Mary's Corner

Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
426 N. West Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-2171
Parish Office: 630/279-5700
Fax: 630/279-4667

Dear Friends,

This week, we celebrate All Saints Day and All Souls Day. What do these days mean in the life of the Church?

All Saints Day is a holy day of obligation, one on which all Catholics are expected to attend Mass. This year, we will celebrate Mass on Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. On this day, we remember the saints who have gone before us, especially those who have been canonized by the Church. It also provides time for us to focus on the fact that we are all called to be saints of God.

Last Monday, at our Parish Pastoral Council meeting, our opening spiritual reflection invited us to think about those who have been heroes for us. I wondered aloud, in the midst of this World Series week, how many people would name White Sox players if they were asked that question. Of course, Cubs fan Mark Connelly then proceeded to say we would have no more talk about the White Sox! But then there was some serious reflection about how many of our children, or even adults, would name people other than sports stars as heroes today. We don't seem to have names around anymore like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., or John F. Kennedy, or Mahatma Gandhi.

The saints of the Church are heroes to us all in every age. All Saints Day draws this to our attention. It deserves to be a holy day of obligation so that we can be reminded again and again of our role models in the faith. When I was a girl growing up in Catholic school, we dressed up as our patron saint every year on All Saints Day. Still today, when our students prepare for Confirmation, they must write about why they chose the saint whose name they will take when they are confirmed.

In the day and age in which we live, it would do well for all of us to invest some time in learning about the lives of some of the saints. We must give our children role models besides sports figures - we need role models ourselves. Unless we attend daily Mass or follow the daily calendar of the Church, it can become easy to think of the saints as pious people who lived in the past who have little relation to our daily lives. Actually, this is far from the truth. While it is true that some of those who are saints (or on the way to sainthood like Mother Teresa) seem to have accomplished things beyond what many of us could ever achieve, the truth of the matter is that God chooses ordinary people to do extraordinary things all of the time. Those who have been named saints of the Church can be an inspiration for us not only because of their extraordinariness but also because of their humanity - the same humanity we all share.

Sister Janet Erskine Stuart, RSJC, Superior General of the Society of the Sacred Heart in the early part of the 20th century, wrote about the saints in this way:

The saints were "passable like ourselves," theirs was not a far-away life, but a life very like our own. They never sat down to rest flushed with success; their fighting and failures and fears and experiments went on to the day of their death...We are apt to think childish think they knew they were saints, and that this made all things comparatively easy...We see the saintly attitudes in their pictures and the aureole round their heads, and we do not see the dust of every day...They did not escape, but they endured; and in the end, after trying and failing over and over again, they "overcame and persevered to the end," not dejected, not despairing, but standing with an even mind, resigned to the will of God, and to bear for the glory of God whatever might befall them.

If we become able to see the saints as ordinary people who have the potential to accomplish extraordinary things through faith, then we become capable of imagining that we can become the saints that God is calling us to be, each of us in our own lives. What a great help it would be to the world if we would all strive to raise our children as the real heroes of the future. I will admit for the first time since arriving at Mary Queen of Heaven that I am a White Sox fan. (Perhaps, with all of the serious Cub fans around here, it took the World Series to give me the courage to admit this publicly.) The first three games (all that have been played so far at the time of this writing) have certainly all had their own stars. But as much as I enjoyed staying up last night to watch the longest game in World Series history, I do not think that sports stars should be the first persons named when we ask our children who are their heroes. Let us all take some time this week to reflect on the lives of the saints, who are the real heroes of the Church.

On Wednesday, we will celebrate All Souls Day. This is not a holy day of obligation but we will be having evening Mass on this night, as well. The Church has always encouraged prayer for those who have died, acknowledging human frailty. Praying for the dead also helps to connect us with them. In Catholic teaching about the communion of the saints, we believe that our lives remain in relationship with theirs, even after death.

This Wednesday, we will remember all of those we have loved who have preceded us in death, especially those members of our parish family or family members of parishioners who have died in this past year. Please consider coming for the 7 p.m. Mass to share together in prayer and in support for those who still grieve. May God heal the broken hearted and strengthen the faith of us all.

Mary Foley, Pastoral Life Coordinator

Da Vinci Code:  Hoax or Reality?

	One of the more intriguing novels of our age is the best-
selling "The Da Vinci Code."  But how much is based in reality 
and how much is simply a fanciful hoax?  

	Join Fr. Kevin Shanley, O. Carm., a respected book reviewer 
and historian, at the Carmelite Spiritual Center in Darien, on 
November 14, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. for an exploration of the 
phenomenon that is "The Da Vinci Code."  Cost:  $15/person.  Call 
630-969-4141 to register.

Parish News

CCW Sponsors Church Women United's "World 
Community Day"

	The Council of Catholic Women cordially invites all ladies 
of our parish to attend Church Women United's "World Community 
Day" on Friday, November 4, at 1:00 p.m. in Barrett Hall.  "World 
Community Day" is an annual event that brings together Roman 
Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, and other Christian women in a 
common worship experience that focuses on issues of peace and 
justice.  It is an opportunity to share in projects for our local 

	Our theme this year is "A Light to the Nations."  Our 
parish CCW is hosting this gathering, and all women are invited 
to join us for celebration and fellowship.  Please feel free to 
invite your friends too.

	For further information, or if you need babysitting 
services, call Mary Costello at 832-5153.

Christian Service Commission

Bereavement Ministry
Table of Remembrance

	The Bereavement Ministry Team is preparing for the All 
Soul's Day Mass to be held Wednesday, November 2, at 7:00 p.m. 

	A Table of Remembrance has been set up in the back of 
Church to hold pictures of our deceased loved ones. ALL 
parishioners are invited to bring a framed picture (with your 
name and phone number on the back) to be placed on the table as a 
reminder of those who have gone before us.  The table will stay 
up until the middle of November.

Peace and Justice

	This is a request for those who are interested in serving 
on a subcommittee of Peace and Justice to address the needs of 
victims of Katrina.  There has been some interest in taking a 
more active role as a parish.  Please come to the next meeting 
which will take place on Thursday, November 10, at 7 p.m. in the 
Parish House, or call Jan Alexander (782-6065) for more details.

Christian Education Commission

Market Day

	Orders for November are due Monday, November 7, at noon.  
Turn in your order form in the box at the back of church or at 
the rectory.  Pickup on Saturday, November 12, from 9:30 - 10:30 
a.m. in the Social Hall.  

	If you have questions or would like to place an order, 
please call Maria at 279-2238 or Karen at 279-4108.

Diocesan News

Tree of Light Memorial Mass

	All are welcome to attend the annual Tree of Light Memorial 
Mass in remembrance of babies who have been lost through 
miscarriage, stillbirth, other pregnancy losses, and infant and 
early childhood death.  The Mass will be celebrated by Bishop 
Imesch at the St. Charles pastoral Center in Romeoville on 
Sunday, November 6, 3:00 p.m.  

	Please call 815-838-5334 to indicate the number of those 
planning to attend.  A special tree-lighting ceremony will be 
held, and ribbons will be placed on the tree for each baby being 
honored that day.  If you are unable to attend, but would like a 
ribbon placed on the tree in your baby's name, please call the 
above number.

L.O.S.S. Support Group

(Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide)

	Through the collaboration of Catholic Charities (the 
Archdiocese of Chicago and the Diocese of Joliet), support groups 
are in place for anyone who has lost a relative or friend to 
suicide.  A trained facilitator and a mental health professional 
assist these groups.  The groups meet from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. on 
either the first Tuesday of the month, the third Wednesday or the 
fourth Tuesday of the month.  The next meeting dates are as 

November   1 -	Catholic Charities Office
	270 N. Schuyler Ave. in Kankakee

November 16 -	St. Paul the Apostle Activity Center 
	130 Woodlawn in Joliet 

November 22 -	St. Daniel the Prophet Parish Center
	101 West Loop Drive in Wheaton 

Diocesan News

Handling the Holidays

Sunday, November 13, at 12:30 p.m.

St. Alexander Parish Center, Villa Park

	Experiencing the holidays without a loved one can be 
extremely difficult.  Join others who are grieving to look at 
ways to help deal with this loss during the coming holiday 
season.  The program is sponsored by Joyful Again and given by a 
team of widows and widowers from that organization.  Light 
refreshments will be served after the 11:00 a.m. Mass.

Christian Worship Commission

Prayer  Requests	
    To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our 
parish family.  We hope that you will pray for these 
persons every day, alone or as a family.  Thank you.
	Pam Bondfide	Heather Brennan
	Kathleen Bryers	Pat Caffarelli
	Rose Caffarelli	Kathy Calzante
	Family of Cynthia Catalano
	Cosmore Ciancio	Paul Cirone	
	Margaret Conroy	Rhonda Colletti	
	Trudi Dolato	Gerald Foley
	Dino Fuggitti	Anna Heffel
	Jen Huwalt	Tom Huwalt
	Pat Holmes	Michelle Humann
	Maureen James	Tom Janicke 
	Irene Kmieciak	Bernadette Kohn
	John Lane	Baby Emma Lynde
	Robert Manion	Bobbi Nannini
	Vincent Scilluffo	Eleanor Sikorski
	Jeff Smith	Karen Sutkus
	Cathy Ward

	If you or a family member would like to be included in our 
prayers, please call the rectory at 279-5700.  Also, please let 
us know when a name should be removed.

Religious Education News
		This weekend the time 
changes. Please continue to be careful in the parking lot on 
Wednesdays, drive slowly and be observant. As it gets darker 
earlier, it is even more important to be cautious. The same is 
true when the weather is bad. When picking up the afternoon 
session children, be extra alert to small people who cannot 
always be seen darting in and out of the traffic. 

Mark your calendar:

	This Sunday, October 30, from Noon to 1:00 p.m. in Barrett 
Hall there will be a special video presentation for all RE 
parents and guardians. The video is entitled "What Do I Say Now" 
and is in conjunction with the "Talking About Touching" program 
for all parish RE and school children that has been mandated by 
the Diocese of Joliet. This video gives information on how to 
listen to your child and how to talk to your child about awkward 
topics, specifically those relating to sexuality and touching 

Saturday, Nov. 12-Market Day - 8:30-11:30 a.m. 

Sunday, Nov. 20 at 8:30 AM - Family Mass - 8th graders will 
participate in a Confirmation commitment ritual.

Wednesday, Nov. 23 - No RE - Thanksgiving Break

	For more info on any of the above, please call Mary Ann 
Woods at the REO, 832-8962.

St. Vincent DePaul 
Thanksgiving Collection

	Every year our Thanksgiving Day Collection is given to the 
St. Vincent DePaul Society to aid them in helping people in our 
parish and the surrounding area who are in need of assistance 
with food, electric, gas and water bills, rental assistance, car 
repairs, medicine and medical bills.

	During the last year and a half the care of the poor has 
increased exponentially.  As a matter of fact, the St. Vincent 
DePaul Society of Mary Queen of Heaven Parish has helped 
approximately 75% more needy people (families) during this time 
than it has in previous years.  We have also been able to help 
some who have been turned away in other places.

	It is important for all to know that not only does our care 
help our own parishioners but also reaches beyond the borders of 
our parish to the surrounding area.  This is an important work of 
outreach and charity that Mary Queen's SVdP Society provides. 

	Due to the economy and loss of jobs, the call for help has 
been great this past year and a half and we expect it to keep 
increasing, especially with the energy situation.  Next year, 
because of the needs met by SVdP, we will be adding a monthly 
envelope for this charitable outreach of our parish.  In the 
meantime, we especially need your help with the Thanksgiving Day 
Collection.  We know everyone is not able to attend Thanksgiving 
Day Mass, so we ask that you please consider dropping your 
Thanksgiving Day Envelope in the Sunday collection basket or 
sending it to the rectory.  Please help us to help others!  
Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive
November 12-13 at all Masses

	The MQH St. Vincent DePaul Society is again this year 
expecting to have a large number of needy families to take care 
of for Thanksgiving.

	We will be collecting non-perishable items such as canned 
vegetables and fruits, cranberries, dressing mix, potatoes, 
cereals, soup, canned meats and fish, peanut butter, jelly, Jell-
o, boxed cake mixes, etc.  Also, needed are paper products 
(Kleenex, toilet paper, paper towels), dish soap, soap bars, 
deodorant and hair shampoo.  If you would like to donate a 
turkey, we ask that you please purchase Jewel or Dominick 
certificates and put them in an envelope indicating that they are 
for the purchase of a turkey.  These certificates will be given, 
along with food baskets, to the families we are taking care of 
this year.

	We ask that you please bring your donations of food up to 
the front of church at the offertory of the Masses on November 12 
and 13.  Boxes will be provided for your donations.  In addition, 
food can be brought and placed in the St. Vincent De Paul box 
starting now, and it will also be used for the Thanksgiving Food 

	We will be preparing the baskets for distribution on 
Monday, November 14, at 10:00 a.m. in church.  If you have an 
hour or so free and would like to help, please call Sheila Reiter 
at 833-6657.  The more hands to help, the faster and easier the 

St. Christopher School

	The St. Christopher School Alumni Association (Midlothian, 
IL) is looking for all alumni.  The Alumni Association will be 
having a special All-Alumni Mass (10:30 a.m.) and Pancake 
Breakfast on Sunday, November 6.  

	All alumni are invited to go to our website at for more information about the 
Mass/Breakfast.  On the website, you can also register to receive 
emails and newsletters with the latest information about events, 
reunions, and activities.  Hope to hear from you!

CCW Annual Christmas Bazaar

Saturday, November 5 at 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

	Visitation CCW is sponsoring the bazaar in Valentino 
Center, including Christmas crafts, handmade items, a raffle tree 
and country bakery.  This year the grand prize at our Christmas 
Bazaar is a $500 Shopping Spree.

Spirit of Life Chorus
Invites you to our celebration in song...

The Best Christmas Ever

Sunday, November 6 at 4:00 p.m.
St. Irene's Catholic Church
28W441 Warrenville Rd., Warrenville

A benefit concert for Casa de los Angeles Daycare Center
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Sponsored by Ladies Auxiliary of K. of C. Council 6710
No admission charge - Freewill Offering
For information:  630-293-4172

Community News

Effective Choices, Effective Parenting:

Building Effective Relationships with our Children

Held at Catholic Charities, Lombard 

For parents of children ages 5-12

Tuesday, November 8, at 7 - 9 P.M.

This is two-hour workshop helps parents build on their existing 
strengths to win greater cooperation with their school-aged 
children.  Cost:  $20 per person; $25 per couple  Pre-
registration is required.  

For parents of children ages 0-19

Saturday, November 12, at 1 - 4 P.M.

Topics discussed : increasing mutual respect, positive 
communication; understanding how parent's behavior affects 
child's response; developing discipline techniques that work; and 
providing children with the tools they need to survive and thrive 
in today's society.  Cost:  $25 per person; $30 per couple  Pre-
registration is required.  

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