Peace and Justice Governance
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Ministry Name
Peace and Justice
Mission Statement (adopted 7-14-
The mission of the Peace and Justice
Committee of Mary Queen of Heaven
Parish shall be to educate the parish
family regarding Catholic Social
Teaching, and to encourage and
support appropriate actions in keeping
with those teachings.
Frame Work
The members of the Mary Queen of
Heaven Parish Peace and Social
Justice Ministry are committed to:

• Being nonpartisan.
• Being focused on the education of
our committee members regarding
Catholic Social Justice Teaching.
• Being focused on the education of
all of the members of our parish
regarding Catholic Social Justice
• Prioritizing a few significant issues
to address well rather than scattering
their energies among a large number
of issues poorly.
• Recognizing and respecting the
freedom and importance of individual
parishioners to address and advocate
peace and social justice issues on
their own time
The Seven
Catholic Social
"Catholic teaching calls us to serve
those in need and to change the
structures that deny people their
dignity and rights as children of God.
Service and action, charity and
justice are complimentary components
of parish social ministry." -
Communities of Salt and Light (U.S.
Catholic Bishops)

1. Life and dignity of the human
2. Call to family, community, and
3. Rights and responsibilities
4. Option for the poor and
5. The dignity of work and the
rights of workers
6. Solidarity
7. Care for God's creation
Mary Queen of Heaven
Catholic Church
Father Jason Stone - Pastor
Parish Office Phone: 630-279-5700
Parish Office Email:
Religious Education Phone: 630-832-8962
Preschool Phone: 630-833-9500
426 N West Avenue,
Elmhurst IL 60126