Mary's Corner

Mary Queen of Heaven Catholic Church
426 N. West Avenue
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126-2171
Parish Office: 630/279-5700
Fax: 630/279-4667

Mary's Page

To my dear parishioners,

It has now been four months since my appointment to Mary Queen of Heaven as Pastoral Life Coordinator. This has been a time of much change. For me, this has involved many things, especially getting to know a new parish family and a new diocese, a process that continues. For the parish, I know there has also been much change, not only with a new pastoral leader but also with a whole new model for ministry. I am very grateful for all of those who have been supportive of this new model and who have been helpful to me in so many ways, from assisting me in getting to know the history of the parish to helping me move into my new home. I am also grateful for those who have been honest with me in sharing how this change has been difficult for them.

During last week's evening prayer service, we had some sharing about what it means to be a welcoming community. Everyone knows that if there were awards for providing a sense of welcome at our church doors, Mary Queen would surely capture the prize! However, as parishioner Mary Ann Reed reflected on what makes Mary Queen a welcoming parish, she talked about how she felt welcome to be completely herself here. Her words made me think about how important it is that we try to create that sense of community for everyone, so that all can feel welcome to be their truest and fullest selves. In this kind of community, people tell the truth, they share their joys and sorrows, and they help each other become who it is that God is calling them to be, individually and as a community of faith.

There are a lot of catch-phrases about change, and things said about change bringing forth new life and growth. These things can sound too simplistic when one really experiences the process of change in life. Change can be difficult at times. But it can also bring new life and growth. In these days when there is much change taking place in our community, I would like to offer to you two things that have been helpful in my own life. They are inscriptions written on two holy cards I carry, which were gifts from Spain given to me by a Carmelite priest who was my former spiritual director. He had to move out of state last year to accept a new leadership position for his community, but I still carry these holy cards with me daily. One contains the words of St. Teresa of Avila. In summary, she said to let nothing disturb you or frighten you. God never changes and the one who has God lacks nothing. The other quotation is from St. John of the Cross. The inscription is written, A la tarde te examinaran en el amor. The translation in English is, When evening comes, you will be examined in love.

I hope that we will always be a community where people will tell the truth and welcome each other to be themselves, so that you and I can help each other to become who it is we are called to be, the people of God here at Mary Queen of Heaven. Perhaps, one day, we will become known for our new model of ministry. How much greater, though, would it be for the glory of God to be known as people of integrity who, in forming a community of love and welcome, brought much new life to the world.

In this week's bulletin, you will find news about three new ministries beginning: Peace and Justice Ministry, an Adult Ed and Spirituality Committee and a Health Committee. Thanks to those who have come forward to begin these new good works of Christian service. There will also be a Day of Reflection and training for new and present Eucharistic Ministers which will take place on Saturday, August 14, from 9 - noon in the church. If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister, please let me know.

Finally, I mentioned at the beginning of my article that I have moved into a new home. Someday, I may live in parish-owned housing but for now, I am being provided with a housing allowance so that I can live in the parish. My thanks to parishioner Marie McCall who helped me to secure a rental home in the neighborhood and to the 20 parishioners who gave of themselves and their time in cleaning and painting the house to get it ready for me. I remain grateful for the generosity of the people of Mary Queen of Heaven which is expressed in countless ways.

The Worship Commission respectfully requests that parishioners remember their parish with financial support even though they may be away on vacation

Mary Michele (Regina) Foley

Theology on Tap!

Sundays at I. C., Elmhurst

The Northeast DuPage Young Adult Ministry and Immaculate Conception
Parish in Elmhurst will be hosting a special program for adults in their
20's and 30's. It's called THEOLOGY ON TAP, a four-week speaker and
discussion series directed to the needs and experiences of adults,
college age and older, married or single.  Please join other adults for a
great experience. 

August 1st 
Joy in the Journey:  Finding God in Our Lives
Nancy McKnight

Each session starts with socializing and gathering at 6:15 p.m. and the
speaker at 6:30 p.m.  The evenings will be held at the Immaculate
Conception Parish Administration Center, 134 Arthur Street in Elmhurst. 
Please call Kristin Kramer at 630-530-3482 for more information.

Volunteer Tutors Needed

Join the Sisters of St. Joseph of LaGrange in their literacy/ESL
program, School on Wheels. Volunteer tutors are needed to teach adults
one hour/week at Berwyn, Hodgkins, Summit, Villa Park, Westmont, or
Woodridge, weekday mornings, some late afternoons and/or evenings.

Training will be provided on August 23, 24, 25, and 26th from 9:00 a.m.
until 2:00 p.m., at the Motherhouse/Ministry Center in LaGrange Park. 
You must attend one 2-day training session.  No prior second language
skills are required.  For more information, call  708-354-9200: Sr.
Marybeth at ext. 5060, Jeanie Jadran at ext. 5085, or Barbara Bernhard at
ext. 5037 .

Parishioner Assistance

An older parishioner would like a ride to and from 5:00 p.m. Mass on
Saturdays.  If you are interested in helping, please contact Mary Foley
at the rectory.

2004 Man of the Year

From the 11 men nominated by 43 parishioners, the Men's Group Awards
Committee has selected 4 candidates:  Joel Bernstein, Tom Gusloff, Jim
Japczyk, and Scott Vicary.  The men of the parish will vote for the 2004
Man of the Year at the Men's Group meeting on August 12 at 8:30 p.m. at
the Arena (630 W Lake), and at the Masses on August 14/15.  The 2004 Man
of the Year will be announced at the Parish Picnic on September 12. 
Contact Jim Bonfiglio at 782-0897 for more information.

Witnessing for future Catholics

At a time when children are being confronted with conflicting values,
God may be calling you to walk the faith journey with them.  As
catechists face job changes, change their ministry, or just take a rest
from teaching on Wednesday afternoons or evenings, we need you to
seriously consider the ministry of catechesis.  We need you to talk the
talk and walk the walk of faith with the children of the parish.  Listed
below are the teaching slots that still need to be filled.  (Some you
will note are new; our lives are always in flux, as is evident from the
list below.).

Wednesday, 3:15 P.M.- 4:30 P.M.
Grade Four - two catechists

Wednesday, 7:00 P.M. -8:15 P.M.
Grade Six - three catechists

If you feel God tugging at your sleeve or maybe just one of your
neighbors, please contact us at the REO, 832-8962 or

Have you registered yet?

Just a reminder, registrations are still being accepted at all grade
levels with the exception of Kindergarten.  This class if filled.  Pass
the word to your friends and neighbors.  Classes begin September 8th.

Please call Mary Ann Woods at the REO, 832-8962 for more information.

Wedding Nostalgia

Mary Queen of Heaven Council of Catholic Women is planning a Wedding
Nostalgia Fashion Show and Luncheon on Sunday, September 26, in Barrett
Hall.  We are looking for wedding dresses dating back as far as the early

Perhaps you have your own wedding dress, or a wedding dress worn by your
great-grandmother, great-aunt, grandmother, aunt, mother or another
relative or friend that could be worn in this fashion show.  We also need
parishioners to model the dresses in the fashion show.  Please call
Sheila Reiter (833-6657), Phylis Twardowski (279-6239), Diane Bernstein
(279-7252), or Mary White (833-9809) if you have a dress we could borrow,
if you would be willing to model a dress, or if you can help in any other
way with the show.

Be sure and mark Sunday, September 26, on your calendar and spend a
nostalgic afternoon with your friends enjoying a delicious luncheon, the
beautiful dresses and models.  Watch for more information in future

A Parish Contest!

Attention all artists young and old!  We are looking for a parish logo
that can be used for business cards and other printed materials,
something that can come to be recognized as symbolizing Mary Queen of
Heaven Parish.  You are invited to submit line drawings (that would be
useful even in small dimension) for consideration as our parish logo.  We
have some business card examples that can be viewed at the rectory. 
Examples of drawings could be: a representation of the Mary statue that
stands in Mary's Gathering Space, or the outline of our church building. 
Other creative ideas are also welcome.  

There will be two categories for this contest - an adult category (the
winner of which will probably be used for parish stationery) and a child
category (this winning drawing will be incorporated into our Religious
Education materials).  Contest deadline is this Sunday, August 1.  

Winning entries will be awarded a prize, and we will publish as many
entries as we can in the parish bulletin.  So, get those pens and pencils
and creative juices going!  Please send your contest entries to the
parish today.

Parish Library

The Buildings and Grounds Committee is excited to announce the formation
of a Parish Library.  We are looking for any parishioners that are
interested in being part of or heading up this group.  We will be having
a meeting on Thursday, August 12,  at 7 p.m. in Mary's Gathering space. 
Please leave a message at the rectory if you are interested (even if you
can't be at the August 12th meeting).  

We are also asking for book donations.  Any Religious or Spiritual books
you may want to donate would be appreciated.  If you have any donations, 
please also leave a message at the rectory office.

Parish Ministry Fair

We will once again be having a Ministry Fair to share with the parish
all that is going on and being offered here at Mary Queen of Heaven. 
Please mark your calendar for September 18 & 19.  All commissions will be
contacted by Cybele Japczyk with further information on reserving a
table.  Please mark your calendars and plan on attending.

Prayer  Requests

To pray for our sick is an important privilege of our parish family.  We
hope that you will pray for these persons every day, alone or as a
family.  Thank you.

 Pam Bondfide             Heather Brennan
 John Brennan             Kathleen Bryers
 Kathy Calzante           Joe Colletti
 Rosemarie Colletti       Jen Huwalt 
 Tom Huwalt               Pat Holmes     
 Michelle Humann          Maureen James   
 Tom Janicke              Irene Kmieciak 
 Tom Kwiatkowski          Nancy Maloney 
 Dick Martin              Bobbie Nannini 
 Michaelene Parrilli      Faith Maxine Reid
 Dan Scanlon              Therese Shaheen

If you or a family member would like to be included in our prayers,
please call the rectory at 279-5700.  Also, please let us know when a
name should be removed.

Summer Parish Prayer Services

7:00 p.m. in the Church

Wednesdays, August 11 & 18

Please join the Pastoral Life Coordinator 
for prayer, reflection, and fellowship 
together this summer.

Each evening prayer service will be held in Church from 7-7:30 p.m. 
This will be followed by fellowship and conversation in Barrett Hall,
with the evening concluding around 8:15 p.m.

Parish Picnic - September 12

Mark your calendars today!  MQH will be holding our annual picnic on
Sunday, September 12.  Entertainment and activities include a band, moon
jump, tug-o-war, volleyball, popcorn, cotton candy, bingo and more.  A
large tent will again be provided, so come rain or shine.  For
information or to volunteer to run an activity, contact Steve Rhea at
833-2592 or Mike Funk at 359-4051.

Wilder Park's 3rd annual 
Art & Craft Show
August 7 & 8

Saturday, August 7, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday, August 8, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Cottage Hill & Church Street, 
in Elmhurst.

For information, call 630-739-1071.

A Spiritual Journey To
Northern Italy, Assisi, and Rome

February 27 to March 10, 2005

Led by Fr. Doug Hauber
Pastor of St. Peter the Apostle Parish, Itasca

Returning just before Easter

The price of $2,549 (based on 30 passengers) includes round trip air
from Chicago, first-class guides, hotels and motorcoach throughout,
entrance to any sites requiring a fee, and two meals daily.  Please join
us for the experience of a lifetime!  

For your free brochure, call Fr. Doug Hauber at 630-773-1272, x208, or

Back to School Fair

Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet, is once again coordinating the
13th Annual Back to School Fair on August 10 from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
at the DuPage County Fairgrounds in Wheaton.   

Approximately one hundred agencies will provide a variety of information
and free health services for children ages newborn to 18 years.  The
health services include immunizations, dental and lead screenings.  A
limited number of physical exams (grades K, 5, & 9) will be available at
the Fair.  Participants should call Elmhurst Hospital at 630-782-7878 to
schedule an appointment.  

Parents will also find information regarding financial assistance, child
care options, affordable housing, legal needs, educational and career
opportunities, voter registration, nutrition, social security, car seat
and booster seat safety, D.A.R.E. cars, bicycle helmets, clowns and much
more!  A $10 voucher for the exclusive purchase of school supplies will
be distributed to each eligible student in the family.  Interpreters will
be available, and it is required that a parent or guardian accompany the

Please bring proof of income and residency, identification for each
child, and any health information that may relate to the health services
that are being sought.  

For more information about the Back to School Fair, call Mary S. Tarnow,
Catholic Charities, at 630-495-8008.

Picture Directories
Yes, they are finally ready!

Anyone who had a photo taken and put in the directory, will receive a
complimentary copy.  We also have a limited number of additional copies
available for $5.00 each.  The Directories are available for pick up in
Mary's Space after Masses this weekend, July 31/August 1.  If you have
any questions, call Donna Glick at 833-5725.

Vocation Views

Another sign of Vocation 
is that your heart is more intent 
on things of heaven rather than on things of earth.
God is everything: the only thing.


The first meeting of our new Adult Education and Spirituality Committee
will be on Thursday, August 12 at 7 pm in the rectory.

You are invited to join us for an informational session and presentation
as we begin to develop the Peace and Justice Ministry of Mary Queen of
Heaven.  This meeting will take place on Tuesday, August 17 from 7 - 9:30
pm in Barrett Hall.

The first meeting of our new Health Committee, to which all are invited,
will take place on Thursday, August 19 at 7 pm in the rectory.

These meetings are open to all interested parishioners.  Please contact
Mary Foley at the rectory if you have any questions or if you are
interested in one of these ministries but are unable to attend the first

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