Peace and Justice Activities
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Mary Queen of Heaven
Catholic Church
Father Jason Stone - Pastor
Parish Office Phone: 630-279-5700
Parish Office Email:
Religious Education Phone: 630-832-8962
Preschool Phone: 630-833-9500
426 N West Avenue,
Elmhurst IL 60126
Ministry Name
Peace and Justice
Our Committee Promotes These and
other Activities
1.Bread For The World (Offering of
2.STEP Walk
3.Speakers and films on relevant topics:
        Fr. Thomas Nairn, O.F.M. spoke
on "Created in the Image of God: The
Dignity of the Human Person
        Sr. Joan McGuire, OP spoke on
"Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs
        Monsignor Stuart W. Swetland,
S.T.D. addressed the question "Is the
Catholic Church Conservative or Liberal?
Overcoming the Great Divide" (5-18-06)
        Fr. Richard Fragomeni conducted
a 3-day Parish Mission on the theme
"Does My Life Make a Difference" (Feb.
3-4, 2007)
        Bishop Thomas Gumbleton spoke
on "Peacemaking: In the World and With
Each Other" (4-3-07)
        An Inconvenient Truth (film and
discussion) (4-19-07)
    Diocesan Catholic Construction Corps
trips to:
        Sucre, Bolivia
        Katrina Recovery
        Navajo Reservation (AZ)
    Diocesan contact person: Tom
Garlitz at (815) 834-4028
    Our committee has expanded to
include members from Mary Queen of
Heaven and Immaculate Conception
parishes. Together we sponsored:
        Good Friday Walk (2007) Contact
person: Deacon Tom Goebel at (630)
    Drug collection:
    Bill Moyer's video segments
        Limits of Power: Bill Moyers sits
down with history and international
relations expert and former US Army
Colonel Andrew J. Bacevich who
identifies three major problems facing
our democracy: the crises of economy,
government and militarism, and calls for
a redefinition of the American way of
        Big Money and Politics:  MOTHER
JONES journalists David Corn and Kevin
Drum offer a hard look at the obstacles
to real reform of the financial industry.
        Greg Mortenson: Author and
humanitarian Greg Mortenson, whose
best-selling books THREE CUPS OF TEA
and STONES INTO SCHOOLS argue that
education is the best way to peace in
Afghanistan and across the Islamic