Mary's Corner

Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
426 N. West Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-2171
Parish Office: 630/279-5700
Fax: 630/279-4667

Dear Friends,

Our lives are filled with all sorts of beginnings. Beginning a relationship, beginning new life with a child, beginning a new job, beginning a new start after leaving something behind. Beginnings carry with them a renewed sense of hope. We celebrate beginnings in time: the beginning of a new calendar year, the beginning of a new season, the start of a new liturgical year, etc. We are at a time now of starting a new school year. Families have been very busy shopping for school supplies and clothes, making plans for transporting college students, gearing up for the changes that will come in day-to-day life.

Here at Mary Queen, we are all affected by the start of the new school year. Our Religious Education program will start again soon, and the whole parish will become a greater part of the lives of our children, as they become more a part of the life of the church. Once again, we will begin our monthly Family Masses. Once again, we will pray for the children of different age levels as they prepare for the first time to receive sacraments of the church. This year, the beginning of a new year will bring new things.

In the coming year, our Christian Education Commission will be focusing on ways to do more family catechesis, so that children and adults will be able to come together more often to learn about our Catholic faith. The first event, coming up September 27, will be an evening reflection on the Eucharist with Fr. Ed Shea that is designed for people of all ages.

Something else that we will be starting in the fall is Children's Liturgy of the Word at the 10:15 Mass. Last year, our grammar school aged children told me how much they liked Family Masses because they are geared toward their level of understanding. Children's Liturgy of the Word will provide this opportunity on a regular basis. Children will be called forward and dismissed from the church to go to Barrett Hall for breaking open the Word and sharing about Holy Scripture in a way they can understand and appreciate. After scripture sharing and prayer, the children will return to Mass to be with their parents and the rest of the congregation for communion.

Children's Liturgy of the Word will be a wonderful addition to the life of our parish that can engage children more in the celebration of the Mass. We are planning now for this new ministry to begin and we are looking for adults who would like to become leaders for Children's Liturgy of the Word. No special background or education is required. Leaders will be given all needed materials. What is needed are people who are willing to give of their time and share their faith with the children of our parish. Leaders will share the Sunday readings in a format approved for use with children. This will be followed by faith sharing and then prayer with the children, before they return to church for the rest of Mass. We hope to have enough volunteers so that teams of people can take turns. All adults participating as leaders of Children's Liturgy of the Word will receive Protecting God's Children training and have background checks before they are entrusted with children.

If you are an adult of the parish, I would like to extend an invitation, as we begin this new year, for you to consider beginning something new in your own life and in the life of our parish by becoming a leader in Children's Liturgy of the Word. If you are interested, please contact me at the parish office at (630) 279- 5700.

Also with the start of a new school year, our RCIA program will be getting into full swing once again. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is the program designed to help non-baptized persons or Christians baptized in another denomination who are interested in the Catholic faith to learn more, and, when they are ready, to prepare to receive the sacraments of full initiation into the Catholic Church. For the non-baptized, this means receiving Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil. Those already baptized would be received into full communion with the Catholic Church and would receive Eucharist and Confirmation.

You will see in the bulletin information about the RCIA program for persons who are interested in becoming Catholic. I would like to expand the team of people who accompany adults through their time of learning, discernment, and preparation. If you would like to support those who are in the process of becoming Catholic by accompanying them on their journey and being part of their weekly sessions of teaching and prayer, please let me know. Once again, no special training is needed. Parish pastoral staff and catechists will be doing most of the teaching. What is needed on the team are people who are willing to be supportive, model Catholic discipleship, and share their faith in a small group setting. Please contact me if you would be interested in becoming part of the RCIA team.

Finally, back-to-school has new meaning for me this year. Some of you may know that I am a Doctor of Ministry Candidate at Catholic Theological Union. The only thing still needed for completion of my doctorate is the completion of my thesis. I was to have finished last year but had to put aside my writing during the first year of my new ministry. I have received an extension until next spring. Beginning this fall, I will start to take a second day off to work on my thesis. My usual day off is Friday and I am going to try to take Thursday as my writing day. My completed thesis is due by April. So, please include me in your prayers, along with all of the other students of our parish - young and old - who will be returning to school this fall! And may we each find renewed hope in this time of new beginnings!

Mary Foley, Pastoral Life Coordinator

Note from Mary Foley

	Any parishioner who is sick or homebound is able to receive 
communion at home.  Please contact me if you would like to be 
brought communion.  

	Also, if you are hospitalized and would like to be visited, 
please, please call!  Hospitals no longer automatically notify us 
of the admission of parishioners because of new privacy laws.  

	Finally, if you would like your name added to our prayer 
list (published in the bulletin), please contact the parish 
office.  The number is 279-5700.

New Gather Books-Choir Edition

	Thanks to the generous response of parishioners, we will be 
able to replace our Gather Book hymnals in church with almost 
twice as many new books.  Music Director Molly Lindberg has 
recommended that we purchase the brand new edition of the Gather 
hymnal, which costs the same but contains much new music.  We 
will still use the green Gather Books, placing them in Barrett 
Hall for use with overflow Masses and Religious Ed children.

	Since we are purchasing the new edition, the choir will 
need new books.  These cost $25 each and, like the congregation 
books, may be donated by parishioners.  

	If you would like to donate a choir book with your 
inscription inside, please fill out the order form found in this 
bulletin or in the back of church. 

Mark Your Calendars!

The Mary Queen of Heaven Annual  Parish Picnic 
Sunday, September 11th, 12:30 to 6:00 p.m.

Come spend time with family and friends.  
Enjoy music, games, food and good old family fun.  

	Meal tickets will be sold after each Mass starting this 
weekend of August 27 and 28th.  Tickets will be $8.00 for adults 
and $6.00 for children  (under 12).  The  menu will include:   
fried chicken, sausage, potato salad, fruit salad, pasta salad 
and roasted corn.

	There will also be a dessert contest.  If you are 
interested in entering your special dessert, please submit your 
name, phone number and a copy of your recipe to Bob Glick, Tim 
Conroy or Ed Hayes.

For more information please call:  Bob Glick 833-5725, Tim Conroy 
834-1631, or Ed Hayes 279-5325.

Let's Celebrate!
Mary Queen of Heaven's
50th Anniversary

	Our Parish's 50th Anniversary is around the corner and we 
are making plans for a year-long celebration.  How about joining 
our committee?  Our first planning meeting is scheduled for 
Thursday, September 1, at 7:30 p.m. in Barrett Hall.  We need 
your input and are especially looking for information on parish 
history from long-time parishioners.  Several people have already 
volunteered to help out but we need many more hands to make this 
a real Parish Celebration.  We invite all parishioners interested 
in helping to join us at this first meeting.  A lot of 
"brainstorming" will be done in an effort to have as many events 
as possible to mark this special occasion.  Be sure to mark 
September 1 on your calendar and bring your ideas along to our 

	For further information or questions, please contact Sheila 
Reiter (833-6657) or Ellen Walker (279-4021).

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

	Our journey through life is seldom a straight path.  Our 
personal choices or decisions that others make for us can impact 
our lives including our spiritual lives.
*	Are you, or do you know of someone who was baptized in the 
Catholic faith, but for various reasons never completed their 
sacramental preparation by receiving Eucharist and Confirmation?
*	Perhaps your family moved frequently, or you never connected to 
a parish family in your younger years and were not part of a 
Religious Education program.
*	Have you been attending Mass with your Catholic spouse, and have 
an interest in learning more about the Catholic faith?
*	Do you know someone who is interested in becoming Catholic?

	If you can relate to these situations, consider completing 
your sacramental preparation by looking into the RCIA!  

	Contact Mimi Wolak at 941-3851 to learn more about how you 
can enrich your spiritual life through full participation in the 
life of the church through the sacraments.

Parish News

Parish Commission/PPC Meeting

	The August All Parish Commissions Meeting has been 
rescheduled for Monday, August 29, at 7:00 p.m., when they will 
meet together with the Parish Pastoral Council for a special 

	The PPC will meet afterwards at 8:30 p.m.

Religious Education News

Another Plea for Help!!!

	You are probably all tired of reading about our "needs" in 
the RE program this year.  It is rare that this far along in the 
summer, we still have some catechist's slots to fill.  But 
because of our new session, our "needs" have been much greater 
than in the past.  So once again a huge thank you to the almost 
70 volunteers who have stepped up to answer "His" call.  If you 
have seen any other Church bulletins recently, you know how 
blessed we are here at Mary Queen.

	As of this week we still have just three slots to fill with 
	It is really getting down to the wire.  Please consider 
joining our team of dedicated men and women just like you who 
weekly share their Faith with the young people of the parish.  If 
you can help, call the REO today. We really, really need you. 

	This past week Pope Benedict XVI said to the young people 
gathered in Germany for World Youth Day:  "Anyone who has 
discovered Christ must lead others to him. A great joy cannot be 
kept to oneself. It has to be passed on."

	Class begins in just a few weeks.  Help our children to get 
to know our God.  Help us pass on this great joy.  It would be a 
shame to have to delay the start of class for grades four and/or 
six because of a lack of catechist.  I look forward to hearing 
from you.

Mark Your Calendars:

	Tuesday, August 30 at 7:00 p.m. in Barrett Hall we will 
meet with all catechists new to the program this year.
	Wednesday, August 31 at 7:00 p.m. in Barrett Hall - all 
catechists will meet.  Sister Jane Schlosser will be here to help 
us get our year jump-started.  

Have you registered yet? 

    Registrations are still being taken in the REO. Our opening 
event is September 14.  It will be here before we know it.  If 
you have not registered, please do so ASAP. Pass the word to your 
friends and neighbors.  Classes are filling up. 

	For more info on any of the above, please call Mary Ann 
Woods at the REO, 832-8962.

Parish News

Under the Stars" 

Auction/Dinner Dance

	Plans are well under way for our "Evening Under the Stars" 
Auction/Dinner Dance which will be held on Friday, October 7, at 
Alta Villa Banquets in Addison.

	Letters have been sent to businesses and parishioners 
seeking donations for our Live and Silent Auctions.  We still 
need people to help follow up on these letters, with telephone 
calls and visits.  Do you have some time to spare and help us 
with this task?  With the help of willing parishioners, the task 
of obtaining items from businesses will help make our event 
successful.  We need you!  

	Volunteers are also needed to help with decorations, 
parishioner donations, ticket sales, raffle tickets, etc.  If you 
can help in any of the above areas, call Sheila Reiter at 630-
833-6657 or come to our next meeting  on Tuesday, August 30 in 
the school social hall..

	This is the eighth year for our "Evening Under the Stars" 
Auction/Dinner Dance and many are looking forward to a wonderful 
evening socializing with parishioners and friends, and the 
opportunity to purchase auction items at great prices that can be 
given as gifts for the holidays or special occasions.

	The proceeds from this benefit will be used to help support 
our Church Mission of reaching out to those who are hungry, sick 
and otherwise in need; supporting our youth; and supporting the 
various ministries in our parish which allow us to live our lives 
through faith, hope and loving service to all.

Prayer  Requests	
    To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our 
parish family.  We hope that you will pray for these 
persons every day, alone or as a family.  Thank you.
	Pam Bondfide	John Brennan
	Kathleen Bryers	Pat Caffarelli
	Rose Caffarelli	Kathy Calzante
	Cosmore Ciancio	Paul Cirone	
	Rhonda Colletti	Trudi Dolato
	Gerald Foley	Dino Fuggitti
	Patty Growney	Anna Heffel
	Jen Huwalt	Tom Huwalt
	Pat Holmes	Maureen James
	Tom Janicke 	Valorie Kaffka
	Irene Kmieciak	Bernadette Kohn
	John Lane	Baby Emma Lynde
	Robert Manion	Bobbi Nannini
	Vincent Scilluffo	Eleanor Sikorski
	Jeff Smith	Karen Sutkus
	Cathy Ward

Rest in Peace
Joseph Prinske

	If you or a family member would like to be included in our 
prayers, please call the rectory at 279-5700.  Also, please let 
us know when a name should be removed.

Christian Worship Commission

DuPage P.A.D.S.
Job Opening/Administrative Assistant

	An opportunity is open for someone with office experience 
using Microsoft Office Suite Products; Raisers Edge Fund 
Development software a plus.  This would require entering 
statistical and financial/donor data; preparing mailing and 
financial lists; acknowledgement for donors, and general office 

	Full 40-hour week, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.  Benefits. 
Qualified candidate will have an Associates Degree preferred, 
experience in using Microsoft Office Products, previous office 
experience required.  Response:  Forward resume  to, fax 630.682.3874.

	DuPage P.A.D.S. is a leader in providing services to 
individuals and families who are homeless in DuPage County; we 
are committed to end and prevent homelessness in DuPage County by 
providing food, shelter/housing, and support.  Vital to this 
commitment is our collaboration with religious and community 

L.O.S.S. Support Group Meetings
(Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide)

	Through the collaboration of Catholic Charities (the 
Archdiocese of Chicago and the Diocese of Joliet), support groups 
are in place for anyone who has lost a relative or friend to 
suicide.  A trained facilitator and a mental health professional 
assist these groups.  The groups meet from 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. on 
either the first Tuesday of the month, the third Wednesday or the 
fourth Tuesday of the month.  The next meeting dates are as 

Sept.  6 at Catholic Charities Office Kankakee

Sept. 21 at St. Paul the Apostle Activity Center Joliet

Sept. 27 at St. Daniel the Prophet Parish Center Wheaton 

	For further information, please call the L.O.S.S. program 
Center at 312-655-7283.

Community News

Effective Choices, Effecting Parenting

	Offering a variety of workshops and seminars to assist you 
in becoming the parent you want to be.

Making Sense of This Thing 
Called Parenthood
(For parents of children ages 0-4)

Tuesday, September 6, at 7 - 9 P.M
At Catholic Charities in Lombard

	This two-hour workshop assists parents of infants and  
toddlers in gaining a better understanding of their children's 
needs and behavior as they grow. In addition, it presents the 
well-researched and successful "Systematic Training for Effective 
Parenting Method" that enables parents to increase positive 
interaction with their children.  $20 per person; $25 per couple; 
Pre registration required.

For info or to pre-register, please call 630-710-8226

Rachel's Vineyard Retreats
For post-abortive men and women
Sponsored by the Joliet Diocesan Life Office

	Retreats are scheduled for Sept. 23-25, 2005, March 3-5, 
2006, and Sept 22-24, 2006 at the St. Charles Borromeo Pastoral 
Center in Romeoville.  Confidentiality and privacy will be 
strictly observed.  	To learn more about a Rachel's Vineyard 
Retreat or to register, contact Kay Corcoran at 815-838-7171. 

	We need two for the fourth grade which meets on Wednesday 
afternoons at 3:15 to 4:30, and one for Grade 6, Session 2,  at 

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