Mary's Corner

Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
426 N. West Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-2171
Parish Office: 630/279-5700
Fax: 630/279-4667

Mary's Corner…

Greetings, Friends!

What a lovely celebration at last Sunday's installation Mass. My thanks to all who devoted themselves to creating a beautiful, prayerful liturgy and such a delightful celebration afterwards. I cannot tell you how many people commented to me about our excellent music ministry. The experience of worship was so powerful for some that we actually received new members into our parish that day. I also received a telephone call from someone who is interested in becoming Catholic after being with us for this Mass. Thank you for the welcome that you provided to my family and to my friends who were visiting on that day. While many were from Chicago, some of them had flown in from California and Florida, and I also had friends who drove here from Nashville, Tennessee. I hope that our parish community will always be a place of welcome and that our liturgical celebrations will always invite people to prayer and a deeper life with Christ. I am grateful to you and for you.

I am continuing to get to know the organizations and people of this parish, in all the ways that I can, from participating in committee meetings and prayer groups to sharing meals and conversation. Since my first days here, I have also been involved in ministry with individuals and families. I am richly blessed to be here with you. I pray for all of you daily and ask that you remember me in your prayers, as together we continue to build this community of faith to be a sign for people of God's love and presence in the world.

These early weeks have been exciting and very busy. Still, in the midst of activity, I do try to look and listen with a pastoral heart. I would like to comment on something I have noticed at weekend Masses. I have seen some people leave the church before communion. While there could be a number of reasons for this (including work schedules!), I know that some feel they are not able to celebrate the sacraments of the church because of guilt or alienation they feel in their lives or because they think they are unable to do so due to the experience of divorce. If I can help anyone to talk out their concerns or prepare for the sacrament of reconciliation, please call upon me. As for those who have been divorced, divorce itself should not keep you from the sacraments of the church. If you are in a new marriage and I can help you to apply for an annulment so that your second marriage can be recognized by the church, please call upon me. I will be saying more about marriage and the annulment process in the weeks to come. For now, however, please feel free to contact me to talk over anything that may be keeping you from celebrating the sacraments of the church.

Since there were a number of people away from the parish last week because it was Mother's Day, I would like to repeat a couple of announcements. Parish Leadership Day will be held in June. This will be a day for all members of the parish pastoral staff, parish pastoral council and commission members, to begin a process of visioning and long-range planning for the parish. This will be a full day session, from 9 am to 2 pm. Please let your pastoral staff liaison know which of these dates will work best for you: 6/12, 6/19, or 6/26.

A second announcement I wish to repeat is this. There is an opening for a male representative from our cluster to serve on the Diocesan Pastoral Council (the position for the female representative is already filled). This is the consultative body that provides advice for our bishop and helps to facilitate communication across our diocese. I would like for Mary Queen of Heaven to have more of a presence in the Church of Joliet and I would love to have someone from our parish serve on the Diocesan Pastoral Council. If you are interested in applying for this position, please contact me.

Finally, two new announcements: First, we now have an evening administrative assistant, Kate Achtien. You will now be able to call or visit the rectory until 7 p.m. on weeknights. If you need to see me, please do try to call ahead for an appointment, if you can, so I can be sure to be available. We are updating our telephone system so that soon, you will be able to leave a confidential voice mail message for me at any hour.

Lastly, we are beginning a new committee within the parish that will be focused on Adult Education and Spirituality. This committee will meet monthly and will have on it representatives from the various commissions. If you would be interested in being part of this committee to plan programs of adult education and spirituality, please be in touch with me.

Mary Michele (Regina) Foley

Feed the Poor
Drop Off Used Printer Cartridges

Mary Queen of Heaven Men's Group continues to collect empty inkjet and
toner cartridges to help the poor in Latin America and the Caribbean. 
With the non-profit organization, Food for the Poor, empty cartridges are
recycled, and cash received is used to buy food.  

Please look for the special Food for the Poor box in the vestibule of
church.  For more information call Russ DiOrio at 630-617-8844.

Labyrinth Notes

My journey in the labyrinth yielded far more than I had expected.  I
experienced the walk itself as such a wonderful metaphor for the way I
walk my days: just as it was meant to be.  Trusting/not trusting in the
path, my ability to follow it, whether it was the “right” one, sitting in
the center and listening to the word “open” pulse through me.  Although
the words of the messages (or the silence) we receive vary greatly, at
root I believe all the wisdom leads us to one place: healing, connection
and love for all of life.           (from Walking a Sacred Path by Dr.
Lauren Artres)

Rosaries & Pictures of Mary
are requested by a community in India.
If you have any of these items to donate, 
please send them to Brother Bapuji.  Thank you.

 Bro. B. Bapuji, Director 
 Voluntary Christian Service Centre
 NIDADAVOLU 534 301., A.P.

Late Nite Catechism
Is coming to Immaculate Conception, Elmhurst

Friday, May 21, at 8:00 P.M.
Join the class as Sister takes you back to the days of the Latin Mass,
meatless Fridays, and that good old ruler across the knuckles!  Late Nite
Catechism will make you laugh your sins off!  So sit up straight and get
ready for Late Nite Catechism!  
Ticket are $20 in advance, or $25 at the door.  Get your tickets today! 
Contact Kritin Kramer to order tickets, 630-530-3482 or

Deacon Applications

The Diocese of Joliet is accepting applications for its permanent deacon
program class of 2009.  They will continue to accept these applications
through October 2004.  If you are interested, please contact Mary Foley
at the Mary Queen of Heaven office.

New Mass Times!

Our thanks to Father Alfred and the community of Our Lady of Lebanon for
helping us to alleviate the tension over close Mass times on Sunday
mornings. Beginning in May, Sunday Mass times will be changing in order
to provide more relaxed celebrations for our parish.

Beginning today, May 16:  Mary Queen of Heaven's Sunday Mass times will
be 8:30 a.m. and 10:15 a.m.  The Saturday 5 p.m. Mass will remain the

With these changes, we will end up with an extra half hour between the
last two services on Sunday mornings.  Thank you for your patience and
understanding as we have worked toward an arrangement that will provide
for fuller celebrations for both our faith communities!

MQH  Garden Club 

Spring Planting Weekend

Calling all Garden Club members, adults (men and women), and teens. 
Your help is needed on Saturday, May 22, at 10:00 a.m.  It's Spring
Planting Time and we will be ready to plant all those flowers around the
church, school, rectory and on the mound.  Bring your gardening gloves
and garden tools.  Many hands make lighter work as we once again beautify
our parish grounds for the summer months.  

Give Rose Wilkes (833-7238) or Sheila Reiter (833-6657) a call and let
us know if you will be able to give a few hours of your time to help out.

RE  Registrations

June 1st will be here before you know it.  If you want to register at
the discounted fee, get those forms in to the office today.  FYI - if you
have a preschool or kindergarten child you would like to see in the
program next fall, get your registration in today.  Those classes fill up
quickly and enrollment is limited at those grade levels.

Catechists Needed

We have had some folks respond to our request for help and we thank you.
However, we are still in need of catechists at various grade levels. 
These classes meet on Wednesday afternoon from 3:15 to 4:30 p.m. and
evenings from 7 to 8:15 p.m.  

If you are a loving, welcoming, accepting, forgiving person, you have
the most important qualifications for being a catechist.  You don't have
to be a theologian, just someone who can help our children understand how
the Gospel can be applied to their lives.  Come share your Faith with the
young people of Mary, Queen.  Call for more information.

If you have  questions or need more information, please call Mary Ann
Woods at the REO, 832-8962.

Special gatherings to meet 
The Pastoral Life Coordinator

Please join Mary Foley to share your hopes, dreams and ideas about Mary
Queen of Heaven Parish.  More sessions are planned!  The following are
two special gatherings in May:

Newcomers and Young Adults

You are welcome!  Come and enjoy some wine and cheese as we share ideas.

Friday, May 21, at 7:00 p.m. in Barrett Hall
R.S.V.P. to Karen Vicary, 279-4108

Teenagers - The Future of Our Church

Please come and share pizza as we get to know each other and talk about
the ways that you would like to be involved in the life of our parish

Sunday, May 23, At 6:00 p.m. in Barrett Hall
R.S.V.P. to Kathleen Gusloff, 832-4348

Market Day

Orders for May are due Mon., May 17, at noon.  Turn in your order form
in the box at the back of church or at the rectory.  Pickup on Saturday,
May 22, from 9:30 until 10:30 a.m. in the Social Hall.  

If you have questions or would like to place an order, please call Mary
at 832-8263 or Karen at 279-4108.

Prayer  Requests

To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our parish family.  We
hope that you will pray for these persons every day, alone or as a
family.  Thank you.

Pam Bondfide           Kathleen Bryers
John Brani             Kathy Calzante   
Cosmo Ciancio          Eugene Clarke   
Michelle Humann        Maureen James   
Tom Janicke            Tom Kwiatkowski  
Lisa Langler           Bobbie Nannini
Anne Marie Raye        Therese Shaheen
Mary Alice Sypian

If you know someone who would like our prayers, please call Mary Alice
at 279-1159.

CCW  Ladies Night Out
Tuesday, May 18, at 7:00 P.M.

The Council of Catholic Women is sponsoring this  wonderful opportunity
to relax and enjoy your MQH friends.  We will honor Sheila Reiter, our
Woman of the Year, for her dedication and work in our parish.
The celebration will be held at Ki's Restaurant in Glendale Heights. 
Dinner will include soup or salad, chicken, beef, pasta, potato, coffee,
soft drinks, an ice cream dessert and wine.  A cash bar will also be
available.  The cost for the evening will be $25.00 per person.  Please
make checks payable to Mary Queen of Heaven CCW.
The reservation deadline is today, May 16.  Reservation forms are
available in the church. Please sign up at the reservation table TODAY. 
For more information, please call Mary White (833-9809) or Phylis
Twardowski (279-6239).

MQH Men's Group Events

3rd Annual Golf Outing

Friday, June 18
At Glendale Lakes Golf Club in Glendale Heights

11:30 a.m. Registration, and 12:30 p.m. start
$95/person includes lunch, golf, door prize & dinner

For more information, please contact 
Jim Japczyk at 833-6853 or Mark Connelly at 782-7626.

Kane County Cougars

Friday, August 13th

Tickets are $8.00 per person and parking is free.  Gates open at 4:30
p.m. and game time is 6:30 p.m.  There will be a fireworks show after the
game and a chance to run the bases after the fireworks.  Money is due
June 28.  

For more information or if you have questions, call
John Menarek at 630-834-4075 or

St. Vincent DePaul Drive
May 22 & 23

Last spring, our parish held a drive for St. Vincent DePaul Society and
it was a huge success!  We filled their truck with items for the needy. 
The truck will again be in our parking lot the weekend of May 22 & 23, so
start your spring cleaning and pick out those items that you no longer
need to hold on to or use and donate them to the needy.  They could use
those things right now!

St. Vincent DePaul bags will be available in the vestibule of church the
weekend of May 15 & 16.  Take as many as you need or use your own boxes
or bags.  Fill them with clean gently used items such as clothing, shoes,
purses, appliances, dishes, cookware, lamps, books, knick-knacks, towels,
bedding, toys, etc.

The truck will arrive before 9 a.m. on Saturday and will leave at 1 p.m.
on Sunday.  Drop off your items on Saturday during the day or bring your
items with you when you come for Mass on the weekend.  Let's fill the
truck again!  Receipts for your donations are available and are tax

Please call 630-231-4658 for the Society to send a truck to your home to
pick up furniture and other large items you wish to donate.

2004 Diocesan Annual Appeal

Diocese of Joliet
Seeds of Hope

“I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will
say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move.”   
-Matthew 17:20

All pledge cards should be returned to the parish for forwarding to the
diocese.  By doing this, all pledges will be recorded and everyone will
receive proper acknowledgement.

PADS  Update

MQH has completed the 2003/2004 season.  The season runs from October
through April.  We serve at St. Alexis in Bensenville on the fourth
weekend of each month and co-host with Bethel UCC here in Elmhurst on St.
Charles Road.  

We had 18 volunteers to handle the 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. shift.  In
addition, we had several other volunteers working the dinner and
breakfast shift with Bethel. I would like to thank all the volunteers for
their efforts in helping those unfortunate persons who do not have a
place to spend the night.  

We will be resuming operations in the fall and if you would like more
information on our program, feel free to call Steve Lindberg at 941-1355
or 989-3392.  Thanks!

New Reconciliation Room

Every week, our parish provides the opportunity for sacramental
confession on Saturday at 4:30 p.m.  With Fr. Tom's appointment as
sacramental minister, we have started using a reconciliation room instead
of the confessional, as he prefers.  

The new reconciliation room can be found at the north end of Mary's
Gathering Space.  There, parishioners will have the opportunity for
face-to-face with the priest.  There is also a kneeler with a screen, for
persons who prefer this option.

End of Life Issues

On Sunday,  May 16, 2004, 1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. at St. Joan of Arc
Church, 820 Division St., Lisle, all are invited to hear Rita Marker,
J.D. speak about Advance Directives, Durable Power of Attorney, Nutrition
and Hydration, Assisted Suicide, Euthanasia, Stem Cell Research, and
Cloning.  No admission charge.  Donations will be accepted.

Presenter: Rita Marker, J. D. is the Executive Director of the
International Task force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide.  She is a
practicing attorney, an educator and speaker, former adjunct professor of
Political Science and Ethics at the University of Steubenville, Ohio, and
author of the critically acclaimed book Deadly Compassion.

For more information call the Joliet Diocesan Life Office: 
815-838-1002.  We especially invite Medical personnel and health care

Invitation to Dinner & Dialogue
Sponsored by the Justice and Peace Network 
of the Wheaton Franciscans.

Monday, May 17, 6:00 p.m., 8:00 p.m.
Topic:  Franciscan Bridge Building

Francis, building peace where there is conflict:  Two Franciscans share
their peacemaking journey to Cuba.  The evening begins with a simple
meal, followed by a prayer, engaging presentations and then table

Upcoming Sessions:  August 2, Franciscan Community Building and November
8, Franciscan Integrity.  Cost:  $15 for the session, $30 for all three

To register or for questions, call 630-784-2555 or email

(Moms Offering Moms Support)

This social organization provides an opportunity for mothers of young
children to meet other mothers.  There are no membership fees or are
requirements to join.

On Thursday, May 20, at 11:00 a.m., M.O.M.S. will meet at Ty Warner Park
in Westmont.  Join us for an end-of-the-year picnic!  We'll enjoy a pot
luck lunch and the playground.  Sign-ups for food will be available soon.
MOMS will provide the chicken.

For information, call Katie Gallagher at 941-8755

St. Charles Borromeo Parish
School Registration

St. Charles Borromeo School in Bensenville is now registering students
for the 2004-2005 school year.  The school has a full-day Kindergarten,
and bus service in the afternoon.  There are openings in grades K - 8. 
If you are interested in becoming part of the St. Charles Borromeo School
family, please call the school office at 630-766-0116 for an appointment
to register.  Items needed at the time of registration are: a birth
certificate, baptismal certificate, social security number and a $40
non-refundable deposit.

25th Anniversary of Ordination of
Deacon Tom Goebel

Immaculate Conception Parish
Invites you to join the celebration on

Sunday, May 23, 2004

10:30 a.m. Mass in the Chapel

Reception follows 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
In Monsignor Plunkett Hall
Our Lady of the New Millennium Statue
Hosted by Christ the King Parish, Lombard 

Sunday, May 23 through Saturday, June 5

This is a 33-foot tall statue of Mary sculptured out of gleaming
stainless steel.  All are welcome to come and pray before the statue
during the two weeks.  There are three scheduled events each day. 
Private Prayer and devotions are welcome 24 hours a day.  

For more information, or for the schedule of events, please call
630-629-1717 and contact Deacon Sayne Storrs (ext. 25) or Mr. Bill Runge
(ext. 23); or e-mail 

Alternative to the War on Terrorism

Wednesday, May 19 at 7:30 p.m.
St. Joan of Arc Parish, Lisle

Pax Christi DuPage, a local chapter of Pax Christi USA, a national
Catholic peace and justice movement, will be offering a presentation
outlining an alternative to the present policies and directions of the
war on terrorism.  

The presenter will be Mr. Tom Cordaro, a Pax Christi USA Ambassador of
Peace and former chairperson of its National Council.  For more
information, please contact Sr. Karen Nykiel, OSB at 969-7047.

Attention Deficit Disorder ADD

Catholic Charities is sponsoring “All About Attention Deficit Disorder
ADD,” to be held every Tuesday night, May 25 to June 29, from 7 p.m. to 9
p.m.  This program is for parents with children from 5 to about 15 years
old who want to effectively identify their children's basic symptoms of
ADD.  They will learn how to diagnose ADD and ways to manage their
children's behavior.  

The cost is $50 per person or $70 per couple.  Contact Jim Gilligan at
630-495-8008, ext. 53, to reserve a spot.

Parish May Crowning

Sheila Reiter, CCW Parish Woman of the Year, will crown the Blessed
Virgin statue this Sunday, May 16, at the 10:15 a.m. Mass.  Our Religious
Education First Communicants, wearing their first Communion outfits, have
been invited to participate in the procession with Sheila.  All are
invited to attend this special occasion honoring our Blessed Mother.

Father John Sullivan

Cordially invites you to join him in celebrating
The 50th Anniversary of his Ordination

This Sunday, May 16, at the 11:30 a.m. Mass  

St. Petronille Church
420 Glenwood Avenue
Glen Ellyn IL 60137

Reception follows immediately 
in the Parish Life Center

R.S.V.P. 469-0404

Feast of the Ascension

The feast of the Ascension of the Lord, which would normally be
celebrated this Thursday, has been transferred by the bishops to Sunday,
May 23.  Thursday is not a holy day of obligation, and there will not be
an evening Mass on that day.  The Solemnity of the Ascension will be
celebrated on Sunday.

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