Mary's Corner

Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
426 N. West Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-2171
Parish Office: 630/279-5700
Fax: 630/279-4667

Happy Thanksgiving!

"I am thankful for the 509 children who grace our hall every Wednesday in the RE program. I am also grateful for their parents and guardians who have given us the privilege to share our faith with them. However, none of that would be possible without the almost 80 volunteer staff of catechists, aides, office helpers, hall monitors, etc., etc. Thank you to all of these amazing women and men and young people who give so generously of their time. Mary Queen is blessed to have you among us."

Mary Ann Woods
Director of Religious Education

I am thankful for the joy of helping our dear senior members in many ways!

Sister Honorata
Ministry of Care

I give thanks for the many blessings I have received this year from my family, my Religious Community and my extended family here at Mary Queen. I am grateful for the continued love and friendship I have received. It is a joy to be serving the people of Mary Queen both as Administrative Assistant and facilitator of the Protecting God's Children and Talking About Touching Programs. Thank you.

Sister Marlene
Administrative Assistant

As we begin our Advent season I hope and pray that all of us look at the many blessings we have been given. There truly is so much to be thankful for...I am blessed with my loving family, friends, & church family. I also want to remember all of our soldiers and their families this holiday season. For all those families that will be without their loved ones or their homes due to natural disasters that have occurred. I know how precious our time is here on earth and give thanks to God for all of the many people that have blessed my life. May God continue to guide us, and keep us ever mindful of all there is to be thankful for. God bless us all this holiday season.

Kathleen Gusloff
Youth Ministry Leader

This Thanksgiving I am happy to be living in a nursing facility, St. Patrick's, where I can serve as a minister of encouragement to several hundred infirmed and aged residents, cheering them up and raising their spirits in countless ways. I am singularly blessed with the knowledge that my wife Nancy and my daughter Maureen are enjoying the beatific vision of the Holy Trinity in Paradise for all eternity.

Deacon John Maloney

I give thanks to my God at every remembrance of you, praying always with joy in my every prayer for all of you, because of your partnership for the gospel from the first day until now. I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus. It is right that I should think this way about all of you, because I hold you in my heart, you who are all partners with me in grace...And this is my prayer, that your love may increase ever more and more in knowledge and every kind of perception, to discern what is of value, so that you may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ.
Philippians 1: 3-10

I give thanks for you, the people of Mary Queen of Heaven. All of you - as the words to the song says - the young and the old, the frightened, the bold, the greatest and the least. All of us who come together at the feast of our Thanksgiving tables and at the feast of our Eucharistic table are on a journey together. We accompany one another and help one another become who God is calling us to be in Christ. I do give thanks to God for all of you, staff and parishioners. Happy and blessed Thanksgiving to you!

Mary Foley
Pastoral Life Coordinator

It is our honor to be able to sing and pray with you each week, and we are all truly thankful for that! I think I speak for all of the singers and instrumentalists when I say that there is nothing sweeter than to be able to sing and play in your own church. We look out from the risers and see our children, our spouses, our friends. We watch them as they serve at the altar, serve as Eucharistic Ministers, usher, work up in the loft on the sound system, or pray and sing joyfully from the pews. Everyone is working, praying, worshiping, singing, and praising all together. What a gift! On this Thanksgiving Day and weekend, we give thanks for the support and love of our wonderful and dear church home...Mary Queen of Heaven.

Molly Lindberg
Director of Music

Catholic Charities Serves Needy Families

	Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet, hopes to make 
Christmas a little brighter for low income families in DuPage 
County.  This year, through the agency's Holiday Outreach 
Program, over 3000 individuals have already been "adopted" by 
donor families and local area businesses and school.

	During the fall, client families completed a "wish list" at 
the Lombard office.  Catholic Charities staff then coordinated 
with area churches, businesses and individuals to provide toys 
and needed clothing for the children.  Donors also provided food 
certificates for each needy family so that they might enjoy a 
traditional Christmas dinner.

	Although most families were assigned to donors during 
October  and November, Catholic Charities is still in great need 
of donations to purchase food and gift certificates for families 
who will ask for our help in December.  Your donation to purchase 
food and gift certificates for these families and their children 
may be mailed to Catholic Charities, 26 W. St. Charles Road, 
Lombard, IL 60148.

	The agency relies on the continued generosity of the 
community to help them serve every needy family. Without your 
support, some families may not have much to celebrate this 

Market Day

	Orders for December are due Monday, Dec. 5, at noon.  
Pickup on Saturday, Dec. 10, from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. in the Social 

	If you have questions or would like to place an order, 
please call Maria at 279-2238 or Karen at 279-4108.

Health Committee

	Thanks to those who joined us for the last meeting and 
helped brainstorm for ideas for the coming year!  

	Please join us at our next meeting December 3rd at 9:15 a.m. 
in the parish office/rectory building.  Please call me with any 
questions.  Corinna Wojcik 782-2152.

St. Vincent DePaul
Christmas Giving Tree

	The "Giving Tree" is up and loaded with ornaments.   We are 
taking care of 25 families this year and will be providing gifts 
for the Elmhurst Extended Care Nursing Home.

	Please remember that after you purchase and wrap your gift, 
the tag must be taped to the package with the written side of the 
ornament facing up, so that we will know to which family the gift 
belongs.  Every ornament is coded and this coding needs to be 
visible.  All gifts must be returned by December 11th so that they 
can be sorted and placed in boxes for the respective families.  
If you have any questions, please call Sheila Reiter at 833-6657.

"Creative Memories" Evening

     The Council of Catholic Women cordially invite all ladies of 
the parish to a "Creative Memories" evening on Tuesday, November 
29, at 7:30 p.m. in Barrett Hall.  We will learn how to organize 
and preserve our memories.  This event is "hands on!"  Please 
bring 3 photos of a special person or event in your life.  You 
will get a taste of album making using the "Creative Memories" 
Short Story Kit and you will leave with a hand made gift that you 
can display in your home or office or in an album.  

	There is no cost for this demonstration and everyone can 
participate.  Feel free to bring a friend or friends.  We're 
looking forward to seeing you there and having a fun filled 
evening.  Refreshments will be served.  For further information 
or questions, please call Mary Connelly at 630-782-7626.

Religious Education News

Reminder to Parents:

	Wednesday, Nov. 30 -Class resumes at normal times

Advent Toy Collection

	This year as in the past, we will be collecting new, unwrapped 
toys for Marillac House. Toys may be left in the box in the 
School on Wednesday, December 7 and 14. As you are aware, 
Marillac is located on the West Side of Chicago just a short 
distance from Mary Queen. Marillac helps many families in that 
community. Please be generous.

Heifer International Project

	In addition to our toy collection for a local organization, we 
have a global dimension to our Advent giving. Once again this 
year our children will be able to go to the polls to vote for 
their favorite farm animal for us to send to a third world 
country. The voting will take place the first two Wednesdays of 
December during class time. We are asking each child to bring a 
small monetary donation, if they are able, when they cast their 
ballot. We encourage all the children to "vote early and often". 
This project is not only fun for the children, but it is truly a 
gift of hope for impoverished communities across the world.

Mark your calendars:

	Saturday, December 10, at 10:30 a.m.	 in Church our second 
graders will celebrate their First Reconciliation.  All parents 
of 2nd graders are expected to be in attendance as well. Please 
let us know if you cannot attend.

Confirmation Prayer Partners Needed

	We are asking parishioners to pray for our Confirmation 
candidates. Please take a card with a candidate's name from our 
basket in the vestibule. Pray for that particular person until 
Confirmation day on April 22nd. It is our hope that each one of 
our candidates will have someone praying especially for them.

	For more info on any of the above, please call Mary Ann Woods 
at the REO, 832-8962.

New Internet Resource for Our Parish
The e-Series from Celebration:  Parish Life

	The GATHERING, a small faith community here at Mary Queen 
of Heaven is offering you, as a fellow parishioner, a valuable 
resource for spiritual growth and parish community development. 
We have purchased a license for an Internet publication from 
Celebration-the e-Series. It is called Parish Life.  We have a 
subscription for one year from 11/05.  Our license allows all 
parishioners to receive this monthly Internet publication with a 
one-time registration using our parish code. 

	Go to and click the Parishioner-
Participant E-mail Registration button to register with our code 
to receive the monthly publication. 

	Once you have registered, you will be notified by e-mail 
each month when the publication is available. No passwords are 
necessary. (Please refrain from distributing the code to persons 
who are not members of this parish.) If you have questions about 
or problems with registration, the Web site will direct you.

Prayer  Requests	
    To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our 
parish family.  We hope that you will pray for these 
persons every day, alone or as a family.  Thank you.
	Pam Bondfide	Heather Brennan
	Kathleen Bryers	Pat Caffarelli
	Rose Caffarelli	Kathy Calzante
	Family of Cynthia Catalano
	Cosmore Ciancio	Paul Cirone	
	Margaret Conroy	Rhonda Colletti	
	Trudi Dolato	Gerald Foley
	Dino Fuggitti	Anna Heffel
	Jen Huwalt	Tom Huwalt
	Pat Holmes	Michelle Humann
	Maureen James	Tom Janicke 
	Irene Kmieciak	Bernadette Kohn
	John Lane	Baby Emma Lynde
	Robert Manion	Bobbi Nannini
	Geri Pstrzoch	Vincent Scilluffo
	Eleanor Sikorski	Jeff Smith
	Karen Sutkus	Cathy Ward

	If you or a family member would like to be included in our 
prayers, please call the rectory at 279-5700.  Also, please let 
us know when a name should be removed.

The Play:
Sister's Christmas Catechism
Will be performed at
At St. Richard Parish, 50th & Kostner Ave

Saturday, December 3 
Dinner: 5:30-7:00 p.m.    Show:  7:30 p.m.

$35 per person 
includes admission and Buffet Dinner
Tickets will sell out fast:  Order yours today!

For information, please call 773-585-1221.

"A Polish Christmas at Orchestra Hall
Carols, Chopin and More"

Celebrate the 40th anniversary of The Lira Ensemble

Beautiful Polish carols & folk songs by Lira Singers
Spirited Polish folk dances

Sunday, November 27, at 3:00 p.m.

Symphony Center, 220 S. Michigan in Downtown Chicago

Tickets: $25 to $50, half price for youth to age 18

For more information, call 773-508-7040.

Volunteer Tutors Needed

	Join the Sisters of St. Joseph of LaGrange in their 
literacy/ESL program, School on Wheels. Volunteer tutors are 
needed to teach adults one hour/week at Berwyn, Hodgkins, Summit, 
Villa Park, Westmont, or Woodridge.

	Training will be provided on Saturdays, December 3 and 
December 10, from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m., at the 
Motherhouse/Ministry Center in LaGrange Park.  You must attend 
both training sessions.  No prior second language skills are 
needed.  For more information, call  (708) 354-9200 ext. 5060, 
5085, or 5037 .

Senior Citizen Christmas Party

	The MQH Council of Catholic Women invites all seniors to 
the Senior Citizen Christmas Party, Sat., Dec. 3, in Barrett 
Hall, following the 5:00 p.m. Mass.  Reservation forms were in 
last week's bulletin, and extra copies are available today in 
church.  So that we will know how many people to prepare for, 
please fill in the form and return it to the rectory or in the 
basket in the back of church.

	Rides will be provided for those who do not have 
transportation.  Please call either Karen Vicary (279-4108), Mary 
Connelly (782-7626), or Mary White (833-9809) if you need a ride.

50th Anniversary Committee

	The next meeting of the 50th Anniversary Committee will be 
Tuesday, Dec. 6, in Barrett Hall at approximately 8:00 p.m. 
(following the Reconciliation Service).
	Plans for this year-long celebration are well underway but 
much help is needed to work on various events.  Please come with 
your ideas!  The following are some of the areas where we need 
information and help.  
1.	Memorabilia from the past (pictures, booklets, newspaper 
articles, etc.), please bring them to the meeting.  
2.	Names and addresses of previous parishioners or alumni of 
our school, to invite them to our celebration.  Info or 
questions: contact Sheila Reiter 833-6657 or Ellen Walker 279-
3.	A 50th Anniversary Cookbook is planned with best recipes 
from MQH Parishioners.  Recipes to should be printed or typed, 
and double checked for accuracy.  Recipe forms are available in 
the vestibule of church and can be sent to the attention of Mary 
Nanak or Ellen Walker.

Parish Advent Reconciliation Service

	We will have our Advent Parish Reconciliation Service on 
Tuesday, December 6, at 7:00 .p.m.  

	All families of the parish, adults and children in grades 7 
and 8 are invited to this celebration.  For our Religious 
Education program, this will be the seasonal celebration of 
Reconciliation.  We will have a communal prayer service and there 
will be multiple priests here from different parishes to hear 
individual confessions.  Please join your parish family to 
prepare for the coming of Christ more fully into our hearts this 
Advent Season.

Christmas Food Collection
	Our Annual Christmas Food Collection will take place the 
weekend of December 10/11. Food items can be brought to church in 
advance (boxes will be provided).

Mayslake Ministries

	"A Circle of Stones:  Women at Prayer," presented at 
Mayslake Ministries in Westmont on the 2nd Thursday of each month 
from 7:30 - 9 p.m.  Facilitated by Mary Jo Valenziano: cost of 
$15, all Christian women are welcome.  Call for info & to 
register at 630-323-1620.

Speaking About
Joseph and Mary

	Fr. Cargo will discuss the relationship between Mary and 
Joseph and the difficulties they endured.

	St. Joseph Parish is inviting all young adults to 
partcipate in our next gathering.  We will provide refreshments 
along with a babysitter for children of all ages.  This event 
will take place at St. Joseph Parish, 330 E. Fullerton Avenue, 
Addison on Sunday, December 11 at 6:30 p.m.

For more information please contact Claudia at (630) 832-6894.

A Vocation View

It's Advent; almost Christmas!
A Season of Dreams Come True. 
Be on Guard.  The Lord may call you to follow Him.

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