Mary's Corner

Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
426 N. West Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-2171
Parish Office: 630/279-5700
Fax: 630/279-4667

Mary's Corner
Greetings, Friends!

Yesterday, waking up in a hotel in Tennessee, I turned on the morning news to hear the announcement that John Kerry had selected John Edwards as his vice-presidential candidate. In the commentary that followed, questions were asked about whether a presidential candidate should choose someone more different from himself to be his vice-presidential running mate. This kind of political strategy, some thought, could perhaps persuade a broader base of citizens to vote for the candidate. Then one political advisor proceeded to quote a former president who had offered a different perspective. The president had answered the question this way: If I were to die, this is the one who would take my place. That, he said, was the most important consideration when choosing a vice president.

This morning, waking up again in Tennessee (this time not in a hotel but in the lovely home of a friend), I wondered if Jesus would choose me - or any of us - as his vice-presidential candidate. It is a silly question in many respects. Jesus would never run for president of the United States. He never sought out worldly power or authority. Anyway, if he did run, he would never have a chance of winning. He would never fit into a capitalist or materialistic society, and his thinking on social issues would be far too radical for most voters.

But the idea of whether Jesus would choose me - or you - to take his place if he died is not silly at all. He already made that decision. My early morning reverie made me think that we all need to consider this more seriously sometimes. Words of scripture reverberated within me, It is not you who chose me, but I who chose you. These are words that we can take for granted sometimes. But yesterday's news commentary caused me to reflect more seriously on Jesus' words in light of our political situation. A presidential candidate chooses someone who will care for people in the way that he (or maybe someday she) would do, living out the values and ideals held most dearly by the president. Jesus calls us to take his place in the world, living out in our words and actions the Gospel message of God's love, even in the midst of our lives as United States citizens.

As Catholics, our belief in the sacredness and dignity of human life should inform all we do, including voting for political candidates in the upcoming election. For some whose position has attracted the most news attention in recent months, this means that we should vote only for candidates who strongly oppose abortion. Others struggle with the idea that certain candidates who are pro-life with regard to abortion seem to have contradictory views when it comes to other issues concerning human life, such as war or capital punishment. This is good - the struggle, I mean. Far better that we struggle with some of these things than to abandon our important role as Catholics citizens of our country, which includes the responsibility to vote and take an active part in the political life of our country.

Every year since 1976, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has issued a statement on the responsibilities of Catholics to society. A few months ago, the document, Faithful Citizenship: A Catholic Call to Political Responsibility, was issued by the USCCB. The purpose of the statement, as stated in the document, is to communicate the Church's teaching that every Catholic is called to an active and faith-filled citizenship, based upon a properly informed conscience, in which each disciple of Christ publicly witnesses to the Church's commitment to human life and dignity with special preference for the poor and the vulnerable. A renewed commitment to faithful citizenship, say the bishops, can help to heal the wounds of our nation, world, and Church.

The document, which can be viewed on the USCCB website, is worth reviewing in its entirety. For now, here I will directly quote some of its key points:

* Faithful citizenship calls Catholics to see civic and political responsibilities through the eyes of faith and to bring our moral convictions to public life. People of good will and sound faith can disagree about specific applications of Catholic principles. However, Catholics in public life have a particular responsibility to bring together consistently their faith, moral principles, and public responsibilities.

* Politics in this election year and beyond should be about an old idea with new power--the common good. The central question should not be, "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" It should be, "How can 'we'--all of us, especially the weak and vulnerable--be better off in the years ahead? How can we protect and promote human life and dignity? How can we pursue greater justice and peace?"

In the coming months, I want to provide opportunities for us, as a community of faith, to spend more time together learning and reflecting on themes of Catholic social teaching which should inform our lives as Catholic citizens of the United States, especially in this election year. For now, I encourage everyone to become informed about the candidates and the issues. It would be good for all of us, too, to reflect more seriously on our participation in the political life of our country. While we may never be chosen as a vice-presidential running mate, it would be good for us to consider more seriously how Jesus has already called us to take his place in the world. In the days to come, let us consider this call more seriously in all aspects of our lives, even as we prepare to vote in the fall elections.

Enjoying vacation but looking forward to being with you again, even as we prepare to vote in the fall elections.

Mary Michele (Regina) Foley

We welcome into the Mary Queen of Heaven Parish Family the following who
were baptized in June:

Teah Mei Rogers
Joseph George Del Rio
Rebecca Therese Kevil

The Worship Commission respectfully requests that parishioners remember
their parish with financial support even though they may be away on

Summer Parish Prayer Service

7:00 p.m. in the Church

Thursday, July 15
Wednesday, July 21
Monday, July 26

Please join the Pastoral Life Coordinator 
for prayer, reflection, and fellowship 
together this summer.

Each evening prayer service will be held in Church from 7-7:30 p.m. 
This will be followed by fellowship and conversation in Barrett Hall,
with the evening concluding around 8:15 p.m.

A Parish Contest!

Attention all artists young and old!  We are looking for a parish logo
that can be used for business cards and other printed materials,
something that can come to be recognized as symbolizing Mary Queen of
Heaven Parish.  You are invited to submit line drawings (that would be
useful even in small dimension) for consideration as our parish logo.  We
have some business card examples that can be viewed at the rectory. 
Examples of drawings could be: a representation of the Mary statue that
stands in Mary's Gathering Space, or the outline of our church building. 
Other creative ideas are also welcome.  

There will be two categories for this contest - an adult category (the
winner of which will probably be used for parish stationery) and a child
category (this winning drawing will be incorporated into our Religious
Education materials).  Contest deadline is August 1.  

Winning entries will be awarded a prize, and we will publish as many
entries as we can in the parish bulletin.  So, get those pens and pencils
and creative juices going!  Please send your contest entries to the

Catechists Needed

The summer of 2004 is now in full swing.  However, before we know it
those back to school ads will be splashed all over the newspapers. 
Before that happens, please consider being a catechist for 2004/2005 RE

Come September, we will need catechists at the 1st grade levels in the
afternoon session and at the 6th grade level in the evening.  Please
consider giving a few hours of your time each Wednesday.  If you enjoy
working with younger children or middle school children, or know someone
who might be, let us know.  Remember you don't have to be a theologian,
just someone who loves children, loves your faith and wants to share it. 
We will help you with the rest.  The pay is not terrific, in fact it's
non existent, but the perks are incredible.

If you have not done the following, please:

1. Register for the 2004/2005 RE year.
2. Tell your friends and neighbors to do the same.
3. Volunteer to be a catechist.
4. If you are a catechist already, recruit one of your   friends or
   neighbors to join you.

If you have questions or need more information, please call Mary Ann
Woods at the REO, 832-8962.

Prayer  Requests

To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our parish family.  We
hope that you will pray for these persons every day, alone or as a
family.  Thank you.

 Pam Bondfide       Heather Brennan
 John Brennan       Kathleen Bryers
 Kathy Calzante     Carolyn Foley
 Jen Huwalt         Tom Huwalt
 Pat Holmes         Michelle Humann
 Maureen James      Tom Janicke 
 Kenneth Kabat      Irene Kmieciak  
 Tom Kwiatkowski    Dick Martin  
 Bobbie Nannini     Michaelene Parrilli
 Dan Scanlon        Therese Shaheen
 Mary Alice Sapien 

If you or a family member would like to be included in our prayers,
please call the rectory at 279-5700.  Also, please let us know when a
name should be removed.

Rest In Peace 

Gerald Driscoll
Maria Tremmel
Mary Alice Wolflick

Theology on Tap!

The Northeast DuPage Young Adult Ministry and Immaculate Conception
Parish in Elmhurst will be hosting a special program for adults in their
20's and 30's. It's called THEOLOGY ON TAP, a four-week speaker and
discussion series directed to the needs and experiences of adults,
college age and older, married or single.  Please join other adults for a
great experience. 

July 11th 
Connect with Others:  The Secret for Happiness
Frank Giangrego

July 18th 
From Willow Creek to Catholic
Steve Smith

July 25th 
The Songs We Sing:  Music in Our Prayer
Annie Waugh and Kevin O'Donnell

August 1st 
Joy in the Journey:  Finding God in Our Lives
Nancy McKnight

Each session starts with socializing and gathering at 6:15 p.m. and the
speaker at 6:30 p.m.  The evenings will be held at the Immaculate
Conception Parish Administration Center, 134 Arthur Street in Elmhurst. 
Please call Kristin Kramer at 630-530-3482 for more information.

Church of the Holy Ghost
Council of Catholic Women

Stage Right Productions and Church of the Holy Ghost Council of Catholic
Women present Joe DiPietro's comic drama Over the River and Through the
Woods.  This play centers on a tight knit Italian-American family - a
funny and heartbreaking story that will make you laugh and cry.  
Place: Wood Dale Junior High School
  Center for Performing Arts
  655 N. Wood Dale Road, Wood Dale
Dates:  August 12 through August 22
  Thursday, Friday & Saturday-8:00 p.m.
  Sunday.-.2:00 p.m.
Tickets:  $15.00

For more information, call 630-455-1599.

Part Time Van Driver Wanted

Driscoll High School is looking for part time van drivers for mornings,
from 5:45-7:45 or for afternoons from 2:40-4:30, Monday thru Friday, from
mid-August thru early June.  We would provide a 15 passenger van.  The
job pays $3,300 for one way trips: and  $6,800 for both am and pm runs.  

Please contact:  Mr. David Salois at Driscoll Catholic High School at
630-543-6310, ext. 30.

Power Wheelchairs Available

Wheels For Seniors makes available power (electric) wheelchairs to
senior citizens and permanently disabled of any age people, usually at no
out of-pocket expense if they qualify. No deposit is required.

The electric wheelchairs are provided to those who cannot walk and
cannot self-propel a manual wheelchair in their home and who meet the
additional qualifications of the program.  We can deliver any durable
medical equipment in any city all over the United States.

Call 1-800-340-8525 or visit our website for more
information on the details of this program.

2004 Diocesan Annual Appeal

Diocese of Joliet
Seeds of Hope

This is just a reminder to send your Appeal coupon with payment to the
Diocesan Appeal Office by the 15th of each month.  Thank you.

All pledge cards should be returned to the parish for forwarding to the
diocese.  By doing this, all pledges will be recorded and everyone will
receive proper acknowledgement.

50th Wedding Anniversary Mass

The Diocese of Joliet will hold its twenty-sixth Wedding Anniversary
Mass on Sunday, August 29, 2004 at 3:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of St.
Raymond in Joliet.  If you were married in 1954 and are celebrating your
50th anniversary this year, please contact the rectory so that we may
submit your name to the Diocese for a formal invitation.

Sacred Heart Parish
37th Annual German Fest

Sacred Heart Parish is having their 37th Annual German Fest on July
22-25, 2004 at 114 S. Elizabeth in Lombard.  There will be Rides,
Entertainment, Casino Gambling, Bingo, Free Kids Bingo, Food Games and
fun for All.  A grand Prize drawing for $10,000.00 along with many other
prizes will be raffled.  All ride wrist bands are available Thursday 6
p.m.-10 p.m., Saturday 1 p.m.-5 p.m. and Sunday 1 p.m.-5 p.m.  Check out
our web site for more details.

Are you widowed?
Do you know someone who is widowed?

If you have been recently widowed and are still struggling with the
loss, or if you have been widowed for some time and need something to get
you over the hump because you seem stuck in one spot, this program is
designed to help you move on with your life while treasuring your past
and its precious memories.

This weekend program will be held at Immaculate Conception Parish in
Elmhurst.  All are invited.  The Joyful Again! Retreat is for both men
and women (all ages) who have been widowed and are still trying to find
hope and joy in their lives.
When: July 17 & 18
Where:  Immaculate Conception Parish, Elmhurst
Donation: $75 includes meals  (Adjusted if needed)
Register by calling 708-354-7211.

Reporting Sexual Abuse

Anyone who has reasonable cause to suspect the sexual abuse of a minor
by a member of the clergy or other Church personnel is urged to report
the matter immediately.  To inform the Diocese of Joliet, call Sr. Mary
Frances Seeley, OSF (Victim Assistance Coordinator) at 1-815-263-6467 or
write the Diocese of Joliet, 524 Summit Street, Joliet 60435.  

Contact DCFS at 1-800-252-2873 or call the office of the local County
States Attorney.

Feed the Poor
Drop Off Used Printer Cartridges

Mary Queen of Heaven Men's Group continues to collect empty inkjet and
toner cartridges to help the poor in Latin America and the Caribbean. 
With the non-profit organization, Food for the Poor, empty cartridges are
recycled, and cash received is used to buy food.  

Please look for the special Food for the Poor box in the vestibule of
church.  For more information call Russ DiOrio at 630-617-8844.

'A Pilgrimage of Peace to the Holy Land.'

November 29 - December 10, 2004

This past May, Pope John Paul II encouraged pilgrimages of peace to
the Holy Land to express solidarity with the local Christian community. 
In his address to the general assembly of the Italian bishops'
conference, the Pope applauded the initiative adopted last year by
Italian dioceses to promote pilgrimages of peace to the Holy Land. 
These pilgrimages are a sign of solidarity, a witness to peace, and an
opportunity for economic support of the beleaguered Palestinian Christian

Many of you have visited personally those places, taking numerous
pilgrims with you.  It is also a strong sign of closeness and solidarity
for the Christian communities that live there and that are in great need
of your help.  The Holy Father said.

Co-sponsored by Catholic Relief Services and the Joliet Diocese Peace
and Social Justice Ministry along with Koinonia Retreats, this pilgrimage
responds to the Pope's call and the example of the Italian bishops to
find solidarity with the people of the Holy Land.  Our pilgrimage will
include visits to the Holy Places, the Ancient Stones, important to the
People of God.  We will walk where Jesus walked.  But we will also take
time to visit God's Holy People, the Living Stones, the Palestinian
Christians who live in Israel.  We will walk in solidarity with the
descendants of the people with whom Jesus walked.

Each day will be steeped in scripture reflections, prayer times, and
liturgy.  We will also have an opportunity to hear from the oppressed of
the land, to witness efforts to bring justice and peace through
development and empowerment, to learn from peacemakers and Middle-east
issue experts.  This will not be a tourist trip, but a pilgrimage.  It
will be a pilgrimage of prayer, solidarity, and the quest for peace.
Please contact Deacon Tom Goebel at 630-530-8515 for complete

Catholic Charities Emergency Services

Every year in December, the DuPage County Catholic Charities office
receives donations from the DuPage parishes to purchase food certificates
and gift certificates from the local grocery stores.  These certificates
are given to needy families who come to our office for assistance and to
supplement the food they receive from local food pantries and walk-in
ministries.  Each month our Emergency Services group receives hundreds of
requests for varying assistance.  Due to stronger than usual demand, our
supply of food gift certificates is running extremely low.

If you are able to help our Catholic Charities Emergency Services group
with a cash donation or grocery gift certificate, we thank you profusely.
Please make any checks payable to Catholic Charities and in the memo
section of your check please write North Area food/gift certificate
purchase.  The mailing address is:  Catholic Charities, c/o Annie Laven,
26 W. St. Charles Road, Lombard, IL 60148.  If you have any questions,
please contact Anne Laven at 630-495-8008.

Intercession for Life

That like the Good Samaritan,
We might see to serve the weakest
and most forgotten,
And preserve the life of those 
threatened by violence or selfishness.
Deacon Applications

The Diocese of Joliet is accepting applications for its permanent deacon
program class of 2009.  They will continue to accept these applications
through October 2004.  If you are interested, please contact Mary Foley
at the Mary Queen of Heaven office.

Praise Jesus Fest
Saturday, July 24

A free outdoor Christian Concert will be held on the prairie path near
Park & Ardmore Avenue in Villa Park, from 2:00 to 8:00 p.m.  It is meant
both as an outreach to those who don't know the Lord Jesus personally and
as an enjoyable time of music & praise to those who do.  Please  pray
that God will use this event any way He chooses.

If you have any questions, please call Paul Ellingsen at 935-0765 or
e-mail paul@PBforJ.jcom.  You may check our website at

Local Service & Solidarity Opportunity

Catholic Construction Corps

The CCC will be assisting needy homeowners in the repair and rebuilding
of homes in Pembroke Township, one of the most impoverished areas of the
United States in the Joliet Diocese.  Skilled and unskilled volunteers
are needed.  Scheduled workdays are: Aug. 7, Sept. 4, Oct. 2, Nov. 6.
Some weekday opportunities may be available.  

Please contact Art Sheridan or Margie Parks at 815-834-4028.  The CCC is
sponsored by the Joliet Diocese Peace and Social Justice Ministry.

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