Mary's Corner

Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
426 N. West Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-2171
Parish Office: 630/279-5700
Fax: 630/279-4667

Dear Friends,

Happy Fathers Day to all of the fathers in our faith community! Thank you for the gifts you share not only with your children but with the rest of us. One of my most favorite things is seeing all of the young fathers of our parish who bring their small children with them up to communion. What a blessing you are to your children in teaching them about worship of God and the celebration of the Eucharist even at such a young age. What a witness you give to this community of faithful love. This is a day to honor you and all of the fathers in our parish, and in our lives.

It is also a day to remember that there are some in our parish family who have lost their fathers through death, or whose fathers are not part of their lives because of divorce, abandonment, or imprisonment. Thanks be to God for all of the men who have been caregivers, mentors, and friends to the fatherless.

This past week, I came across a touching story that I would like to share with you this Father's Day. It was a reflection by Serrin Foster, President of Feminists for Life. (While FFL is a non-sectarian organization, their philosophy and deep respect for human life across the spectrum is in line with Catholic teaching.) Serrin's father recently died and she wrote an article about how much he meant to her and how much he influenced the work of this organization which places such value on human life. Perhaps her story can help us all to reflect on what our fathers and other important men in our lives have meant to us.

Serrin wrote of her father: "My father was the type of guy about which some might say, 'It would have been better if he'd never been born.' He had a horrific childhood. When he was just a year old, his father died. The Great Depression was underway. His mother was very young and could not care for him...he grew up in an orphanage and later in foster care."

Her father's experience in foster care was not good: "There was unspeakable brutality in his early foster care. Starvation. Dunkings. High-heel marks embedded in his skin. Fortunately, when he was in elementary school, he was taken in by a kind couple who became his foster parents. And when my dad grew up, he took care of his foster parents until they passed away."

Serrin's father paid his own way through college, married, and began raising his own family. While abused as a child, he grew to be a loving and devoted father. Serrin continues: "Like many today, he was a parenting student-with two jobs and a full class load." While she and her sisters were in college, her father pursued his master's and doctoral degrees, and ended up teaching others in federal government, where he himself served.

When Serrin was hired as FFL's first Executive Director in 1994, her father contributed many of the office supplies and much of the equipment they needed for a fledgling new Washington office. He was one of the people Serrin went to for advice as FFL grew.

This past March, Serrin's father was hospitalized with a debilitating disease. Serrin said that this had so damaged his small intestine that he was unable to absorb nutrients. He was extremely malnourished and weak. Five days after he was admitted, he "crashed." He was put on a ventilator, became septic, and suffered from acute respiratory distress. Two weeks later the doctors performed a tracheotomy. A few days later a feeding tube was inserted into his stomach. All of this happened while Serrin watched news reports of Pope John Paul II, who was also septic and with a tracheotomy.

Like Pope John Paul II, Serrin's father was a fighter until he recognized the limits of his natural life. Two days before he died, Serrin was called into his room by the speech therapist, who was trying to help him talk through a device connected to his tracheotomy tube. Serrin shares this story: "His words were barely audible as he looked at me with his expressive blue eyes- one breath, one word at a time. 'I ...daughters,' he said. They were his last words. Two days later he died."

Serrin recounted how her father had written very specific instructions which guided decisions she had to make about his medical care (advanced directives for health care). In this, as in many ways, her father demonstrated his respect for life from its very beginning to its natural end.

Serrin tells how her father became an inspiration to her that has greatly impacted her work with FFL. "It's one of his many legacies...helping to create a better world, one that welcomes and nurtures children like my dad, who some would label 'better to not have been born.' A world where parenting students don't have to choose between their children and their education. A world where life is championed at its weakest, most vulnerable moments. A world where mothers-and fathers-are honored and supported."

Serrin wished to honor her father in sharing this story during the week of Father's Day. She also wanted to offer his life as an example of life-giving love. God bless all of our fathers in our parish family and in our own families. Thank God for the life we have been given through them. Let us find ways to share our own stories and honor those who have been fathers to us in our lives. And may all of our Dads have a great Father's Day!

Mary Foley, Pastoral Life Coordinator

Chicagoland Gam-Anon

	Do you suspect you are living with a compulsive gambler?  
Is your family, your marriage, your relationship being destroyed 
by the effects of a gambling addition?  There is hope and help 
available through GA for the gambler and Gam-Anon for the 
families and significant others.

	Attend one of our weekly meetings every Saturday at 8:00 
P.M. at Elmhurst Hospital, Diecke Room, 200 Berteau Ave., 
Elmhurst.  For more information and other meeting times, go to: or or call 708-802-

2005 Diocesan Annual Appeal
Diocese of Joliet

Living our Faith

	The Diocesan Annual Appeal is concluding in our parish.  
Through this week, we have raised $18,943.00 toward our goal of 

	Please return pledge cards to the parish for forwarding to 
the diocese.  By doing this, all pledges will be recorded and 
everyone will receive proper acknowledgement.

"Gather Books"

	You may have noticed that our "Gather" books are looking 
tattered and many of them have been lost.  A new edition is now 
available.  The cost for each hardcover book, engraved with our 
parish name, is $15.

	Replacing our books would be quite an expense to the 
parish, so we thought perhaps our parishioners would like to 
donate a book.  Every book donated will have a donor bookplate 
with the words, "Gift Of" and your family name, or inscribed with 
the words "In Memory Of."  These books are an important part of 
our liturgies.

	We hope to provide four "Gather" books at each end of our 
pews (8 per pew).  There are forms available in the church 
vestibule.  Please return the form with your check made out to 
Mary Queen of Heaven.  Thank you for your generous contributions 
to our thriving parish.

Marriage Ministry at MQH

	As you may have heard, we are expanding Marriage Ministry 
in our parish.  This will have several components:

*	Pre-Cana for engaged couples
*	Activities for married couples, including social gatherings 
and educational events
*	Marriage Support group facilitated by licensed Clinical Social 
*	Resource for pastoral staff for advice on how to prepare young 
people for marriage

	Those interested in becoming part of marriage preparation (as 
a pre-cana couple who receives training to work with engaged 
couples), or anyone interested in other aspects of marriage ministry 
are invited to a meeting at the parish office on Wednesday, June 22, 
at 7 p.m.

Sunday Evening Prayer

	From 6 - 7 pm on Sunday evenings through the end of June, 
there will be gathering for prayer in the back of church.  These are 
not structured liturgies.  Rather, this is time set aside for 
informal prayer and reflection in a peaceful setting.  If you or 
someone you know is in need of prayer, please feel free to come any 
Sunday evening.

A Vocation View

	Have you discovered yet that there is more to life than 
what only material things have to offer?  We live in the Spirit.  
Only in the Lord can we find lasting peace.  Speak the Good News.

The Cenacle Retreat House
29 W 012 Batavia Rd., Warrenville

	Sr. Mary Meegan, OP, D.Min will present "The Ascent of 
Mount Carmel," a weekend retreat with John of the Cross, on July 
15-17.  Using John's sketch of Mount Carmel, his poem The Dark 
Night and his commentary The Ascent of Mt. Carmel, Sr. Mary will 
lead participants through inspiring presentations, conversations 
with the material, time for personal reflection and opportunities 
for contemplative prayer.  The cost is $165 for a single 
room/$150 for a double room (Limited availability).

	Susan Lincoln will present "Hildegard's Mystical Message in 
Song" inspired by 12th century Hildegard of Bingen on July 22-24.  
The common ingredients of these three days are singing, sacred 
movement, laughter, listening in the sacred silence and sharing.  
Susan will also be giving a concert, based on Hildegard's music 
on Saturday evening, July 23 at the Cenacle.  The cost is $15 in 
advance or $20 at the door.

	For further information or to register, please call 630-

MQH Garden Club

	You've probably noticed the gardens around church, the 
parish center, the school and the parish office looking more and 
more colorful since the end of May when they were planted.  At 
this time we'd like to acknowledge those who have been helping in 
the garden effort here at Mary Queen.

	Our thanks to Sophia Armengol, Joel Bernstein, Ron Cirone, 
Judy Conness, Chuck Dolesy, Ed Hayes, Derrick Starosa, Debbie 
Styka, Phylis Twardowski, Ellen Walker, and Mary White for all 
their help over the past two months.  It all started back in 
April when these people came out and helped clean up after 
winter.  Then there was planting day in May.  Now, and continuing 
through the summer and early autumn, there will be someone from 
the group watering each week.  Thanks to soaker hoses, we won't 
have to spend a lot of time standing around while we water.  We 
also want to thank Michelle Schneider for her donations of iris, 
sedum, and lilies, and an anonymous donor of sedum plants.

	We are always open to new members, as long as you don't 
mind getting a little dirt under your fingernails. We'll be 
looking for you to join us at our next Ministry Fair!  If you 
would like to know more about us, please call Sheila Reiter at 
833-6657 or Rose Wilkes at 833-7238.

"Evening Under the Stars"
Auction Dinner Dance 

Planning Meeting

Thursday, June 30th
7:30 p.m. in Barrett Hall

	Our Eighth "Evening Under the Stars" Auction Dinner Dance 
will be held on Friday, October 7th, 2005 at Alta Villa Banquets 
in Addison.  

	This is our second planning meeting and we are still 
looking for help to make this event a huge success.  The more 
hands to help, the lighter the work load.

	If you have some free hours and would like to volunteer to 
help, plan on attending our planning meeting or give Sheila 
Reiter a call at 833-6657.

Religious Education News


	Be aware that registrations will continue to be accepted 
during the summer.  If you have not as yet registered, please do 
so ASAP.  Please spread the word to your friends and neighbors.  
Classes are filling up quickly.

Communion Banners

	We still have many beautiful banners in our office. They 
need a home.  Please call the office to make pick-up 

Catechists are still needed 
at many levels. 

	With the addition of a 3rd session this fall, the need for 
catechists has increased dramatically.  We are very blessed at 
MQH to have so many dedicated men and women stay on from year to 
year sharing their faith with our children and young people.  
However, this year the new session meant we needed 20 more 
catechists and at least 5 or 6 folks to help as support staff in 
the office, halls, and parking lot. 

	People have been coming forward and we are grateful, but 
the need is still great.  At last count, we need approximately 15 
more classroom staff.  Before you leave for summer vacation, 
please call us at the REO to see how you can help.  Your children 
are counting on you. 

	If you have questions or need more information, please call 
Mary Ann Woods at the REO, 832-8962.

Summer Schedule

	Our new R.C.I.A. Director, Mimi Wolak, would like to invite 
you to "Come and See" what R.C.I.A. is about.

You are invited to "Come and See"

*	If you would like to inquire about the Catholic Faith
*	If you are not Baptized
*	If you are a Baptized Catholic but have never received the 
Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation
*	If you might like to bring someone you know who is interested 
in our Catholic Faith
*	If you would like to be a sponsor for someone along the 

	We will meet at 9:00 on the following Sunday mornings in 
Room 6 of the school building:  June 19 and 26, July 17 and 24, 
August 14 and 21.  We will spend an hour "breaking open the word" 
as we explore the readings of the day.  After our discussion we 
will all go to the 10:15 Mass together.   Call Mimi at 941-3851

Christian Worship Commission

Prayer  Requests	

    To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our 
parish family.  We hope that you will pray for these 
persons every day, alone or as a family.  Thank you.

	Pam Bondfide	Heather Marie Brennan
	Kathleen Bryers	Rose Caffarelli
	Kathy Calzante	Paul Cirone
	Peggy Delbeke	Trudi Dolato
	Anna Heffel	Jen Huwalt
	Tom Huwalt	Pat Holmes
	Maureen James	Tom Janicke 
	Albert P. Kabat	Valorie Kaffka
	Irene Kmieciak	Bernadette Kohn
	John Lane	Robert Manion
	Bobbi Nannini	Vincent Scilluffo
	Eileen Shea	Jeff Smith
	Cathy Ward

	If you or a family member would like to be included in our 
prayers, please call the rectory at 279-5700.  Also, please let 
us know when a name should be removed.

Joyful Again!
(A Widowed Ministry)

Are you widowed?
Do you know someone who is widowed?

	If you have been recently widowed and are still struggling 
with the loss, of if you have been widowed for some time and need 
something to get you "over the hump" because you seem stuck in 
one spot, this program is designed to help you move on with your 
life while treasuring your past and its precious memories.

	This weekend program will be held at Mary Queen of Heaven 
parish, Elmhurst, IL.  All are invited.  The Joyful Again! 
retreat is for both men and women (all ages) who have been 
widowed and are still trying to find hope and joy in their lives.

What:		Weekend retreat 
			for widowed men and women.  
When:		July 16-17, 2005
Where:		Mary Queen of Heaven Parish, Elmhurst
Donation:	$75 - includes meals (Adjusted if needed)

For further information, call:  708-354-7211.

Diocesan News

Joliet Diocese 50th Anniversary Mass

	The Diocese of Joliet will hold its twenty-seventh annual 
Wedding Anniversary Mass on Sunday, August 28, 2005 at 3:00 p.m. 
at the Cathedral of St. Raymond in Joliet.  If you were married 
in 1955 and are celebrating your 50th anniversary this year, 
please contact the rectory so that we may submit your name to the 
Diocese for a formal invitation

L.O.S.S. Support Group 

(Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide)

Tuesday, June 28, 7 to 9 p.m.
St. Daniel the Prophet Parish Center
 101 West Loop Drive, Wheaton

A trained facilitator and a mental health professional 
assist these groups.

Diocesan News

Did You Know?

Catholic Charities provides loving foster homes to 
nearly 400 children each year.

Could your home be one of them?

	Bob and Shirley Strand had always felt that God wanted them 
to have more children and one day He showed them how that was 
possible.  Catholic Charities had placed an ad in the newspaper 
promoting their foster care program and they knew what they 
needed to do.

	Twenty-six years, three biological children, and many other 
foster children later, Bob and Shirley Strand are still raising 
children and accepting foster care placements.  "The minute these 
children come into my house, they are family," said Shirley.  
Though the Strands have had many temporary and emergency 
placements pass through their home, they've taken care of fifteen 
children for an extended amount of time.  The most rewarding part 
for them is "seeing each child blossom and change-and suddenly, 
they're not scared anymore."

	Catholic Charities places an average of 400 children in 
foster homes each year, but there are many more who desperately 
need a safe and loving sanctuary.  Catholic Charities needs more 
foster parents like Bob and Shirley Strand.  Please call 877-844-
4673 to see how you can get involved.

Making a difference. . .
One life at a time. 

	For more information on the programs and services that 
Catholic Charities offers, visit our website at 

The Women's Center

	What is the Women's Center?  What is its purpose?  The 
Women's Center is a pro-life ministry devoted to helping women in 
problem pregnancies.  We have three counseling offices in the 
Chicago area.  We are funded by private donations.  Each year our 
counselors help approximately 5,000 women and their families.  
Approximately 28,000 children are living because of our mission.  
We receive beautiful thank you letters from moms who cannot 
imagine what their life would be like if they didn't have their 

	At the present time we have need for boys clothes-sizes 5 
to 18, girls clothes-sizes 7 to 10, and like-new summer outfits 
for boys an girls-sizes 0 to 12 months.  We are also seeking 
donations of baby wipes, disposable diapers in all sizes, gently 
used sleepers, onesies, infant undershirts, receiving and larger 
crib blankets and maternity clothes.  Please call for our address 
where these can be dropped off  (773-794-1313.

	We need baby swings, baby cribs, bumper pads, crib sheets, 
infant car seats, porta cribs, bouncers and strollers.  If you 
attend a garage sale and buy any of these to donate to our moms, 
it will be most appreciated.  Sometimes at the end of the sale, 
the people running it will donate the items.  We can provide tax 
receipts.  It will be a great help if you can deliver these to 
us.  To have our volunteer pick up call 773-794-1313.

Do you know that Mary Queen of Heaven has a 

	The Pathway of Peace Labyrinth has recently been maintained 
by a few parishioners;.  Weed-wacking and special stones have 
been painted and repaired.  One quiet summer morning or evening, 
on one of your walks, make the Labyrinth a stop.  You will find, 
on your 20-minute journey, a place to quiet the mind.  You may 
pray here, or you may find a new insight here.  All are welcome 
at anytime to walk the Pathway of Peace Labyrinth.  

	See pictures of the building and dedication of the 
labyrinth at:

Vocation Retreat for Women

	Sister Marlene Geimer's Religious Community, The Sisters of 
the Living Word, is hosting a weekend retreat for young adult 
women on July 29-31, 2005 at the Living Word Center in Arlington 
Heights, Illinois.  

	The weekend is intended for any single woman, age 18-40, 
who wants to experience the spirituality and passion for mission 
that characterizes the Sisters of the Living Word.  The weekend 
will provide guidance in spiritual growth, prayer, and faith 
sharing, as well as an invitation to greater service of others in 
needs.  There is no fee for this retreat, but advance 
registration is required by July 21.

	For more information about this retreat or to register, 
contact Sister Sharon Glumb, SLW, Director of New Membership, by 
phone (662-252-9801) or by e-mail (

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