Grin N' Barrett

Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
426 N. West Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-2171
Parish Office: 630/279-5700
Fax: 630/279-4667

Record of Parish Contributions

 If you would like to receive a record of your 2003 financial
contributions, please call the parish office at 279-5700.  Any 2003
contributions must be received no later than January 11th and clearly
marked Christmas or 2003 in order to be included in our 2003 records.

Home Maintenance for Seniors

 DuPage Senior Citizens Council (DSCC) offers affordable home repair
services at a subsidized cost to seniors in Elmhurst, age 60 and over. 
Home repairs include electrical, plumbing, carpentry, general maintenance
and safety equipment installation.

 Costs for home repairs in Elmhurst are $40 per service hour (billed in
15-minute increments, 30 minutes minimum per service call).  There is no
charge for estimates.  Other no-cost home maintenance services available
to seniors in Elmhurst include a home inspection to assure personal, home
safety and weatherizing needs, and a contractor referral service.  

 In addition, DSCC offers their Chore Days Program in the Spring and Fall
to assist with seasonal outdoor clean up.  For more information, please
contact Hina at 630-620-0804.

RE  Sponsors Blood Drive
January 11

 On Sunday, January 11, the 8th graders in Mary Queen's Religious
Education program will host a blood drive for the American Red Cross. 
Donations are sought from healthy individuals, ages 17 and older (16 with
parental consent), with all blood types and who have not donated blood
for the previous 56 days.  If you are a regular donor, please note that
November 16 was the last day you could have donated blood and still be
eligible to donate at Mary Queen's drive on January 11.  If you have a
choice as to when to donate, we'd appreciate your support.

 A table to take appointments will be set up after Masses on the weekend
of January 3 & 4.  Also, you can contact:  Julie McGovern at 834-1237, or


Prayer  Requests

 To pray for the sick is an important responsibility of the Christian
Community.  We hope that you will pray for these persons every day, alone
or as  a family.  Thank you.

  Rose Caffarelli   Cosmo Ciancio 
  Art Heisen        Tom Janicke
  Kelly Peters      Anne Marie Raye    Patricia Sabel    Edward Stefaniak
  Patricia Staseck  Patrick White 
  Marion Whitting

 If you know someone who would like our prayers, please call Mary Alice
at 279-1159.

Active Parenting Today

A 6-Part Parenting Program 
Tuesdays, January 13 to February 17
7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
At Catholic Charities, Lombard

 This parenting program is designed to help parents improve effective
discipline and communication skills and develop skills that encourage our
children and help build their self-esteem.  The program is designed for
parents who have children between the ages of 5 to 12.

Cost: $50 per person or $70 for couples
Instructor: James M. Gilligan, MSW

Pre-registration is required.
Call Catholic Charities at 630-495-9850 to register.

 As always please be very careful in the parking lot.  Winter weather
makes dropping off and picking up children a real challenge.  Remember
our children are precious; let's all strive to insure their safety.

 If you have questions or need more information, please call Mary Ann
Woods at the REO, 832-8962.

Market Day

 Orders for January are due Monday, January 19, at noon.  Turn in your
order form in the box at the back of church or at the rectory.  Pickup on
Saturday, January 24, from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. in the Social Hall.  

 If you have questions or would like to place an order, please call Mary
at 832-8263 or Karen at 279-4108.


Catholic Bishops' Update

 On Tuesday, January 6, a report will be released in Washington, D.C.,
which indicates how well dioceses are implementing the steps adopted by
the Catholic Bishops of the United States in June, 2002, to address the
problem of sexual abuse of children and young people by some clergy.  The
Bishops' Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People
provides a comprehensive framework to address allegations of abuse and to
create safe environments for children and young people.

 The Charter has 17 articles, or statements of actions, that are divided
into four main goals:
To Promote the Healing and Reconciliation with Victims/Survivors of Child
Sexual Abuse of Minors
To Guarantee an Effective Response to Allegations of Sexual Abuse of
To Ensure the Accountability of the Charter's Procedures
To Protect the Faithful in the Future

 Among the steps called for in the Charter are for dioceses:
To employ a victim assistance coordinator; 
To set up a review board whose members are to advise the bishop on the
diocese's overall sex abuse policy and on individual allegations; (Joliet
Diocese has had a Review Committee since 1990.) 
To carefully screen candidates for Holy Orders and also other diocesan
personnel with regular contact with children; 
To establish a safe environment program for children.

 Nationally, the bishops established an Office for Child and Youth
Protection headed by a former top official of the FBI-Kathleen
McChesney-with another former FBI official-Sheila Horan-as her deputy and
an all lay National Review Board to monitor and assist the Office.

 The Office conducted the compliance audit of dioceses whose results will
be released on Tuesday, January 6.

 The Bishops deeply regret past abuse and that they did not always deal
with it effectively.  But in the Charter they have offered the framework
to respond to this terrible problem.  They encourage all Catholics and
the general public to become familiar with the Charter.  The bishops ask
our help in living up to the Charter's goals, and they invite us all to
consider ways in which we can contribute to the protection of children
and young people.

Religious Education Classes will resume at the regular time on Wednesday,
January 7.

Feed the Poor
Drop Off Used Printer Cartridges

 Thanks to your generous donation of used printer cartridges, over 10,000
starving children have received a potential life-saving meal.  The
response to this drive has been excellent!  

 The Mary Queen of Heaven Men's Group will continue to collect empty
inkjet and toner cartridges to help feed the poor in Latin America and
the Caribbean.  With the non-profit organization, Food for the Poor,
empty printer cartridges are recycled and the cash received used to
supply food for the needy.  One inkjet cartridge can feed a nutritious
meal to 80 children!  One toner cartridge will feed 300 children a
nutritious meal!

 Of the estimated 300 million printer cartridges sold every year in the
United states to businesses and individuals, only 2 percent, or 6 million
cartridges, get recycled.  The other 294 million cartridges, worth a
minimum of $588 million, end up in the trash!

 Please look for the special Food for the Poor box in the vestibule after
Sunday masses.  Although most brands of inkjet and toner cartridges are
accepted, a complete list of approved cartridges can be found at

 Thank you for your help and generosity.  For more information call Russ
DiOrio at 630-617-8844.

MQH Eucharistic Minister Training
Saturday, January 17, 2004
9:00 a.m. to noon in MQH Church

 All Eucharistic Minister trainees should attend this training session. 
In addition, anyone currently on the roster who would like a refresher,
plus those who may be interested in learning more about this ministry,
are encouraged to attend.

 Discussion will include some theology and history of the Eucharist, as
well as practical instruction on the procedures.  The facilitators will
be Sister Sharon of the Office of Divine Worship and Deacon Tom Nolan.

 If you have any questions, please call Anne Hoey at 834-1783.

Bowlin' for Fun!
January 24

 The CCW and the MQH  Men's Group are sponsoring a Candlelight Bowl at
Stardust Bowling Lanes, 27 E. Lorraine, in Addison.  The evening will
include dinner, three regular games of bowling, and one crazy game.  The
cost is $45 per couple.  Prizes will be awarded, and raffles will be
held.  Call your relatives, neighbors and friends and invite them to join
in the fun!!  

 For reservations, call Mary White at 833-9809 or stop by the table in
the vestibule of Church beginning the weekend of January 3/4..  If you
are able to contribute door prizes, such as bottles of wine, gift
certificates, etc., please give Jim Japczyk a call at 833-6853.

Yoga Class by Debbie Styka

For all ages - teenagers to senioragers
This centuries-old art uses a series of postures that bring the mind,
body and spirit into harmony.
It creates community as we meet each other in class.  It is scheduled
right after Religious Education classes.  

A new class starts January 7 for 4 weeks
Wednesdays from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m.
4 classes, $16 per person
4 classes $24 per family (ages 14 and older)

Call Debbie 941-7224

Required::  Please bring a non-slip mat (can be purchased at Sport
Authority, Target, etc/ for $13 to $20)

Christopher Leadership Training
Feeling a Little Stuck?

 Want to experience Clarity and Momentum during the New Year?  Join a
network of positive people and gain new Self Confidence; Presentation
skills; A renewed sense of God-given purpose; Develop a momentum
game-plan to accomplish great things with small steps; Share energy and
encouragement with like-minded people who expect God's best in life.

 It's fun, interactive and a great place to meet new people...Three
Saturday mornings, 8:30AM  till 12 noon, January 10, 17, and 31, 2004. 
Dominican Priory, 7200 West Division (at Harlem), River Forest, IL 60305.
 Information/Registration call (312) 409-9549 or visit us at

Fireside Theology

Immaculate Conception Parish, Elmhurst

9:00 - 10:00 a.m.

Suggested Donation: $10

 A winter companion to our popular summer program, this series will help
us focus on finding balance and inner peace in our lives.  Come spend
some cold Saturday mornings with us.  We'll provide the hot cocoa and
marshmallows (and a continental breakfast)!

 Following are the dates and topics for discussion:

 Saturday, January 24:  Bringing Balance to Life:
Harnessing Stress and Mastering Time

Saturday, January 31:
The Dynamics of Power in Daily Living

Saturday, February 7:
Make Me a Channel of Your Peace

Call 530-3483 for more information.

Attention:  Widows and Widowers

 Have you recently lost your spouse?  Are you struggling with the loss? 
Have you been widowed for some time and sense the need for something to
help you over the hump because you feel stuck in your grief?  Then,
Joyful Again! may be what you need.

 Joyful Again! is a weekend (Saturday & Sunday) program designed for both
men and women of all ages who have been widowed and are seeking to renew
hope and joy in their lives. 
When: Saturday, February 7 and Sunday, February 8, 2004
Where:  Mary Queen of Heaven church, in Elmhurst
Donation: $75 usual donation, includes meals and handout materials. 
(Adjustments can be made if the cost presents a difficulty at this time.)

 The weekend is sponsored by St. Alexander & Mary Queen of Heaven
parishes.  For further information, call Joyful Again! at 354-7211.

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