of some burdens and not carry so much around with us for a change? Having some time to play can stimulate and enrich our imaginations, creating greater capacity within us for discovering new joy. The beauty of creation and the glory of the flowers, fruits, and vegetables that are growing all around us remind us of the fecundity of all created life. Like the earth, we ourselves are fertile ground from which new life can spring anew, over and over again.

Practically speaking, some things are slowing down, making more room for having fun. This doesn't mean that work isn't still getting done. For example, with parish activities beginning to slow down for the summer, Sister Marlene has more time to get scheduling calendars out to all our parish committees and ministries for next year's activities, and to put our new wedding booklet together for engaged couples. Other things are more relaxed. Sister Marlene and others can share lunch on the patio in the back of the parish office. And when it is time for her to go home, I know that Sister is enjoying her hobby of working in the garden and sharing more time with the sisters of her community.

I have been having a little bit of fun myself! This past week, I was in a weeklong continuing education class at Catholic Theological Union in Hyde Park. Technically, I am still registered as a student there, having only to finish my thesis before receiving my Doctor of Ministry degree. (This is a summer project I hope to work on soon!) This past week, however, was something different. Since I no longer need the academic credit, I audited the class, saving money and also the need to complete homework assignments! As I write you, in fact, I am halfway through the week, writing this column during the two-hour break we have in the middle of the day. On other days, I have used this time for returning phone calls and E-mails, and I have gone back into the office each evening. Today, however, I spend this midday time with you in this writing, and I'd like to share a little of what I've been doing.

For some, going to school might not sound like fun, but for me, it is one of the most fun things ever, especially when I am able to study something I totally enjoy. I am in a class called "Preaching Retreats and Parish Missions," with Fr. Richard Fragomeni as our professor. Here, I have had the joy of meeting some new colleagues in ministry from the Joliet Diocese, including folks from St. Walter, St. Petronille, and Sacred Heart in Lombard. Like all CTU classes, there are also students from all over the Archdiocese of Chicago and other parts of this country, as well as international students from religious communities around the world. I love CTU. It is the largest Catholic theological school in this country. It is also a place full of fecundity, with talented professors and students with inquiring minds and hearts.

Our class, which gathers for lectures by Fr. Fragomeni, is then divided into small groups as we develop a variety of retreat programs and parish missions. Part of the fun is that we all get each other's materials, providing each of us with a rich collection of ideas. Who knows? One of the retreats developed here this week may be used later in the Philippines. A parish mission developed for a parish in Michigan may also benefit another in Chicago. Would that we would have the opportunity to share creative work with each other more often! I wonder what the world would be like if we would invest as much energy in freely sharing with one another as we often do with protecting our turf, or our company secrets, or our copyrights. Certainly, folks deserve credit for their work. But it can be an amazing thing to discover how, when the good of all is valued more than that of the individual, everyone actually has more, benefits more.

My group is planning a parish mission entitled: What Am I Looking For? A Lenten Mission on Longing and Fulfillment. This parish mission is planned for several nights and has conference talks under the following headings: We Are Full of Desires; Longing for Relationships; Longing for Healing; and Intimate Union. I would love to share it with you! Maybe one day I will be able to lead this parish mission here. For now, however, I offer the title of the mission and its parts as food for thought for you this summer.

Let us take these summer weeks and months as not only time of refreshment for our bodies, but let it be fruitful time for our souls, as well. Reflect more deeply on what are the desires of your heart and how God desires to be in intimate relationship with each one of us. Spend time this summer developing this relationship by enjoying the beauty around us. Take some time for spiritual reading. This doesn't have to be formal theology books. It can be religious fiction, or poetry, or a new prayer book - whatever can provide some refreshing summer food for the soul.

And have some fun. You deserve it!

Mary Foley, Pastoral Life Coordinator

Joyful Again!
(A Widowed Ministry)

Are you widowed?
Do you know someone who is widowed?

	If you have been recently widowed and are still struggling 
with the loss, of if you have been widowed for some time and need 
something to get you "over the hump" because you seem stuck in 
one spot, this program is designed to help you move on with your 
life while treasuring your past and its precious memories.

	This weekend program will be held at Mary Queen of Heaven 
parish, Elmhurst, IL.  All are invited.  The Joyful Again! 
retreat is for both men and women (all ages) who have been 
widowed and are still trying to find hope and joy in their lives.

What:		Weekend retreat 
			for widowed men and women.  
When:		July 16-17, 2005
Where:		Mary Queen of Heaven Parish, Elmhurst
Donation:	$75 - includes meals (Adjusted if needed)

For further information, call:  708-354-7211.

MQH Help Opportunities
For Parishioners

	Parishioners may submit ads to appear in the bulletin  to for approval by the Pastoral Life Coordinator.  
No ads will be accepted for real estate or by those offering child 
care services (although those looking for child care providers may 
place an ad and screen candidates themselves).  The parish accepts 
no responsibility for goods or services offered.  The ads are a free 
service to parishioners.  
*	Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, 156 N. York St. in Elmhurst, 
has an employment position for a Sales Clerk (Part Time) with 
flexible hours.  Qualifications: mature, energetic, reliable, 
positive, outgoing, hard worker. Call -834-2005 or pick up an 
*	Lynn Suwanski, who works for an Elmhurst Memorial Hospital 
physician hospital organization, occasionally hears of openings 
for positions in physician offices in the Elmhurst area.  If 
you would like to give her your name and phone number in case 
she finds out there is a need, she will contact you.  Please 
call her at work 630-833-8200 X73714, or home 630-530-2523, and 
be able to provide a resume.

May Celebrations

	We welcome into the Mary Queen of Heaven Parish Family the 
following who were baptized in May:

  Autumn Tracy Caraher,		Fabian Cecelio Escatel
  Reyna Savanna Hudson		Vivian Lianna Hudson
  Katelyn Nicole Guerra		Liam Cassidy Nolan
  Ryan John Procajlo		Brook Lynn Valdez

Joseph Goryl 
Michelle Pringle

MQH Auction/Dinner Dance Update

Friday, October 7, 2005 at Alta Villa

First Planning Meeting
Tuesday, June 14
7:00 p.m. at the Parish Office

	Much help is needed to make this event a success.  We are 
especially interested in new ideas and volunteers.  If you are 
interested in working on this special parish event, please call 
Sheila Reiter at 833-6657 and let her know if you can come to the 
meeting on the 14th.

Sunday Evening Prayer

	From 6 - 7 pm on Sunday evenings, there will be gathering for 
prayer in the back of church.  These are not structured liturgies.  
Rather, this is time set aside for informal prayer and reflection in 
a peaceful setting.  If you or someone you know is in need of 
prayer, please feel free to come any Sunday evening.

Marriage Ministry at MQH

	As was mentioned at last weekend's Masses, we are expanding 
marriage ministry in our parish.  We are looking for people to 
become part of a leadership team that will work on providing support 
and social events for married couples.  We are also in need of 
couples who will become part of our Pre-Cana team.  Pre-Cana 
couples, along with Mary Foley and Deacon Tom, help to prepare 
people for marriage.  Pre-Cana couples receive training and 
materials and meet with an engaged couple for five sessions, 
arranging these meetings at their convenience.  Pre-Cana couples 
serve on rotation, so this is not a year-round activity.  

	Whether you are young or old, you are welcome to become part 
of our Pre-Cana team.  Mary Foley extends a special invitation to 
couples who are in a second marriage that is blessed by the church.  
Please contact the Parish Office if you are interested in becoming a 
part of Pre-Cana or marriage support ministry in our parish.

Religious Education News 

First Communion Banners
	The banners that our First Communion children made have 
been adorning the walls of the church are now available for pick 
up in the REO. Please call to make arrangements to do so. 

	We continue to take registrations all summer. We urge you 
to get those registration forms in as soon as possible if it is 
essential that you have your children in at a particular session. 
Grade 5 at Session 2 (5:15-6:30) is already filled to capacity. 
Other classes are filling quickly and we are trying to keep the 
class sizes down to continue our high quality of religious 
education. So please if you have not registered, do so ASAP. Tell 
your friends and neighbors to do the same. 

Are you being called to be a catechist?? 
	Thank you to the wonderful people who have come forward to 
be catechists in our program. We are slowly and we hope surely 
filling our positions for next year. However, help is still 
needed. We need help at the following sessions and grades:

Session 1- (3:15-4:30)
	Pre 4 - 1 catechist			Grade 4 - 3 catechists

Session 2 - (5:15- 6:30)
	Pre 3 - 2 catechists			Grade 7 - 1 catechist
	Grade 3 - 2 catechists		Grade 8 - 2 catechists
	Grade 6 - 2 catechists	

Session 3 - (7:15-8:30)
	Grade 5 - 2 catechists  		Grade 6 - 1 catechist

	In addition we still need folks to help direct traffic in 
the parking lot at all sessions (at least 3, preferably 6) and 
office helpers and hall monitors.  We have a thriving and, as you 
can see, growing religious education program. But we cannot do it 
without you.  Please pray about whether God is calling you to 
minister to our young people.

	If you have questions or need more information, please call 
Mary Ann Woods at the REO, 832-8962.

Market Day
(Last Chance  to Order until Fall)

Orders are due Monday, June 13.
Pickup on Sat., June 18,  9:30-10:30 a.m. 
in the Social Hall.  

Prayer  Requests	

    To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our 
parish family.  We hope that you will pray for these 
persons every day, alone or as a family.  Thank you.

	Pam Bondfide	Heather Marie Brennan
	Kathleen Bryers	Rose Caffarelli
	Kathy Calzante	Paul Cirone
	Peggy Delbeke	Trudi Dolato
	Anna Heffel	Jen Huwalt
	Tom Huwalt	Pat Holmes
	Maureen James	Tom Janicke 
	Albert P. Kabat	Irene Kmieciak
	Bernadette Kohn	John Lane
	Robert Manion	Bobbi Nannini
	Vincent Scilluffo	Eileen Shea	
	Jeff Smith	Cathy Ward

Rest in Peace
Virginia L. Roche

	If you or a family member would like to be included in our 
prayers, please call the rectory at 279-5700.  Also, please let 
us know when a name should be removed.

Summer Schedule

	With Mary Alice Steck moving out of town there will be a 
change in the leadership for the RCIA.  Mimi Wolak who has been 
part of Mary Queen for the past six years, will assume this role.  
More information about Mimi will be published in the future.  For 
now, however, we would like to share with you the summer 

	We will meet at 9:00 on the following Sunday mornings in 
Room 6 of the school building:  June 19 and 26, July 17 and 24, 
August 14 and 21.  We will spend an hour "breaking open the word" 
as we explore the readings of the day.  After our discussion we 
will all go to the 10:15 Mass together.   Call Mimi at 941-3851

You are invited to "Come and See"

*	If you would like to inquire about the Catholic Faith
*	If you are not Baptized
*	If you are a Baptized Catholic but have never received the 
Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation
*	If you might like to bring someone you know who is interested 
in our Catholic Faith
*	If you would like to be a sponsor for someone along the 

Hunger Walk Thank You

	Thank you from the bottom of our hearts:  to all those who 
walked in the S.T.E.P. (Steps Toward Eliminating Poverty) Hunger 
Walk, to all those who contributed to the S,T.E.P. Hunger Walk 
Fund, to the many who sponsored Father Brad's dog Wrigley ("Bow-
Wow, Woof, Woof").

	Thanks to the following businesses who supported our 
S.T.E.P. Hunger Walk:

Red Dragon, Elmhurst  832-8373
Basai Thai, Oakbrook Center
Bambu Thai Cuisines, Elmhurst  993-9392
P.F. Changs, Lombard  652-9977
Spice Merchants, Elmhurst  941-7288
Pastries Plus, Elmhurst  530-2243
Emperor's Kitchen, Elmhurst  530-9888
Dunkin Donuts,.Elmhurst  279-1933

	Please patronize these establishments and remember to thank 
them for supporting the S.T.E.P. Walk.  
	And to our dedicated and our hard working chairperson Nora 
Hipskind and her committee: Ed & Linda Hohman, Cheryl Hurley, 
Mary Fran Jones, Carol Yesko, Milt & Rosalie Honel, Collette 
Borland and Alicia Knegge.

Fr. Brad's dog Wrigley raised $2,230.00
The S.T.E.P. walkers raised $1,656.00
Total Amount Raised (to date) $3,886.00
Donations gratefully accepted. 

	Catholic Relief Services will receive 75% of the donations 
and the Elmhurst Walk-in Ministry will receive 25%.

	Next year's S.T.E.P. Walk will be sponsored by Mary Queen 
of Heaven and the committee co-chairs will be MQH parishioners 
Collette Borland and John Menarek.

Joliet Diocese 50th Anniversary Mass

	The Diocese of Joliet will hold its twenty-seventh annual 
Wedding Anniversary Mass on Sunday, August 28, 2005 at 3:00 p.m. 
at the Cathedral of St. Raymond in Joliet.  If you were married 
in 1955 and are celebrating your 50th anniversary this year, 
please contact the rectory so that we may submit your name to the 
Diocese for a formal invitation

Effective Choices, Effective Parents
For parents of children ages 0-19

	You are invited to attend a 3-hour workshop that helps 
parents build on their existing strengths in order to win greater 
cooperation with their children. 

	Topics discussed include: increasing mutual respect, 
positive communication and trust in the parent/child 
relationship; understanding how parent's behavior affects child's 
response; developing disciplinary techniques that work; providing 
children with the tools they need to survive and thrive in 
today's society. 

Let us help you become the parent you want to be.

Dates: 	Sat., June 18, at Catholic Charities, 
				26 W. St. Charles Rd, Lombard
		Sat., June 25, at The Center for Family Ministry, 
				402 S. Independence Blvd, Romeoville

Cost: 	$20 per person; $25 per couple.    

Parenting Instructor: James Gilligan, MSW, RSW.  

Pre-registration is required.

	Please call Catholic Charities at 630.710.8226 for more 
information or to pre-register.

Congratulations to our Parishioner,

	Dr. Mary Selke will begin a new position as Associate Dean 
of the College of Education at Lewis University!

In-Home Respite for 
Family Caregivers of Older Adults.

	The In-Home Senior Respite Program is a partnership between 
Metropolitan Family Services DuPage and local area churches.  
Volunteers are recruited from the churches and are screened, 
trained and matched with families in the community who are caring 
for older adults in the home.  

	Volunteers provide a weekly 3-hour social visit to the 
older adult, which allows the family caregiver the opportunity to 
leave the home, or take a needed rest, knowing that their loved 
one is in good hands.  Families do not need to be affiliated with 
any particular church to receive services, and there is no cost 
for the service.  

	For more information, call Monica Lockie, program 
coordinator at 630-784-4875.

Communication From the Bishop

	Just recently I received a letter from the Chairman of 
Catholic Relief Services informing me that CRS had received over 
145 million dollars in contributions from U.S. dioceses and 
thousands of individuals.  The amount received from the Diocese 
of Joliet was $1,595,675.11.  What outstanding generosity from 
the people of this diocese and from the Catholic communities 
throughout the United States.  This generosity has allowed CRS to 
become fully engaged in community rehabilitation and 
reconstruction activities in areas affected by the tsunami.  

	On behalf of CRS and all of the people affected by the 
tsunami, I want to thank you for your exceptional generosity.  
You willingness to assist your brothers and sisters in need is a 
truly Gospel response to the Lord's admonition, "Whatsoever you 
do to one of these..."  May the Lord bless you for your generosity.  

Sincerely in Christ"    
Most Reverend Joseph L. Imesch,  Bishop of Joliet

Mayslake Village Ceramics

	Looking for an enjoyable and interesting pastime?  Please 
join us in Mayslake Village's Ceramics Studio where we make many 
lovely ceramic items.  We are open Mondays and Tuesdays, 9 to 11 
a.m.  Attendance is by your own choice.  

	Gentlemen, you are most welcome.  We need a few people to 
pour molds. All paints and most supplies are furnished.  You 
don't have to be an artist.  Our instructor will teach you.  It 
is possible that you could make items for your parish events at 
low cost.  

	Mayslake Village is on 35th Street between Route 83 and 
Midwest Road.  For details and directions please call Mary Ann, 
630-920-0264.  We'd love to have you.

Joliet Diocese Catholic
Charismatic Healing Mass

Friday, June 17, Mass at 7:30 p.m.

Sacrament of Reconciliation - 6:30 p.m.
Doors open at 6:00 p.m.

St. Joseph Catholic Church
4801 Main Street, Downers Grove
Rev. Pat Murphy, Presiding
Deacon John Freund, Assisting

For information, please call 630-964-0216

(Next Healing Mass will be August 19.)

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