Mary's Corner

Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
426 N. West Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-2171
Parish Office: 630/279-5700
Fax: 630/279-4667

Mary's Corner

Greetings, Friends!

If you haven't noticed already, I would like to draw your attention to a temporary decoration hanging in the second floor window of the rectory. For those who don't know, the rectory is the building at the west end of the parking lot which houses the parish offices (except for religious education, which is located in the school building). The decoration is a large cloth printed with rainbow colors and the word, PACE.

I remember when I first brought this piece home that visitors asked me what it meant. Some wondered if it had anything to do with the suburban PACE bus system. Someone who noticed the rainbow colors wanted to know if it was some kind of a gay thing. Boy, how quickly people can jump to quick judgments about what they see!

Actually, I brought this cloth back from Rome last year, after I saw countless ones like it hanging from windows all over the city. PACE, in Italian, means Peace. Throughout this holy city, people were calling out for peace, literally calling out from the rooftops. It was an incredible sight, one that engendered a deep human connection that transcended differences of nationality and language. Peace. Peace. We want peace. Peace.

I want to draw your attention to this symbol for several reasons. First of all, and practically speaking, I want you to know where the parish offices are and I want to share with you the news that the rectory is now open until 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. Please feel free to stop by, although if you wish to meet with me, calling ahead for an appointment is always best (you can also E-mail me at

Another reason for mentioning the PACE banner is this: You may have noticed that there is some new ministry development underway. Already, we have had people come forward who are interested in a new Adult Education and Spirituality ministry. We also have several volunteers for a new parish Health Committee. These ministries should become active by fall. Also, beginning over the summer, we will be expanding our Christian Service ministries, especially our ministry of Peace and Justice. We already have several dedicated parishioners involved in related activities and we will be strengthening Peace and Justice as an area of ministry within our parish structure.

Finally, a word about the rainbow symbol. It is true that for some people, the rainbow symbolizes gay identity. While this is not the case either for myself or for my piece of Italian cloth, the mention of this symbol gives me the opportunity to say a few words to anyone in our parish who is gay or lesbian or who is a parent to a gay or lesbian child. If you watch the news, you may have heard reports recently about the Rainbow Sash movement and some gay people in Chicago being denied communion. I remain so disappointed with news coverage that made it sound like Cardinal George or the Catholic Church is against homosexual persons. I assure you that this is not the case. The church continues to grow in its understanding of human sexuality in general. But to be clear, official church teaching today is that homosexual persons are to be treated with respect, compassion, and sensitivity, and they are not to be subject to undue discrimination. We cannot presume to know someone's sexual behavior just because we know the sexual orientation of the person. Moreover, and in any case, we are to welcome our brothers and sisters, regardless of sexual orientation, as children of God.

Having said all of this, recent news about members of the Rainbow Sash movement being denied communion came across as if the church was victimizing people. The truth is, in all of my parish ministry career, I have never quite experienced anything like what I have with the Rainbow Sash movement when I was working in Chicago. I do not wish that anyone seeking communion should be denied the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.

However, the celebration of Mass must not be used as a vehicle for organized, manipulative, political activism. I am left disheartened by recent events and honestly do not know the best response. I do think, however, that this is an important occasion to draw attention to the fact that God calls us to welcome all of our brothers and sisters, regardless of sexual orientation, as children of God. I have experienced a kind of political activism within the Rainbow Sash movement that is destructive of communion. The destructive actions on the part of some persons should not lead us to judgments about others. As a leader of the church, I also wish to express sorrow for any ways that the church has brought sadness or hurt into the lives of homosexual persons.

We are called to love one another, to respect human dignity, and to celebrate the gift of all human life which is created in the image of God. To close on a happy note, we are going to be having a special celebration next Sunday at the 10:15 Mass. At that Mass, we will have the baptism of Maggie Kevil's new baby Rebecca. All baptisms are joyous events, and starting next Sunday, we will begin to have baptisms on occasion at weekend Masses. Next week's celebration will be a little bit different because members of our teenage youth group will have a significant role in the liturgy, just as they have served in a significant role of support for Maggie throughout her pregnancy.

Maggie, who is 18 years old, is not married. She is, however, a beloved child of God and a beloved child of our parish, who has chosen to give life to little Rebecca. Thanks be to God for this gift of life and to Maggie for her courageous choice. Thanks be to God for our young people who have supported Maggie through her pregnancy and will continue to do so through the challenging times ahead. Let us all celebrate and thank God together at next Sunday's 10:15 Mass, when we will welcome little Rebecca into our church family. There will be a special reception following the Mass to which all are invited. Peace.

Mary Michele (Regina) Foley


5:00 PM    Fr. Benet Fonck
8:30 AM    Fr. Tom Wolter
10:15 AM   Fr. Ed Shea

Are you widowed?
Do you know someone who is widowed?

If you have been recently widowed and are still struggling with the
loss, or if you have been widowed for some time and need something to get
you over the hump because you seem stuck in one spot, this program is
designed to help you move on with your life while treasuring your past
and its precious memories.

This weekend program will be held at Immaculate Conception Parish in
Elmhurst.  All are invited.  The Joyful Again! Retreat is for both men
and women (all ages) who have been widowed and are still trying to find
hope and joy in their lives.

When: July 17 & 18
Where:  Immaculate Conception Parish, Elmhurst
Donation: $75 includes meals  (Adjusted if needed)
Register by calling 708-354-7211.


Be aware that registrations will continue to be accepted during the
summer.  If you have not as yet registered, please do so ASAP.  Please
spread the word to your friends and neighbors.  Remember Pre-school and
Kindergarten are the first to fill and enrollment is limited at those
grade levels.  

Communion Banners 

We still have many beautiful banners in our office.  They need a home. 
Please call the office to make pick-up arrangements.

For more info on any of the above, please call 
Mary Ann Woods at the RE Office, 832-8962.

The Mary Queen of Heaven CCW 
asks that you help Moms & Babies!!!

Please help moms and babies by saving your change for CareNet, a
non-profit Christian Ministry that has been serving DuPage County for
over 22 years.  Baby bottles were distributed in church earlier this

Please drop any spare change you have into the bottles and return them
to MQH on June 26 or June 27.  If you have any questions, call Diane
Bernstein at 279-7252.

Summer Parish Prayer Services

7:00 p.m. in the Church

Tuesday, June 22
Tuesday, June 29

Please join the Pastoral Life Coordinator 
for prayer, reflection, and fellowship 
together this summer.

Each evening prayer service will be held in Church from 7-7:30 p.m. 
This will be followed by fellowship and conversation in Barrett Hall,
with the evening concluding around 8:15 p.m.

Prayer  Requests

To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our parish family.  We
hope that you will pray for these persons every day, alone or as a
family.  Thank you.

 Pam Bondfide          Kathleen Bryers
 John Brani            Kathy Calzante  
 Eugene Clarke         Jerry Driscoll 
 Baby Marissa Herman   Pat Holmes   
 Michelle Humann       Maureen James 
 Tom Janicke           Tom Kwiatkowski
 Dick Martin           Bobbie Nannini 
 Anne Marie Raye       Dan Scanlon
 Therese Shaheen       Mary Alice Sapien

If you know someone who would like our prayers, please call Mary Alice
at 279-1159.

Fellowship Sunday, June 20

Fellowship will be held this Sunday in Barrett Hall immediately
following the 10:15 a.m. Mass.  Our Welcoming Committee has invited the
new families who joined the parish during April and May to attend.  

Bring your family and help us welcome these new families.  Enjoy a cup
of coffee, tea or juice and some special goodies while conversing with
friends and fellow parishioners.  The Eucharistic Ministers are hosting
this month, and we hope to see you all there.

Men's Group Kane County Cougars 
Friday, August 13th

It is baseball time again!  Join us at the Kane County Cougars game. 
Tickets are $8.00 per person and parking is free.  Gates open at 4:30
p.m.  Game time is 6:30 p.m.  There will be a fireworks show after the
game and a chance to run the bases after the fireworks.  Flyers are
available in the vestibule of the Church.  

Money is due by June 28.  

For more information or if you have questions, call
John Menarek at 630-834-4075 or

Choose to walk a spiritual path.

Come and Pray on our Labyrinth.

A labyrinth is different from a maze.  Labyrinths are unicursal.  They
have one well-defined path that leads us into the center and back out
again.  There are no tricks to it, no dead ends or cul-de-sacs, no
intersecting paths.  The unicursal path of the labyrinth is what
differentiates it and sets it apart as a spiritual tool.  The labyrinth
does not engage our thinking minds.  It invites our intuitive,
pattern-seeking, symbolic mind to come forth.  It presents us with only
one, but profound choice.  To enter a labyrinth is to choose to walk a
spiritual path. 

(excerpt from Walking a Sacred Path, Dr. L. Artress)

Mission to the Philippines

With 10 years of mission experience behind us, the Joliet Diocesan
Missions is looking forward to expansion of international sites.  We are
currently in the dream stage of our plans to send missioners to the
Philippines.  We hope to send our first team for a two-week mission in
January 2005.

In order to move forward on this, we are planning to hold a DREAM
meeting to ascertain the availability of interested persons, to discuss
the selection of a site where needs are greatest, and to gather a core
team to help bring the dream to reality.  This meeting will be held on
Thursday, June 24, at 7:30 p.m. at the St. Charles Pastoral Center, 402
S. Independence Boulevard, Romeoville.  Directions may be found on the
diocesan website:

All interested persons, medical and non-medical, are invited.  There is
no fee but we ask that individuals call to register so that we can
prepare enough materials.  Homemade Filipino food will be served!

For more information and to register please e-mail  (Please write Philippines in the subject
line.) You may also call Helen Bills, RN at 815-834-4028 or visit our
website at

Deacon Applications

The Diocese of Joliet is accepting applications for its permanent deacon
program class of 2009.  They will continue to accept these applications
through October 2004.  If you are interested, please contact Mary Foley
at the Mary Queen of Heaven office.

Local Service & Solidarity Opportunity

Catholic Construction Corps

The CCC will be assisting needy homeowners in the repair and rebuilding
of homes in Pembroke Township, one of the most impoverished areas of the
United States within the boundaries of the Joliet Diocese.  Skilled and
unskilled volunteers are needed.  

Scheduled workdays are: 
July 3, August 7, September 4, October 2, November 6

Some weekday opportunities may also be available.  

Please contact Art Sheridan or Margie Parks at 815-834-4028.  The
Catholic Construction Corp is sponsored by the Peace and Social Justice
Ministry.  For more information visit

A Vocation View

Jesus gives the most honest job description: Whoever wishes to be my
follower must deny self, take up the cross each day, and follow in my

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